Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 277 There are so many unfilial sons

Looking at the priest who seemed a little impassioned and inducing to urinate, the leopard's eyes flashed with light. He felt that... something seemed not quite right, so he turned to look at the poisonous spider.

The poisonous spider looked at the leopard and nodded slightly, indicating agreement. The leopard was furious, took two steps forward and leaned against the poisonous spider's ear and said:

"Do you think it makes sense? Haven't you noticed anything wrong with the priest over the years?"

"Brother Leopard! Now is not the time for us to think whether it makes sense or not. Look at the eyes of the brothers around you."

The poisonous spider also came close to the leopard's ear and whispered:

"They have all been mobilized by the priest's words. If you disagree now, even if they don't say it, they will still have opinions on you in their hearts!"

"But I think there's something wrong with the priest!"

At this time, Leopard finally didn't care about hiding anything anymore, and directly whispered his suspicions.

"Then you should agree now."

The poisonous spider turned to look at the priest, then turned back and whispered in the leopard's ear:

"If he really has a problem, then he is trying to win people's hearts now. If you object and he incites everyone to overthrow you when everyone is eager for a breakthrough, what do you think will be the consequences?"


Leopard took a long breath, looked at the priest with a complicated expression, and finally nodded gently:

"Father! You are right, this choice should really be decided by themselves! Poisonous Spider! Send someone immediately to call all the brothers here, as fast as possible!"

"now it's right!"

The priest looked at the leopard with a smile:

"The first thing a leader should do is to protect the interests of his subordinates, rather than using his subordinates to achieve his own ambitions! Only such a leader can gain the loyalty and love of his brothers!"

"Is it?"

Leopard looked at the priest and suddenly smiled. He slowly came to the priest, looked at the priest condescendingly, and suddenly said:

"Father, actually... we have always loved you very much!"

"Thank you then!"

The priest pretended not to understand the meaning of Leopard's words, nodded with a smile, then turned to look at the laboratory, then turned back and shouted loudly to all the mutants in the field:

"Don't worry, everyone. Wait until tomorrow, we will have the strengthening liquid that can make us break through. Of course, in order to ensure safety, after the strengthening liquid is successfully fused, I will test it first and confirm that there are no problems before agreeing. Everyone uses it, and...I will be the first to use the strengthening fluid!!"

"Ugh~~Thank you, Father!"

All the mutants cheered in unison! They thanked the priest together, because they all knew that the priest was an expert in genes, and they had also heard that the priest had been secretly researching the medicine that could make them break through, but they hid it from them in order not to disappoint them. !

Moreover, although this enhancement liquid was fused by that human being, the formula that the human being first came up with was not good. After adding the research results of the priest and getting improvements from the priest, they finally saw the hope of a breakthrough. So... the most important contributor to this strengthening liquid is naturally the priest.

And now he not only has to test whether the enhanced fluid is safe, but he even has to try it out himself. This approach, compared with Leopard's hesitation before, is a decisive decision!

Listening to the cheers of the mutants, Leopard looked uncertain. The only ones who could remain calm at the scene were Leopard and the hundred-man guard beside him. This hundred-man guard was carefully selected by Leopard himself. By his side, the loyalty cannot be compared with that of other mutants.

"Okay! Everyone, be quiet!"

The priest pressed down his hands to stop the cheers of the mutants and said loudly:

"Don't worry, as long as no one goes in to disturb that human being, our enhanced liquid will definitely appear in front of everyone in one day, and everyone will have a share! But before that, we can't be careless! Those bastards from the Kingdom of Heaven They are already aware of our existence and have sent soldiers to search for us!”

"I know that everyone is not afraid of them, but we are about to break through, and we can't afford to fight them head-on at this time! Now all our people are in this valley. Please set up sentry posts and we must not let them touch here! If If we are found by them when a breakthrough is imminent, then we will fall short of our success, do you want this?"

"In no mood!!"

The mutants roared in unison, then scattered in all directions, shouting:

"Patrol around the valley, and not a single mouse can be let go until the strengthening liquid is completed!"

"Let's go! If those bastards from the Kingdom of Heaven dare to show up, I will catch every last one of them and save them for the banquet celebrating our breakthrough!"

"Are you so stupid? The priest said, don't fight with them before you break through. Why don't you just grab a piece of wool? You look like a zombie, so why don't you have the same brain as a zombie?"

(Zombie: I think this... it's really you who is paralyzed!)

Leopard stared blankly at the mutants leaving, and suddenly a very bad feeling surged in his heart. Normally, if the priest wanted to command these mutants, he would have to go through him, but now... he actually bypassed him directly. After him, does this old guy want to seize power? still……

"Leopard! The laboratory is the top priority. You and your brothers should stay here!"

The priest looked at the somewhat lost Leopard and smiled calmly. At this time, only Leopard and his 100-man guard were left in front of the laboratory door. The others had already left voluntarily to patrol around the valley, and... It was without getting the leopard's order!


Leopard looked at the priest and remained silent for a long time. After a long while, he nodded slightly with a ferocious smile on his face:

"Hello! You are very good! It seems that my previous suspicions are correct, but... I guessed in the wrong direction! You are right, you are indeed unwilling to die here, but you dare not go out alone Mountains.”


The priest nodded with a bright face:

"I said, if I want to go out, I have to rely on you!"

"You call this reliance?"

Leopard was furious and pointed back in the direction where the mutants had left:

"You just say a word, and they will do as you say as if they were told by their own father. Do you call this reliance?"

"My education level is not high! You also know that there are no schools in this damn world, so... I may have used the wrong words!"

The priest smiled and said:

"Besides, your metaphor is not very appropriate! My father's instructions may not be so strong. You have to know that there are too many unfilial sons in this world! And don't forget, I It’s the priest!!”

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