Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 236 Prepare to take action

"Charles! How are you doing over there?"

At this time, the team leader who had cut off the communication was angrily contacting the group of people they had left behind at Beilu Port.

"Report to the captain! It's...a bit...a bit strange here!"

Charles, who answered him, seemed to find that the situation he encountered was not easy to put into words.

"I'm asking about your situation, not your own feelings! Son of a bitch, what I encountered here is 10,000 times stranger than what you encountered there! Tell me what's going on over there immediately!!"

The captain was furious and roared into the communicator.


Charles broke out in a cold sweat, looked at the people around him, and bravely told them their speculations that he thought were ridiculous:

"Captain! We found that...the Beilu Port Laboratory...should not have been destroyed by violence. Although we found some remnants of explosives here, they look more like fireworks."

Charles rubbed a little powder in his hands:

"We feel that this laboratory...seems to...seem to have disappeared suddenly, as if someone had moved the whole thing away. In this pit, we can't find any remnants of the building, no matter the instruments. Or human tissue or any other laboratory-related substances, we can’t find it!”


Upon hearing these three words, the captain screamed as if someone had stepped on his foot.

"Captain! I know this sounds a bit like fantasy, but..."

Charles quickly explained, but was interrupted by his captain as soon as he opened his mouth:

"Shut up Charles! What you are saying is not a fantasy! The laboratory has indeed been moved, right below us! Come and gather here right now, we are waiting for you here!"


Charles' eyes widened and he looked at his companions, who were also shocked. Although they had concluded this, none of them would really believe it.

Then, they heard the captain's hysterical roar coming from the communicator:

"Did you five hear what I said? Come right over!!"

"I think... we should go there right away. I want to know... how this thing was moved!"

Charles' companion said to Charles, and Charles nodded, and then called for others to pack up the survey tools and instruments they brought, put them on their backs, and ran towards the coordinates given by the captain!

When they came to the area that was blown up like the surface of the moon, the five fighter planes above were still circling. This kind of jet fighter could take off and land vertically, but before they could figure out the situation on the ground, the captain I don’t dare to give the order to land. Anyway, I have enough fuel, so I’ll fly first.

Because they had already bombed one side, Charles and the others did not see the exact same isolation area as the one above the Beilu Port Laboratory. They only saw the mess and opened bomb craters all over the place.

"Did you see the area we bombed? There is an underground base down there. Find its exact location!"

The captain ordered to Charles and others. He felt that it would not take long for the dozen guys below to determine the location of the underground base. At that time, he would choose to attack directly or call for rescue according to the size of the base. , in short, he vowed to drive out all the rats from the underground!

"Yes! Captain!"

Charles and others agreed and immediately began to set up the equipment...

"Captain...are you sure there is an underground base down here?"

More than an hour later, Charles picked up the communicator and looked up at the five fighter jets, whose heads and tails were almost connected together and hovering overhead like a giant ceiling fan.

"What? Didn't find it?"

The captain asked immediately after hearing this.

"Uh! According to our detection, there is no space below this area, and there cannot be an underground base!"

Charles replied.


The captain suddenly roared:

"I'm sure that the damn laboratory was moved here, I just talked to them!"

Because the previous contact with Lin Xiaotian was short-distance communication, the captain was able to know the approximate location of the other party. Because of the existence of the isolation zone and Li Yichen's deliberate verbal guidance, he believed that Li Yichen was talking to him in his base. So that base must be somewhere down there.

"Expand the area and explore deeper. Maybe their base is deep underground!"

The captain ordered, and then gave the order to land, landing the fighter plane on the edge of the open space.

After circling for such a long time, they had almost confirmed that the ground nearby did not threaten their existence, but despite this, the captain was still very cautious and did not let all five fighters land, but left one to continue. Hovering in the air.

After arriving on the ground, the captain carefully looked at the area he thought was the elevator, grabbed a handful of dirt, looked at it again and again, and finally threw it away angrily, ran away for a long time, and then ordered the fighter plane above to attack. That area.

Jumping into the crater, he dug a few more times and found that there was still nothing. The captain couldn't help but feel a little crazy. Li Yichen's previous words rang in his ears again:

"As long as you can find my underground base, we will surrender directly..."

"Look for me! I don't believe it. We can't find him even though we know the location!!"

The captain roared loudly, leading everyone on the ground to search frantically in the area they destroyed...

"The time is almost here, we are ready to take action!"

Li Yichen, who was hiding in the jungle, looked at the fighter plane landing next to the jungle, touched Lin Xiaotian, whispered, and then quietly touched it...

"This aircraft has an owner and cannot be recycled!"

He tiptoed to a fighter plane and stretched out his hand to press on the landing gear of the fighter plane. The system immediately gave Li Yichen a feedback. Li Yichen nodded. He had already been mentally prepared for this.

"Hey! These people... you have no problem killing them, right?"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Xiaotian who was beside him and asked in a low voice.

"No problem! Can't you break this down?"

Lin Xiaotian looked at Li Yichen's hand still pressed on the landing gear of the plane and asked.

"Of course there is no problem! But... once this guy is broken down, they will find that we will not be able to sneak attack, so we should deal with them first!"

Naturally, Li Yichen would not tell the truth, but pointed at the people working in the open space...

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