Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 23 Where is your brain?


Chang Guchuan shouted. Everyone knew that whether he was hit by those weapons or overturned by a tyrant, Li Yichen would be in huge trouble. Once he lost the power of the armored vehicle and was surrounded by more than a dozen tyrants, he would There was no chance of escaping, especially with dozens of lickers watching...


After hitting the Tyrant, the Licker on the windshield was blown away. Li Yichen also saw his situation. The front wheel had been lifted off the ground by the Tyrant, and those steel pipes, hammers, and maces were about to hit the car. When it hit the top, the rear wheels of the armored vehicle turned wildly and fell backwards at an extremely fast speed...


Although it was relatively timely, the armored vehicle was still hit hard. The huge sound and vibration made Li Yichen feel dizzy. He shook his head, stepped on the accelerator hard, drove directly onto the cement slab, and bypassed the trap. He defeated those tyrants and continued to rush towards Guitong's position.

"Damn it! Do they really dare to go up there?"

Looking at the reflector, Li Yichen discovered that after he changed direction, those Tyrants and Lickers actually rushed onto the concrete slab and followed him through the trap. However, it was a pity that more than a dozen Tyrants and those The Licker did not cause the trap to collapse...

"Fuck! What a loss! But since you dare to come up, then maybe... I have a way!"

Looking at the tyrants chasing after his car, Li Yichen's eyes lit up. In fact, after being stopped by the tyrants just now, his heart had already sunk, because there were only a dozen tyrants who blocked his armored vehicle. If he hadn't reacted quickly and reversed the car immediately, he might have been smashed into pieces.

There are twenty or thirty tyrants around Guitong. He wants to find Guitong under their protection and kill him. Li Yichen himself feels that there is little hope, unless Guitong is suddenly possessed by the Bushido spirit and is willing to challenge him in a duel. Not bad.

But seeing what happened next, Li Yichen suddenly felt that he could use this to trap and kill the ghost pupil. No matter how high the odds were, this was the only way he could think of at the moment.

The strength and defense of the tyrant were extremely powerful, but the speed was far behind and he was completely unable to catch up with the armored vehicle. However, seeing Li Yichen rushing towards him, the tyrants around Guitong also began to take positions, preparing to intercept him, even half of them The tyrant was still moving to both sides, not knowing what to do.

Li Yichen didn't think about it. His targets were only the tyrants in front of him. Although he hadn't seen the ghost pupil yet, he was basically sure that the ghost pupil was among the ten tyrants at the end who had not moved!


Similar to the situation just now, Li Yichen's armored vehicle was once again blocked by several tyrants, and the vehicle was lifted up with force. However, this time, Li Yichen did not reverse the vehicle to escape like last time. Instead, he stepped on the accelerator tightly and wanted to continue forward.


With the front of the car raised, this behavior was simply helping the tyrants, so Li Yichen's armored vehicle was directly overturned by several tyrants, and the roof of the car swayed up and down after contacting the ground.


Several more tyrants rushed up, swung their weapons and smashed the armored vehicle upside down. This time they wanted to hit the chassis of the vehicle. Once they hit it hard, the entire vehicle would be destroyed, and Li Yichen would be crushed by the body. Meat puree.


Wan Shan, who was on the high platform, slammed the telescope in his hand to the ground, turned around in a circle, raised his hand and pointed in the direction of Li Yichen and cursed:

"Didn't you say you can't fight head-on? Where's your brain? Are you going to behead someone or..."

At this point, he suddenly couldn't talk anymore. He grabbed Chang Guchuan's telescope and looked over there again. Chang Guchuan looked at Wanshan with a confused look on his face. He bent down to pick up the telescope he had dropped and found that it was still there. There was only one tube left, so I quickly brought it to my eyes and continued reading.

The armored vehicle had been turned into a ball of scrap metal by the joint attack of several tyrants, and even two wheels flew off. No matter how you looked at it, there was no chance of Li Yichen in the vehicle surviving.

After Wan Shan saw this situation, he stopped scolding him. He lowered his arms feebly and stared blankly ahead...

"Where is it! Brother Yi is not dead!"

At this moment, Chang Guchuan suddenly pointed forward and shouted excitedly. Wan Shan quickly picked up the telescope and looked in that direction.

Of course Li Yichen was still alive. The moment the armored vehicle overturned, he opened the door and rushed out. He rose into the air and rushed towards a tyrant who was swinging a weapon to smash the vehicle.

When approaching the tyrant, Li Yichen hooked the tyrant's shoulder with his left hand, pulled out the spur from his boot with his right hand, and stabbed the tyrant's right eye fiercely. The tyrant with his arms raised had no time to react, and the spur penetrated the tyrant's eye. It penetrated the skull and drained all the strength from its body in an instant.

The next moment, the tyrant's body disappeared together with its weapons, and was recycled to the garbage classification system by Li Yichen. This was also the moment when Wan Shan dropped his own telescope and snatched Chang Guchuan's telescope, so none of them could did not see.

After feeling the tyrant, Li Yichen did not stop and rushed directly to the cement slab on the side. A dozen lickers immediately rushed out of the group of corpses and chased Li Yichen. Several tyrants also carried weapons and strode towards Li Yichen. .


Feeling the sound of wind behind him, Li Yichen quickly turned around. As he waved his arms, the head of a licker that was about to rush behind him was sliced ​​open by Tianya's sharp bow arm. However, this time Li Yichen did not have time to recover the body because of such a pause. , other lickers have also pounced on it.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

Holding Tianya in his right hand and military thorns on his left and right, Li Yichen fought with these dozen lickers with great flexibility. Although his body would be caught a few times by lickers from time to time, the number of lickers was also limited. is decreasing sharply.


Wan Shan, who was watching the battle through binoculars, felt his heart sink completely. Although it seemed that Li Yichen had the upper hand now, and he had almost killed all the dozen lickers, let alone those standing beside him. Those tyrants, the few wounds on his body were enough to kill Li Yichen.

Chang Guchuan also put down the telescope, and turned his head stiffly to look at Wan Shan. Wan Shan glanced at him, said nothing, sighed and nodded.

Chang Guchuan gritted his teeth, raised the telescope again, and looked at Li Yichen. At this time, Li Yichen had killed all the lickers. However, what surprised Li Yichen was that those tyrants did not attack him. They just walked around behind him and vaguely surrounded him...

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