Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 272 Eavesdropping Device

With the sound of the system, Li Yichen suddenly felt his power return. I wonder if it was due to the system upgrade. The priest who was so close did not notice anything. He was still looking at Li Yichen with doubts in his eyes!

The priest knew Li Yichen's plan, so of course he would not believe that Li Yichen wanted the five mutant beasts to create four new humans among the mutants - Li Yichen's condition was that he wanted to keep one of the five mutant beasts. !

"It's not to consume their numbers, but I really need those five mutant beasts!"

Li Yichen suppressed the excitement in his heart and looked at the priest calmly:

"My powers can indeed deprive powerful creatures of their special abilities, but only when it dies can I break it down and fuse it, so I need them to help me kill them!"

"So that's it!"

The priest nodded and said nothing more. He just took a deep look at Li Yichen and then asked:

"Can I... see how you decompose those corpses?"

"this is not OK!"

Li Yichen shook his head and said with regret:

"Because when I'm decomposing these creatures, I have to be in a completely enclosed space. Not only can there be no sound, but there can't even be any movement of air. If you scream out of surprise or even breathe heavily, All of them may affect me, and I will be instantly attacked by the genes of this creature! This is why I said that I can only decompose the creature after it dies!"

"Are the environmental requirements so strict?"

The priest frowned, but after thinking about Li Yichen's power, it was indeed amazing. As a high-level executive in the Kingdom of Heaven, he also knew that the more powerful the power, the more restrictions it had.

Some of the abilities he knows have many restrictions. For example, if you activate them once, it will take a long time to activate again, or you will enter a weak state directly after being activated. There are even abilities that require the consumption of life force to activate. These abilities What they all have in common is that they are powerful - but cannot be used lightly.

Although Li Yichen's power is not a combat power, no one dares to underestimate this power. The priest even dared to bet that although Li Yichen said that he was in a state of hostility with the Kingdom of Heaven, as long as the top leaders of the Kingdom of Heaven knew about Li Yichen His superpower will definitely bring all the idiots who offended him to him, let him deal with them, and then invite him back like a grandpa!

"Okay! Then I won't watch it! To avoid bad things, my laboratory is completely closed. When the time comes, you can conduct it in my laboratory, and I will personally help you guard the door!"

The well-informed priest did not doubt Li Yichen. He nodded gently and said, of course Li Yichen would not refuse:

"Yeah! This makes me feel more at ease!"

At the same time, Li Yichen was also communicating with the system in his mind. He hadn't heard the system's voice for a long time, and Li Yichen actually felt that he missed it very much - of course, it might also be because he missed his own strength:

"System! Help me get something out!"

"If you don't ask first, what additional functions do I have?"

The system seems a little strange! But the priest also asked beside him:

"How long do you estimate it will take to decompose all these corpses?"

"The decomposition of corpses is very fast, but the fusion of strengthening liquid is a little slower."

Li Yichen replied, and at the same time answered the system in his mind:

"I don't have time to listen to your functions now. If you come back two days later, you can probably recycle my body and find your next owner!"

"It doesn't matter. I've been waiting for twenty or thirty years, so I might as well wait a little longer!"

replied the priest.

"You can't blame me for this. I told you earlier that it might take up to a week. It's still early!"

The system replied.

"Father! Send the corpses of these mutants to the laboratory first, and then send some of the zombies and mutant beasts. I will decompose a batch first, and at the same time study the genes of the mutants and the matching degree between the zombies and mutant beasts!"

"System! I will give you the genes of a creature in a moment. Did you see that? It's the corpse with only one eye! It's this kind of creature. Can the mall put an injection on the shelves as I request?"

Li Yichen said this to the priest and the system in his heart and mouth respectively. He found that now he could actually be distracted and distracted at the same time. This was something he couldn't do before. Could this be the benefit brought to him by the system upgrade?

It seems that when I return to Earth in the future, even if I rely on this unique skill, I can still make a living. During the day, I will write with my left hand and draw with my right hand to make money. At night, I will be a man with my left hand and a woman with my right hand... Bah! Lolita on the left, royal sister on the right... isn't this right?

Just when he thought of this, Li Yichen quickly drove the thought out of his mind. How could he think of this when he was facing the corpses of these mutants and zombies? Is it because the system is coming back that I'm too excited?

Fortunately, after hearing what Li Yichen said, the priest went to direct the mutants to move the bodies, and Li Yichen was able to concentrate on talking to the system.

"This kind of creature? They are a kind of creature that has not completely transformed into a life form. To put it bluntly, they are...incomplete life forms. What do you want to turn them into?"

the system asked.

"I want them to change back! Back to their original state!"

Li Yichen replied, of course this is the most ideal situation!

"Does it have to be this way?"

The system asked again:

"And... I have something to remind you. You have a micro-eavesdropping device on you. The person who installed this on you can hear all the sounds around you! Do you want to recycle it?"


Li Yichen was stunned when he heard the system's words, eavesdropping device? When did it happen? If it was before entering the secret room...

Li Yichen suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. Did anyone else hear what Li Fangzhou said? Although Li Fangzhou speaks Earth Language, no one in this world except himself should understand it, but... this is still not a good thing. Could it be... a leopard?

He knew that Leopard was not as close to him as he showed, and this guy even thought of using the most cruel method to avenge One Eye! So the possibility of putting a listening device on yourself is the highest, but...

“Don’t recycle it yet!”

Li Yichen said to the system, and then walked into the laboratory.

At this time, the mutated people were carrying the corpses in full swing. When they saw Li Yichen, they would nod and smile in a friendly manner, although the smile might be rather ferocious.

"Is this enough?"

When the laboratory was almost filled with corpses, the priest drove all the other mutants out, looked at Li Yichen and asked...

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