Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 271 System Regression

"Of course I want to use it! If I don't use it myself...how can they believe that this potion can really make them break through?"

The priest looked at Li Yichen and said:

"If they can't use all the potions in a short period of time, if someone shows up first, then your plan... will fail!"

"But after you use it, you will also..."

Li Yichen looked at the priest and said, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by the priest:

"I have lived for so long just to wait for you! This is our family's mission. Now that you have appeared, my family's mission has ended, and there is no need to continue it!"

The priest looked at Li Yichen and smiled:

"I am the only one left in the entire family, and... I no longer have the ability to reproduce the next generation. Even if I continue to live, what's the point? My family will eventually die! It doesn't make any difference whether it's earlier or later. !”

Li Yichen looked at the priest and nodded without saying anything else. The system has not been upgraded yet, and he doesn't know what effects the system will give. He should wait until the system is restored.

Next, Li Yichen chatted word by word with the priest. Most of the time, the priest was asking questions. He seemed to be very interested in the place where Li Yichen came!

Regarding the priest's question, Li Yichen tried to recall the science fiction movies about the future world that he had watched on earth, and pieced together the pieces, and then he answered all the priest's questions.

In his words, the earth is a planet with quite advanced technology and powerful military force, and the owner of the earth, human beings, has ruled the entire galaxy where it is located and is constantly exploring the universe.

He is a traveler who drove a small interstellar spaceship out for fun and accidentally entered a wormhole and came here! However, he has already sent his coordinates back through long-distance communication, and believes that Earth's voyage fleet will come here to pick him up soon.

Li Yichen didn't mean to deceive the priest when he said this. The main reason was that the priest knew that Li Fangzhou came to this planet on a space battleship, so of course the earth where Li Fangzhou was located had technology that far exceeded that of his earth.

Although I don't know whether this is due to the multidimensional universe or whether Li Yichen himself traveled to the distant future, at least it is impossible for Li Yichen to tell the priest exactly about his earth.

How else could he explain how he got here? Cycling? boating? Or just tell him the truth? No matter which way it was, the priest would not believe it. Although Li Yichen felt that the priest would not ask further questions, he would definitely feel that he did not believe him.

Li Yichen didn't want this old man who kept his promise to feel that he wasn't trusted, so he had to lie and use lies to make people feel that he was trusted. This might be a bit funny, but it was the best way Li Yichen could think of now.

That night, Li Yichen stayed in the laboratory, and his dinner was still mutant beasts. Mutants couldn't farm, and they didn't eat food, so apart from mutant beast meat and some fruits, they had nothing to feed Li Yichen.

That night, Li Yichen did not sleep, because not long after dinner, when he was telling the priest about his "spaceship", Leopard and the others came back and brought over all the corpses of mutant beasts and zombies. .

In order to bring these corpses, Leopard mobilized almost all the mutants, and instead of complaining, these people seemed extremely excited. Breaking through to evolvers was their biggest motivation. For this, let alone moving things overnight, let them continue They were happy to move for a week.

"How's it going? Can we start now?"

When all the corpses arrived, the priest immediately looked at Li Yichen and asked, and his enthusiasm made Leopard look at him thoughtfully!

"Wait a minute, I want to study the ratio you mentioned. In addition... I need mutant genes!"

There was no movement in the system, so Li Yichen naturally couldn't start work, so he had to think of other excuses!

"They might be able to help you!"

Without waiting for the priest to answer, Leopard spoke first, looking at Li Yichen with a somewhat complicated expression. Then he waved gently, and several mutants came over carrying a large box. The box was opened, and inside were the corpses of several mutants.

"Sorry! I was...[Biquge www.biquku.biz]..."

Looking at the mutant corpse with only one eye on the top of the box, Li Yichen looked at the leopard! These corpses were actually those of One-Eye and several other mutants he had sniped when he was at the fortress!

"It doesn't matter!"

Leopard waved his hand:

"We didn't know each other at the time, and... things have passed. They can still make some contributions to us after their death, so their death is not in vain!"

Li Yichen looked at Leopard and nodded, and said no more. Leopard directed everyone and moved all the corpses to the entrance of the laboratory - the cave where the priest's laboratory was located was not big and could not hold so many corpses. .

"By the way! Among the mutant beasts here, are there the five strongest mutant beasts you mentioned?"

Watching them carrying the bodies, Li Yichen suddenly remembered something, so he quickly caught up with Leopard and asked.

"No! Do we want to hunt them now?"

Leopard looked back at Li Yichen.

"It's up to you! If you want to use their genes, you have to do it before I start work. Of course, if there may be heavy casualties, then forget it! You decide for yourself!"

"What five mutant beasts?"

The priest heard their conversation and came over to ask. Leopard then told what Li Yichen had said before about the five mutant beasts.

"Can their corpses really be used to fuse an enhanced liquid that can awaken supernatural powers?"

The priest looked at Li Yichen with wide eyes. Obviously, this information was beyond the scope of his research!


Li Yichen nodded:

"This is my superpower, of course I know it!"

"Then go ahead! Bring someone with you and kill those five guys. Since we have to leave in the future anyway, it's time to take care of those five guys!"

The priest turned to the leopard and said.


Leopard nodded, then looked at Li Yichen, then at the corpses on the ground, and turned to allocate people.

"Are you telling the truth? If it is just to consume their numbers, this is completely unnecessary!"

After Bao Zi and the others left, the priest came to Li Yichen and asked quietly. Li Yichen was about to answer when he suddenly heard a long-lost voice:

"The garbage collection system has been upgraded! The restart is completed and has entered normal working status!!"

System upgrade - finally completed! !

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