Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 274 Giant Clawed Beast


The priest looked at Li Yichen, as if he was not used to him suddenly becoming so polite, but he still nodded:

"go ahead!"

"You have been living with these mutants for twenty or thirty years, right? Now that you are suddenly going to destroy them all, will you...at the last moment, suddenly feel that you can't bear it anymore?"

Li Yichen looked at the priest and asked seriously.

"Are you worried that I will ruin our affairs in the end?"

The priest was stunned for a moment, then looked at Li Yichen and smiled bitterly, shook his head and said:

"Don't worry! Although I have decided to do this, it is impossible to change. You should have confidence in my persistence! Moreover, I have already started planning this matter. If I suddenly change at the critical moment, those The mutants might be the first to tear me apart!"

"Okay! Then I'm relieved!"

Li Yichen nodded and said:

"I have some ideas about that kind of potion, but because I want to delay the onset of the potion as much as possible and make it look like it really has a strengthening effect, I still need to perfect it. It will take about two days. I'm almost there. The fusion can begin, but before that, I need as many mutated beast corpses as possible!"

"Only mutant beasts?"

The priest was stunned!

"Well! We only need mutant beasts. The proportion of genes in their bodies is much greater than that of zombies. Therefore, the corpses of zombies should be enough with those they brought back before. However, the gap of mutant beasts is still huge. Because my fusion will waste some genes!"

Li Yichen explained.

"Okay! But we have to wait until Leopard and the others come back!"

The priest nodded and said, now the leopard and the poisonous spider are taking the mutants to hunt the five powerful mutant beasts. Those who stay here also need to protect them and help carry the corpses. There are simply no people to go out to hunt. Kill the mutant beast.

"Yeah! Don't worry! Anyway, it won't be until two days until the actual fusion begins!"

Li Yichen nodded and replied.

"Two days..."

The priest murmured, with a bit of expectation in his eyes...

In the following time, the mutated people continued to carry corpses into the laboratory, then sealed the laboratory and waited for Li Yichen to "decompose" all the corpses inside. Then they moved in another batch, which took more than ten hours. After a while, all the corpses were finally cleared away.

Afterwards, when the priest saw that Leopard and others had not returned, he simply drove some mutants out of the valley and ordered them to hunt mutant beasts and bring their bodies back. Because it was about his own breakthrough, those mutants happily obeyed, and Li Yichen Then he followed the priest to discuss the details of the potion.

Now that he has a system, Li Yichen is no longer afraid to discuss issues in this area. Anyway, he just needs to ask the system first before answering. Li Yichen suddenly discovered that the system is not only a manufacturing factory, but also an encyclopedia. It seems that there is no such thing as him in this world. Things you don’t know.

The priest was also shocked by Li Yichen's "eruditeness" and even confirmed Li Yichen's age more than once. He seemed not to believe that Li Yichen was only about twenty years old. After the conversation, Li Yichen actually saw a look of regret in the priest's eyes.

The mutants who were sent out had not returned yet, and a team that went to hunt the five mutant beasts came back. However, this team was not the ones led by Leopard and Poisonous Spider. The team leader was a mutant that Li Yichen was not familiar with.

This team looked a little embarrassed, and Li Yichen didn't know their team allocation, so he couldn't be sure whether they had lost manpower, but obviously hunting these five mutant beasts was not as easy as Leopard said.

This is a huge mutant beast, like a hill, all black, a bit like a combination of an orangutan and a brown bear. Each of its two huge fleshy palms has five sharp claws. You can tell by looking at the scars on the mutants. These blade claws may have caused them a lot of trouble!

Fortunately, the priest's laboratory was rebuilt on the basis of a cave, so the door was also very large. This mutant beast, which the mutants called the giant claw beast, was reluctantly dragged into the laboratory.

In addition, from the mouths of these mutants, Li Yichen learned that they were divided into five teams and hunted five mutant beasts at the same time. It seemed that Leopard and the others were indeed very anxious.

After recovering the body of the mutated beast, Li Yichen did get a surprise. Just as he imagined, the mutated beast not only brought him a large number of enhanced injections, but even gave him three special injections. It should be the special ability of that giant claw beast, but it was separated by the system.

When chatting with the priest again, Li Yichen not only asked many questions from the system to answer the priest, but also learned about the benefits that the upgraded system had brought to him.

The system upgrade took so long that Li Yichen almost died because of it, so naturally the benefits it brought were not just the increase in the recycling range.

The current garbage collection system has an additional function that can strengthen the host's physical attributes. In other words, when Li Yichen strengthens his three major attributes, he no longer needs to inject himself with needles every day, he can just go through the system directly!

Moreover, this kind of enhancement does not require a pause in the middle. Unlike before, after injecting an enhanced enzyme injection, you need to wait for a period of time before injecting the next one.

However, this enhancement requires Li Yichen's physical strength. It does not mean that after becoming an evolver, there is really no upper limit to the physical attributes.

It is said that there is no upper limit, because no force has the magical ability of Li Yichen, who can directly turn other creatures into strengthening injections to strengthen himself, so no one of them has ever strengthened a certain attribute of his to the extreme, so I feel like there is no upper limit.

If a certain strength is to use all its strength to build up a person, for example, a big power like the Kingdom of Heaven can hope to build up a person who can at least reach the upper limit of a single attribute. However, the strengthening liquid they create is With an attenuation mechanism, the more a person uses it, the worse the effect becomes.

Maybe the first strengthening solution can directly improve dozens of attributes, but when you reach the 100th, it will probably only be 0.\\n1. Under such circumstances, no force can be so careless as to cultivate a person without any restrictions. People, especially the bigger the power, the more people at the top. Under mutual checks and balances, no one thinks about this issue at all.

Li Yichen's enhanced enzyme injection does not have this attenuation mechanism. Just like those in the three major legions, he used the medicine directly to fill it up. As for the breakthrough, Li Yichen has not tried it yet, but... now the system has been upgraded, the mall We can also put higher-end injections on the shelves, so I believe there will be no problem. As long as Li Yichen can return to the Capital of Hell, I believe that the Capital of Hell will make another big leap in strength!

Of course, Li Yichen can't return to the capital of hell yet, at least... not until he completes his plan...

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