Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 237 An unexpected situation

"Okay! I'll take care of the captain and the ones over there, and you kill the rest! How about that?"

Lin Xiaotian nodded without doubting that he was there.


Seeing that Lin Xiaotian seemed to be about to rush out, Li Yichen quickly stopped him and pointed to the fighter plane hovering above:

"When you kill someone, you can't let the guy above see it! Otherwise...my plan won't work!"

"Don't let him see it?"

Lin Xiaotian looked up at the fighter plane, then at the open space, and shook his head slightly:

"How is this possible! As long as we take action, he will find out, but don't worry, our people and theirs are on the ground, and he can't help much."

"It's not that I'm afraid that he will help, but that I'm afraid that he will send back the news!"

Li Yichen shook his head gently, then looked at those people, a smile suddenly appeared on his face:

"Have you seen the fireworks?"


Lin Xiaotian was stunned. He had never seen fireworks before, either before the apocalypse or after the apocalypse, but... why were they bringing fireworks at this time? Do you still need to celebrate after killing all these people?

Li Yichen did not answer. Instead, he took out a remote-controlled detonator from his hand, smiled mysteriously at Lin Xiaotian, and then pressed it gently...


Amidst a series of noises, countless fireworks bombs bloomed from the forest, instantly covering the entire open space. The fighter planes in the sky did not know why, thinking that they were being attacked by ground artillery fire, and quickly pulled up, while calling loudly to their captain.

The people in the open space on the ground also thought they were under attack, and they all came to the center to gather in an instant, surrounding the captain and forming a defensive formation.

"a bunch of idiots!"

Seeing the positions of these guys, Lin Xiaotian couldn't help but cursed, "You only need to stand in a dense position when encountering zombies. Why the hell do you stand like this when encountering human attacks?" Isn't this seeking death? One rocket can wipe them all out!

Li Yichen didn't expect these guys to react like this. He originally thought that with the fireworks, these guys would rush into the jungle, and then he and Lin Xiaotian could start hunting.

But in this case...it would be easier! Li Yichen didn't hesitate at all. He took off Tianya and faced the guys gathered together like a fang of hell.

"What the hell are these...fireworks?"

The captain looked at the fireworks that were blooming in the sky, and the corners of his mouth twitched. He didn't even pay attention to the pilot's call, and waved to the people around him:

"Get out of here! What are you doing around me? Do you want to breastfeed?"

But at this moment, Li Yichen's hell fangs arrived, and the sound of the arrow rain was completely covered by the sound of the salute. It was not until the arrow rain reached their heads that anyone discovered that these shining things were not fireworks, but deadly things. Rain of arrows...

"Spread out! There is..."

A guy on the outermost side shouted, but as soon as he shouted a few words, an arrow appeared between his eyebrows, and he fell directly to the ground - the rain of arrows that could break through the tyrant's defense was naturally not something that his forehead could withstand. .

"Puff puff puff puff..."

Although the sound of fireworks continued, but seeing those people falling to the ground after being hit by arrows, Lin Xiaotian felt that he could still hear the sound of arrows entering their bodies.

"Ah! Damn it!"

Using his arm armor to deflect two arrows, the captain let out an angry roar:

"You said you wouldn't attack!"

"Eh? Did I say this?"

Li Yichen was stunned and looked at Lin Xiaotian, who nodded silently.

"Uh! I actually forgot!"

Li Yichen shook his head with regret:

"Then kill them all. This one must be silenced, otherwise it may affect my image! I leave it all to you!"

The corner of Lin Xiaotian's mouth twitched, but he did not retort, and rushed forward in a flash.

After being baptized by the fangs of hell, most of the more than 20 people in the open space were killed or injured, which surprised Lin Xiaotian. He felt that even if he stood within the range of the arrow rain, there was no guarantee that he could escape unscathed.

Seeing that Lin Xiaotian had already launched an attack, Li Yichen did not sit idle and went directly to the four fighter planes at the edge of the jungle. As long as the pilots flying the fighter planes died, these fighters would be considered by the system as ownerless and could naturally be recovered. He said that he wanted to silence him, but it was just to cover up the existence of the system - it is impossible to decompose objects only to decompose ownerless things, right?

Li Yichen was very confident about the remaining people Lin Xiaotian killed. He had already realized that Lin Xiaotian's true strength was definitely more than a first-level new human being, but he couldn't directly ask about the true strength of others.

The appearance of Lin Xiaotian shocked the captain because he knew Lin Xiaotian, but before he could ask the questions in his heart, Lin Xiaotian appeared in front of him and stretched out his hand to break his neck.

Once the most powerful captain died, the remaining enhancers became even more unbearable. Lin Xiaotian killed them all in three attacks, while Li Yichen also quickly recovered all four landing fighters.

At this time, the fireworks in the sky were still going on. Li Yichen rushed into the open space, recovered all the bodies on the ground, and buried the blood stains with soil. Then he waved to Lin Xiaotian to return to the jungle, and the two hid again.

"I asked you why you disappeared for a while just now, and you were just going to do this?"

After hiding it, Lin Xiaotian asked softly in Li Yichen's ear.

"There's no need to be so careful, that guy is up there, and the plane is so loud, he can't even hear us shouting!"

Li Yichen looked back at Lin Xiaotian and said funnyly.

"Stop talking to me about this useless nonsense. Tell me how you knew they would come down and gather together?"

Lin Xiaotian asked angrily. He felt more and more terrified about Li Yichen now. How could this guy predict the reactions of those guys?

"Actually, I did this just to scare them. I didn't expect them to be so cooperative!"

Li Yichen said honestly that he had indeed made the fireworks before. In fact, he originally planned to build an anti-aircraft gun or something to shoot down those fighter planes. But then he thought that this would be more difficult, so he forgot about it and replaced it with fireworks. Maybe it can confuse the other party and buy Li Qingfeng and the others some time. I didn't expect the effect to be so good.

"Captain! Captain?"

At this time, the fireworks were almost finished. Without the obstruction of the fireworks, the people in the fighter plane also saw the situation in the open space. To their surprise, the people in the open space below, together with the four fighter planes, all disappeared. , the guy piloting the fighter plane looked down with a shocked face, and kept calling his captain.

"Go further down and look at the edge of the jungle. In such a short time, even if the people are gone, the fighter plane can't disappear, right? Even if it is blown up, there must at least be wreckage!"

A man came up behind the pilot, grabbed his shoulder and shouted. The pilot hesitated for a moment, but finally nodded, flew the plane in a circle in the air, and then dived towards the ground...

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