Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 276 The leader who cannot make decisions

"Hahahaha! So this is what you were worried about!"

Hearing Li Yichen's words, the priest suddenly laughed, waved his hand and said:

"Don't worry! The problem you are worried about will not happen. The reason why you think that adding my potion will make them really break through is because... the apparent effect of my potion is to stabilize the gene chain. But the real effect is to destroy the genetic code!!"

"Genetic code?"

Li Yichen frowned, and then quickly asked the system in his mind. After getting the answer, he continued to ask:

"I know that all genes actually have their own genetic codes, but... this is quite difficult to decipher, especially for creatures with incomplete life forms like mutants. It is impossible to decipher their codes!! "

"Well! That's right! Of course it's impossible to decipher it, but what I just said... is destruction! It's not deciphering!"

The priest nodded, looked at Li Yichen with a smile and said:

"It's like a combination lock. It's definitely very difficult to unlock its code, but what if you smash it? You can do it easily. That's what my potion does!"

The priest turned his head and looked in the direction outside:

"Those guys are quite smart, and among the two of us, you are a human. Although I am the same as them, you also know the leopard's attitude towards me. I am sure that they will not be like that at the beginning. If you want to use all our medicines, you will definitely test them on a few people first!"

"If they were careful enough and waited until those few experimenters really made a breakthrough before starting to use our medicine on a large scale, then our plan would not be successful!"

Looking back at Li Yichen, the priest sighed:

"I have been preparing this potion for almost twenty years. I have worked hard to perfect it, and the result is... after using this potion, they will not only feel that their strength is getting stronger, but also I feel that my originally incomplete genetic chain is repairing itself!"

"Repair the gene chain?"

Li Yichen was stunned.

"Yes! But this is just an illusion caused by my potion destroying their genetic code!"

The priest nodded and said:

"But! Do you know how tempting this is for them? Although they don't understand genetics, they can feel that their genetic chain is incomplete because it is a mixture of genes from three creatures: humans, zombies and mutant beasts. Together, they can’t be integrated at all!”

"And my medicine can make them feel that their three genes are merging while destroying the genetic code. Once the three genes in their bodies are really fused, then this gene chain will be complete, and they will It will truly become a brand new creature! They will never be able to resist this temptation!"

The priest patted Li Yichen on the shoulder:

"Only this kind of temptation can make them unable to wait for a month, and only in this way can our plan be successful! Therefore, you will think that after using this medicine, they will not die because the gene chain is destroyed , but it will lead to a real breakthrough, hahahaha! It seems that my potion is good, and I can even fool you!"

"Are you telling the truth?"

Li Yichen asked, looking into the priest's eyes.


The priest smiled:

"I have decided to die with them. Am I going to save them at this time, leaving a group of disasters in this world and ruining the honor of my family?"

Hearing the priest mention his family honor, Li Yichen took a deep breath and nodded gently:

"Okay! I hope... you are right! But... when will this thing destroy their genetic code?"

"You know...why do you think my potion will allow them to achieve a real breakthrough?"

Hearing Li Yichen's question, the priest laughed again and seemed very proud:

"That's because, after adding my potion, they will indeed be able to truly break through, and the genetic code will be destroyed the moment they break through. In other words, they will die when they are most excited!"

Looking at Li Yichen seriously, the priest said sadly:

"This can be regarded as a little compensation from me. Not only will they not die in pain, on the contrary, at the moment of death, their mood...should be ecstatic! In this dark world, Being able to die like this is not a blessing!!"

"I see!"

Li Yichen nodded and walked towards the secret room:

"Then I will start fusing their potions right away. In a day at most, they will have a sufficient amount of strengthening liquid. Go get them together and get ready!"

Watching Li Yichen walk into the secret room and close the door, the smile on the priest's face slowly disappeared, and a look of ridicule and ridicule appeared in his eyes...

"Father! How is it?"

At this time, Leopard and the others were blocking the door of the laboratory, waiting anxiously. When they saw the priest opening the door, a group of people immediately rushed forward. Leopard was the first to ask.

"After all the details have been discussed, he has to complete the next thing by himself!"

The priest said, looking at the leopard.

"I gonna go see!"

The leopard said that he was about to rush into the laboratory.


The priest shouted loudly:

"Didn't you see that I'm already out? When he is fusing the strengthening liquid, he needs to be absolutely quiet and cannot be disturbed. Otherwise, not only will the fusion fail, but he may die due to the backlash! Maybe you don't care if he dies. , but who will give us the fusion enhancement liquid? Do you want everyone to lose hope of breakthrough because of your own doubts??"

Leopard suddenly paused, turned around to look at Poisonous Spider and the others, and saw that they were all looking at him nervously, so he shook his head unwillingly and walked back.

Leopard, who was a little depressed in his heart, didn't realize that when he stopped him, the priest winked at the poisonous spider, and the poisonous spider responded with a slight nod.

"Leopard! It will take more than a day for the strengthening liquid to be completely integrated. During this time, you can gather everyone here!"

The priest saw the leopard returning and spoke.


Leopard was stunned and looked at the priest with a frown.

"Of course! This is the moment we mutants have been waiting for for a long time. Everyone has the right to decide whether he wants to break through and when to break through. Even if you are their leader, you have no right to make this decision for them at this time. !!”

The priest looked at the leopard and said, his tone unquestionable...

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