Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 273 A dying family does not need a surname

"That's enough! My first decomposition was just an experiment! I have to understand the genetic structure of mutants first before I can prepare it..."

When Li Yichen said this, he looked around and stopped.

"no problem!"

The priest understood what Li Yichen meant, so he nodded.

Li Yichen's eyes flashed with excitement and he continued:

"First understand the genetic structure of mutants, then I can prepare a medicine that can cause their genes to collapse. In addition... I have an idea. You can give me a copy of your genes. I will specifically target your genes. Prepare a potion that can strengthen your body, so..."


Before Li Yichen could finish his words, the priest raised his hand and interrupted him:

"I said, the meaning of my existence is gone, so you don't need to worry about me, just let me be buried with them in this mountain range!"

After saying that, the priest sighed softly, then turned around and left the laboratory, closing the door behind him...

"System! Is the eavesdropping device still working?"

Looking at the closed laboratory, Li Yichen asked in his heart.

"Still working! Do you want to recycle it?"

"No need! Don't worry about it for now!"

Li Yichen replied, then looked at the piles of corpses in the laboratory, and was about to step forward and put his hands on the corpses when he suddenly remembered something and asked quickly:

"System! Can I recycle the garbage now without having to touch it?"

"That's right! Now the system can automatically help you recover any unowned objects within three meters of the host, without you having to touch them yourself, so you don't have to worry about falling into a pit in the future!"

The system replied.

"Shut up! Don't mention that matter again!"

Li Yichen found that the system seemed to have become a bit venomous after the upgrade. He came directly to the corpses of the mutants and said to the system in his heart:

"System! Recycle these corpses first, and then see if the injection I just told you can be integrated into the mall!"

After hearing Li Yichen's words, the system did not reply and directly recovered all the mutant corpses in front of Li Yichen.

"No! These creatures have too many morphological variations and genetic disorders that are beyond repair!"

In less than a minute, the system gave Li Yichen an answer.

"System, you can even extract gene chains from living organisms, but you can't repair genes?"

Li Yichen was stunned. He originally thought that the system should be omnipotent.

"These are two different things!"

The system replied:

"I can completely remove the legs or internal organs from a pig, but I can't restore a piece of rotten pork! If I can do this, then can't I turn all the zombies back to normal? Are you here?"

"That's it!"

Li Yichen nodded. It sounded like that was the case. Since this method didn't work, the only option was...

"System! If it cannot be repaired, can we fuse an injection that can cause their genes to collapse quickly?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"This is easy! Destruction is much easier than creation or repair! But... didn't you just want to restore them? Why did you turn around and destroy them?"

the system asked.

"You don't have to ask about this! In addition, if you don't repair the genes of these mutants, it will just make them stronger. Is there anything you can do about this?"

Li Yichen asked again.

"This... is okay too!"

The system is a little dizzy. Do you want to destroy them, or do you want to make them stronger?

"That's good! I want both, but you have to design the injection like this!"

Li Yichen thought for a while, told the system his request, and finally asked:

"In this case, is there a problem?"

"No problem! It just takes a little time. It can be done in two days at most!"

This time the system answered quite happily. Maybe Li Yichen guessed his thoughts from his two solicitation requests.

"Two days... that's ok! Then get started! In addition, recycle all the corpses in this laboratory, but only the corpses, not the others!"

Li Yichen said immediately, and then quickly walked around the laboratory. As he walked, the corpses in the laboratory began to disappear in large numbers. The efficiency was much higher than before when the system was not upgraded. !

Looking at the empty laboratory, Li Yichen was not in a hurry to go out. It had just been a few minutes since the priest left. It would be too fast to go out now. He thought for a while and entered the previous secret room again to collect the recyclable materials inside. I took them all away and then returned to the laboratory, sitting on a chair and meditating...

After waiting for a full two hours, Li Yichen stood up, walked slowly to the door, pretended to be tired, and opened the laboratory door.

As soon as the door opened, the priest appeared in front of Li Yichen. It seemed that he had been staying here. Behind him, there were the mutants who were left by Leopard to help them.

"That's it! Keep moving inside! I want to take advantage of this time to analyze the gene fusion ratio of these three creatures!"

Li Yichen nodded to the priest, then turned and walked into the laboratory, and went straight to the secret room. Anyway, he had collected everything that should be collected, and he was not afraid of anyone seeing it.


The priest ordered the mutants to continue carrying the corpses into the laboratory, and he came to the door of the secret room and looked at Li Yichen.

"Come in! There are no secrets here. All that guy left here is just a video!"

Li Yichen waved to the priest. Anyway, he had a listening device on him, so what happened here had been exposed, so there was no need to hide it!

It seemed that this was really the first time for the priest to enter this place. After entering, he looked around carefully and then looked confused:

"What is this...image used to play?"

"It should be behind the wall, right? If you are interested, you can take it apart and take a look!"

Li Yichen sat on the chair he moved in, pointed at a wall and said.

"Forget it! I'm just curious! After all, this is the place our family has guarded for thousands of years, so we better not destroy it!"

The priest shook his head.

"Father! Can I ask you a question?"

Li Yichen turned to look at the priest:

"What's your real name? I want to know your family's surname!"

"This is not important!"

The priest shook his head:

"My family is going to die anyway. Even if I leave my surname behind, what's the use? In the end... won't it still be forgotten?"

"All right!"

Seeing that the priest was unwilling to talk, Li Yichen didn't force himself, so he simply changed the topic:

"Father! May I ask you a question?"

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