Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 238 React so quickly?

"Uncle Lin, please rush back to Fengcheng base as soon as possible and take them to the Death Army Valley. This is for you. When the time comes, give this tablet to a guy named Wan Shan. He will know how to do it. If you take this time It’s okay, please help me take care of my base, thank you very much!”

Li Yichen looked at the fighter planes in the sky and said to Lin Xiaotian. At the same time, he took out a small box of enhanced enzyme injections and a tablet and handed them to Lin Xiaotian:

"In addition, the content in this box is strengthening liquid. I synthesized it from the corpses of zombies. It should be useful to you. Let me use it as a reward for your help during this time."

"So generous? Do you think of me as a mercenary?"

Lin Xiaotian opened the box and took a look. He was shocked, but he smiled calmly on his face.

He took a cursory look and found that the box was divided into three grids, marked respectively for strength, agility and endurance. Each grid contained at least a hundred injections. If these were all strengthening fluids...

To be honest, even as a high-ranking member of the Kingdom of Heaven, Lin Xiaotian has never seen so much strengthening liquid at once. Extracting this thing is not that easy. It is necessary to ensure that all the zombie viruses in it are removed. Otherwise, although the user's body will still be strengthened, they will become a tyrant or other high-level zombies - this is why there are so many zombies of the opposite sex in Beiliu Port that Li Yichen has never seen before.

"Are these enhanced fluids pure?"

Although Lin Xiaotian felt that Li Yichen would not give him the strengthening liquid whose virus had not been completely eliminated, he still asked.


Li Yichen nodded. After getting the researchers from the Tiger Shark Base, he also had a rough idea of ​​how the strengthening liquid was extracted in this world.

"Okay! Now I finally believe that your base will be able to compete with the Kingdom of Heaven in the future, but you need some time!"

Lin Xiaotian nodded.


Li Yichen also nodded, and then pointed to the fighter plane in the sky:

"It won't take long! You should leave quickly! I'll stay and play with him for a while!"


Lin Xiaotian nodded and left without looking back. After seeing Li Yichen's strength, he didn't feel that the fighter in the air would pose any threat to Li Yichen.

Watching Lin Xiaotian leave, Li Yichen quietly came to a position he had long been optimistic about. Then with a wave of his hand, a group of models appeared on the ground. The models looked like the people he and Lin Xiaotian had killed before.

Li Yichen placed these models in the jungle, but the trees in this part of the jungle were not very dense, and the models below could be seen from the air.

Then, Li Yichen came to a nearby tree, climbed up and used a rope to pull a thick branch, then jumped down, bent the branch hard, and then tied the rope to another tree, and then Cut off all the branches of this branch!

The fighter plane in the sky never received a response from the captain. Several people on the fighter plane were a little panicked. What happened this time was quite strange to them. The fireworks lasted only seven or eight minutes at most. Who could do that? In such a short period of time, the captain and the others were killed, and there was still time to clean up the battlefield. Even the four landing fighters disappeared without a trace...

"Look over there, two o'clock direction! Are they the captain and the others?"

During the fourth dive, someone on the plane suddenly pointed to the right front and shouted loudly. Everyone looked quickly and sure enough, they saw a group of people vaguely visible among the trees. However, due to the distance, they were not there. See clearly.

"Quick! Go back around, lower, slower!"

A person shouted loudly, and the pilot did not hesitate. After hovering in the air, he dived down over the jungle.

Seeing that the fighter plane was indeed diving in this direction, Li Yichen quickly stepped on the branch and carefully watched the fighter plane's trajectory.

When the fighter plane was about to pass over him, Li Yichen waved his hand and used Tianya to cut off the rope - the target was a fast-flying fighter plane, so she had to leave a little lead time. Anyone who has ever flown a plane should know this, right?

(Zombie: I don’t know, I can’t move it after I’ve done it!)

The branch that lost its tension bounced up instantly. When it almost reached its highest point, Li Yichen kicked his legs hard, and his whole body rushed into the sky like a cannonball.

"Huh? What is that?"

Although basically everyone on the fighter plane was looking at the models Li Yichen left behind, wondering if those people were the captain and what they were doing, when Li Yichen flew into the air, he was still looked around by. Guy found out.

It's just that Li Yichen's speed was too fast, and that guy didn't have eagle eyes, so he just saw a shadow passing through the air.

Others were looking at the location of the models below. This guy's words did not attract their attention, and this guy did not dare to continue shouting because he was not sure what it was.


Because the eagle eye showed the trajectory of the fighter plane, when Li Yichen reached the air, he was just under the fighter plane. He reached out and grabbed the landing gear of the fighter plane, then used a mountaineering strap to fix himself to the fighter plane, and used the Tianya dug a round hole in the belly of the fighter plane!

"Look at the back! There's someone!"

When Tianya started cutting the fuselage, the guy who had seen Li Yichen before was finally sure and shouted loudly. At this time, their fighter plane had left the area and was about to circle again. When they heard this guy's words, Except for the pilot, everyone looked towards the middle of the fuselage.

A circle was cut on the bottom of the fuselage, and then he pried it gently. The cut round piece of fuselage was blown away by the airflow. Li Yichen carried Tianya back to his back, unbuckled the climbing belt, and stretched out his hand to take it. The edge of the round hole penetrated the fuselage against the huge airflow.

"Bang bang bang bang peng peng!"

As soon as he got into the cabin, Li Yichen heard a chaotic sound in his ears, which seemed to be the impact of human bodies and low-pitched screams, mixed with a few gunshots.

Without having time to think about it, Li Yichen pushed hard on the edge of the round hole he had cut, and threw himself into the cabin. His body rolled on the ground. At the same time, he felt a burning sensation on his shoulders and back. It should be Got shot.

"Damn! Why did you react so quickly?"

Li Yichen couldn't help but curse in his mind, and at the same time reached behind his back to pick up Tianya Bow. Before he could touch Tianya, his body rolling in the cabin was stunned and hit something hard...

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