Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 291: Inviting people to join the gang

"Old Zhang! Can I ask you a question?"

After leaving the appraisal office, Zhang Yi first took Li Yichen to the hotel. After entering the hotel, Li Yichen truly understood the value of the Xinyuan coin.

In this hotel, the cost of staying for one day, that is, 24 hours, is one Xinyuan coin, but this Xinyuan coin includes an unlimited supply of food and drinking water, and even a small bottle of wine, and even a bath. Hot water is supplied all day long.

Safety, food, drinking water, a hotel like this is simply a paradise in the apocalypse, and all this requires only one Xinyuan coin per day. According to Li Yichen's current worth, he can live here without any worries. Lived for more than a year!

"Old Zhang! Can I ask a question?"

In the hotel room, Li Yichen directly handed a Xinyuan coin with a face value of ten to Zhang Yi and asked casually.

"You say!"

Zhang Yi knew that Li Yichen was an absolute rich man now, so he was very careful in what he said.

"I can understand that the strengthening liquid is expensive, but why are the prices of mutant beasts so high?"

After knowing the price of Xinyuan coins, Li Yichen began to feel that the price of the mutant beast he casually hunted when he left the mountain range where the mutants lived seemed a bit high, so he asked.

"Oh! Mutated beast!"

Zhang Yi smiled:

"You probably don't know that mutant beasts are... how to put it! In fact, there are quite a lot of these things, but many of them have owners. Ordinary people can easily hunt mutant beasts, let alone their abilities. , he can’t find a place to kill him!”

"A master?"

Li Yichen was stunned. He really didn't know this.

"Of course! Let's not talk about far away places, let's just say within a radius of two hundred kilometers!"

Zhang Yi seemed to really know a lot about this place, pointing in various directions and started saying:

"Look! The Paradise Mountains over there are the territory of the Kingdom of Paradise. The Blackwater Swamp here is the territory of our Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce. The Chimu Forest in the east belongs to the Free Alliance, and the Sleeping Dragon Valley in the north is the territory of the Hunting Dragon Valley. of the Association!"

After saying these place names, Zhang Yi spread his hands, looked at Li Yichen and said with a smile:

"Look! There are only a few places around here where mutant beasts appear, but they are all owned by people. People who do not belong to that force dare not go there. Otherwise, if they are discovered, they will lose their lives. !”

"So! Unless the mutant beast ran out of their territory and happened to be encountered by someone, and this person happened to have the strength to kill the mutant beast, otherwise! This mutant beast is really hard to touch. The price Naturally, it’s not cheap!”

"So that's it!"

Li Yichen nodded:

"In the Far North Continent, there really aren't so many rules. At least in our province, no one divides the territory at all!"

"Well! I heard that the Far North Continent has such a large power as Heavenly Kingdom, so of course it doesn't have so many rules!"

Zhang Yi nodded, and then said with a mysterious face:

"But... I heard that the Kingdom of Heaven seems to be releasing a mission about the Far North Continent this time! I wonder if... we can also enter the Far North Continent!"

"About the mission to the Far North Continent?"

Li Yichen was stunned.

"Yeah! But I've heard about it, so I don't know if it's specific!"

Zhang Yi said:

"And...hehe! Even if there is such a cross-continental mission, it won't be my turn. But if it's your turn, you can go back by the way!"


Li Yichen nodded, then waved:

"Let's go! Teach me how to fly a plane first! If there is such a mission and the bounty is huge, maybe I can rent a plane here and take you to the Far North Continent with you!"

"Really? Haha! I have to thank you first!"

Zhang Yi smiled happily, then turned around and opened the door:

"Okay! Let's start now!"

Although this city is not big, there is a very large building in the center of the city. The top of the building is a helicopter landing pad, which is enough to take off and land a dozen helicopters. This is where Li Yichen learned to fly helicopters.

After Zhang Yi took Li Yichen into the building, he first went through the formalities at the front desk and handed over two Xinyuan coins, and then took Li Yichen to the top floor!

In the next few hours, Li Yichen followed this guy, hiding in a helicopter and learning to fly.

Flying a helicopter is actually not difficult. Although there are so many buttons on the control panel that it is dazzling, there are very few that are actually used. Therefore, in just one afternoon, Li Yichen was able to fly the helicopter into the air. .

Of course, what Li Yichen can currently master is only the most basic flying, and some difficult movements and weapons are not yet available, but he doesn't need anything else now, as long as he can guarantee that he can drive this thing back to the Far North Continent. !

Just as Li Yichen and Zhang Yi were hovering in the sky in a helicopter, two people were watching them from the window of a room. One of them was the appraiser who had met Li Yichen before. At this time, he was respectfully Standing behind an old man.

"Have you found out where this young man came from?"

The old man asked as he looked at the helicopter.

"Report! There is no information about him in our information database. I suspect that he is from the Kingdom of Heaven."

replied the appraiser.


The old man raised his hand, held Li Yichen's enhanced enzyme injection in front of his eyes and looked at it:

"At least this thing doesn't come from the Kingdom of Heaven!"

"Perhaps...as he said, he got this strengthening liquid accidentally?"

the appraiser guessed.

"Xiao Sun! How many times have I told you, but you just don't want to use your brain!"

The old man shook his head and said:

"If he is from the Kingdom of Heaven, will he sell this medicine to us?"

The appraiser was stunned for a moment, then said with shame:

"No! He will definitely be handed over to the Kingdom of Heaven!"

"That's right! If he is from the Kingdom of Heaven, then this thing should be in the hands of someone from the Kingdom of Heaven at this time, and it should not be here with me!"

The old man smiled and said:

"Send someone to contact him and see if we can draw him to our Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce. In addition... find out where he got this thing! Remember, don't be impatient. The most important thing is to draw him Come to us! Do you understand?"


The appraiser lowered his head.

"The trading period will be in two days. I heard... something happened in the Far North Continent. The Kingdom of Heaven is preparing to release some tasks related to there. We must also prepare in advance!"

The old man played with the injection for a while, then put it away, looked at the helicopter in the sky and said calmly...

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