Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 290 The value of strengthening liquid

"You know how?"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then looked around:

"Is there a helicopter here?"

"Of course! But...you don't have a helicopter, right? Then even if you learn to fly, it's of no use! You still can't go back!"

The man nodded.

"It doesn't matter, there is always a way! Just learn it first!"

Li Yichen waved his hand and said:

"How long does it take to learn this?"

"If we start now, I will definitely be able to teach you before the trading period!"

The man patted his chest and said.

"How much does it cost?"

Li Yichen asked.

"Ten Xinyuan coins include the cost of renting a helicopter and the cost of fuel!"

the man replied.

"It seems... the purchasing power of your Xinyuan coins is quite good!"

Li Yichen was stunned for a moment. Including the rental helicopter and fuel, there were only ten in total? But he immediately thought, let alone ten, he didn't seem to have a single Xinyuan coin at the moment.

"That's right! Wait for me!"

Li Yichen suddenly remembered, and quickly returned to the car, opened the back door, and dragged the mutant beast out:

"How many Xinyuan coins can I exchange for this?"

"Huh? Mutated beast?"

When the man saw the mutant beast in Li Yichen's hand, his eyes suddenly lit up:

"This is good! Normally, a mutant beast can be exchanged for at least one hundred Xinyuan coins! But I don't care about the specifics. Do you want to change it now? If so, I will take you to the evaluation office!"

"Then change it!"

Li Yichen nodded. He kept this mutant beast originally to exchange for things in the base, otherwise it would have been recycled into the system long ago!

"Okay! Let's go then!"

The man nodded and began to lead the way:

"Brother! What do you call me?"

"My surname is Li! Just call me Xiao Li!"

Li Yichen said.

"Okay! Xiao Li, my name is Zhang Yi, you can just call me Lao Zhang!"

It seems that Zhang Yi is very enthusiastic because he has made a business!

"Okay! Thank you! Lao Zhang! By the way, is there a place to stay here?"

Li Yichen asked with a smile.

"There is a hotel! But... our hotel is free of charge only during the trading period. There are still two days until the trading period, so if you want to stay, you need to pay one Xinyuan coin every day!"


Li Yichen nodded and thought to himself that this hotel is expensive enough. It only costs ten Xinyuan coins to learn how to fly a helicopter. How the hell does it cost one to stay in a hotel for one day? Five-star?

After arriving at the appraisal office, the people inside took a closer look at the mutated beast that Li Yichen brought, and finally gave a price of 125 Xinyuan coins, which was 25 more than Zhang Yi expected!

125 Xinyuan coins, what Li Yichen got in his hands were only four coins, one representing one hundred, two representing ten, and one representing five!

"Xiao Li! You have to take this. When you leave, you can go shopping in these buildings. You can exchange this for a lot of good things. Sometimes you will even get strengthening liquid."

Looking at the Xinyuan coin in Li Yichen's hand, Zhang Yi looked envious. Seeing him like this, Li Yichen couldn't help but wonder... Could it be that... this Xinyuan coin is more expensive than he thought?

Thinking of this, Li Yichen stopped. He looked at Zhang Yi, then looked back at the guy who helped him evaluate the mutant beast before, and suddenly asked:

"Can the strengthening fluid be exchanged for Xinyuan coins?"

Zhang Yi and the appraiser were stunned at the same time, and then nodded together. The appraiser even asked directly:

"Do you have strengthening fluid?"

Li Yichen overlooked one thing. Because he had a garbage recycling system, he never seemed to be in short supply of enhanced enzyme injections, because he could get them as long as there were zombies or mutant beasts.

Even before, in that valley, he recovered the bodies of mutant beasts and mutant people, and obtained a large amount of enhanced enzymes. As long as he has enhanced enzymes, he can exchange them for as many injections as he wants!

But for the people in this world, no amount of strengthening liquid is too much, especially the evolved ones and new humans. Who would dislike their own attributes being too high?

Especially the strengthening liquid in this world, after extraction, must be purified before it can be used, which is quite troublesome, so the output is not high, and there are many people who need it, so the value of the strengthening liquid is far higher than what Li Yichen thought. Much higher!

Seeing the expressions on the two people's faces, Li Yichen knew that he seemed a little careless, but since he asked, it was hard to deny it, so he simply took out an endurance-enhancing enzyme injection.

"Let me see!"

Seeing the injection, the appraiser's eyes lit up, and then he carefully took the injection from Li Yichen's hand and said to Li Yichen:

"When I'm evaluating this, I have to take a little bit of a sample, so..."


Li Yichen waved his hand and said.


The appraiser nodded, and then entered the inner room. After about ten minutes, he walked out of it, holding the injection in his hand, his face red with excitement.

"Dear guest, the purity of your strengthening liquid is very high, even reaching the perfect level! Therefore, although it is an endurance strengthening liquid, we can still give you an exchange price of three hundred Xinyuan coins!"

"Ah? Three hundred?"

Hearing this price, Zhang Yi on the side immediately exclaimed. He has been here all year round and is basically familiar with the prices of various things.

Strengthening liquid is actually rare even here, so it can be regarded as rare and expensive. But even so, the price is generally around two hundred Xinyuan coins, and it has to be a powerful type. Only the strengthening liquid has this price, and the endurance type is about 150!

Hearing this price, Li Yichen also secretly regretted it. If he had known that the price of the strengthening liquid was so high, why would he sell the mutant beast? Recycle that guy into the system, and the decomposed materials will be enough for at least three enhanced enzyme injections to be put on the mall!

"Okay! Three hundred, just three hundred!"

Li Yichen nodded and expressed that he had no objection to the price, and the appraiser immediately took out three Xinyuan coins with a face value of one hundred and handed them to Li Yichen, and then asked carefully:

"Sir! According to our system, we are not allowed to inquire about the origin of items, but I am very curious because your strengthening solution is not only extremely pure, but even the syringe is very delicate. To be honest, I have asked several times just now Personally, I don’t even recognize where it comes from! I don’t know... If you can’t tell me where it comes from, I can pay you... fifty Xinyuan coins for the information!”

"This... I'm afraid I can't tell you!"

Li Yichen shook his head with regret and said:

"Because I got this thing accidentally. I was never sure whether it was pure, so I didn't dare to use it. Otherwise, I might have used it myself!"

"So that's it!"

The appraiser nodded:

"I understand! Then... you go slowly, you are welcome to come anytime!"


Li Yichen nodded and followed Zhang Yi out of the assessment office...

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