Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 412 Rules of Heaven and Earth

"Finally...is it the end?"

Li Yichen didn't know what happened, but judging from the situation, it seemed that the two energies felt that they had almost consumed him and were ready to deal with him!

Li Yichen just wanted to pull away his consciousness and take a last look at the world, but in an instant, he felt a confusion in his consciousness, and then he completely lost consciousness...

At this time, Li Yichen's body outside was still standing on the iron frame, but the hand holding Tianya had fallen, and Tianya's bow arm had penetrated the head of the blood-red zombie below.

But... the blood-red zombie obviously didn't care about this anymore, because when he sprayed the red crystal from his mouth towards Li Yichen, his eyes lost their luster - his consciousness was separated from his body. Although he was still alive, his body was still there. At that moment, it was equivalent to death.

Although Li Yichen's whole body was now covered in the blood of zombies and he couldn't tell that he was a human being, there were two high-level zombies beside him, and their flesh and blood were the best supplements for all zombies.

There were blood-red zombies suppressing them before, so the surrounding zombies didn't dare to come over. But after the blood-red zombies' consciousness left their bodies, those zombies began to move around. After getting closer, they found that there was no response, and finally they all came up!

Soon, the zombies pounced on the bone-spurred zombie corpses on the ground and began to bite and swallow them crazily. They submerged the two corpses almost instantly. The zombies that came behind could not grab the position, so they turned their targets. Li Yichen, after all, his body is filled with the blood of high-level zombies, and his body is also a D-level life!

The moment those zombies' hands came into contact with Li Yichen, a golden light suddenly flashed across Li Yichen's body, and then a huge impact force erupted from his body. The surrounding zombies, together with the corpses of the bone-spur zombies and blood-red zombies, were The powerful shock wave flew away, and all living creatures within a hundred meters around Li Yichen were swept away...

"What a waste! What a waste!"

The system was heartbroken. Forget about ordinary zombies, but the corpses of those two high-level zombies can be decomposed into a lot of good things, and there will definitely be supernatural injections. Now they are gone - without the host's order. , even if the two zombie corpses are within the recovery range, the system cannot recover them.

The impact only appeared momentarily, and then Li Yichen's body was enveloped in a faint golden light. There were some red and black filaments in the golden light mask. Li Yichen's broken body could be seen through the light mask. , is recovering rapidly, the speed is staggering.

"Rules of heaven and earth? He...has advanced to C level?"

The system was a little surprised, because this is obviously a sign of the evolution from D level to C level. Just like when an ordinary life form advances to D level, all energy will be restored instantly, and when D level evolves to C level, it will be affected by the rules of heaven and earth. Protect and restore your body to peak condition!

Entering a C-level life has opened up the sea of ​​consciousness and truly entered the realm of advanced life. Therefore, the rules of heaven and earth will lower protection during the period of advancement. Although this layer of golden shield looks quite thin, unless there is The power that can break this world, otherwise, it will not be able to damage it at all!

Within the light shield, not only was Li Yichen's body recovering rapidly, but the energy in his body was also skyrocketing. Although he was originally a D-class life form, most of his life energy had been wiped out before the three strands of life energy were fused. Naturally, the physical attributes also dropped significantly.

This kind of obliteration is not like the consumption of life energy after using supernatural powers. That consumption will be restored automatically! This kind of erasure is carried out directly in the form of life energy. The lost life energy is permanently lost. If you want to restore it, you can only replenish it with strengthening injections.

However, Li Yichen's luck was quite good. Originally, he would definitely not be able to hold on. As long as the blood-red zombies did nothing and waited quietly, Li Yichen's life energy was destined to be completely wiped out, and he would naturally fall into death.

But the blood-red zombie happened to be a vampire, and his racial talent had the ability to seize Li Yichen's body. In addition, the mysterious energy in Li Yichen's body attracted him, so he decided to seize Li Yichen's body.

But after he opened Li Yichen's sea of ​​consciousness, he inexplicably entered that mysterious place. His consciousness was instantly killed, and the seizure of the body naturally failed.

But he helped Li Yichen open the sea of ​​consciousness. If he succeeded in seizing the body, Li Yichen's consciousness would naturally not be able to return to his own sea of ​​consciousness. But he failed, so Li Yichen's consciousness would automatically return to his own sea of ​​consciousness.

The place where the blood-red zombie entered was not this world, so although he was killed in that world, that world did not recognize his existence, so its consciousness returned to Li Yichen's sea of ​​consciousness and belonged to the ownerless consciousness, so it Completely absorbed by Li Yichen's consciousness!

This is why Li Yichen felt that his consciousness had changed just now. The blood-red zombie's consciousness was stronger than Li Yichen's, so when it absorbed his consciousness, Li Yichen fell into a coma again...

Although Li Yichen was unconscious at the moment, he had entered a C-level life after all. Coupled with the lack of life energy in his body, his body directly swallowed the other two life energies and turned them into Li Yichen's own life energy. .

This is the transformation of Li Yichen by the rules of heaven and earth after he advanced. Since it has acquiesced that the life energy in Li Yichen's body belongs to him, no matter how powerful the mysterious life energy is, it cannot resist the rules of heaven and earth and can only be assimilated and transformed by it... …

The golden light shield continued, and Li Yichen inside was already floating. The previous iron frame had been torn apart by the shock wave, and he didn't know where he flew. Even Li Yichen's Tianya didn't know where he went.

Under the protection of the rules of heaven and earth, Li Yichen's body is recovering, the three life energies in his body are merging, and the two consciousnesses are also merging, but he himself knows nothing about it, just floating so quietly...

“Swish swish!!”

Several figures came quickly from a distance and arrived in front of Li Yichen, staring blankly at the golden mask and Li Yichen inside.

"It's him?"

Among the figures, one person blurted out immediately after seeing Li Yichen.

"Zhang Yongqiang! Do you know him?"

Another person asked.

The person who spoke before was Zhang Yongqiang, the zombie king in the Hope Base. He said to the person respectfully:

"Yes! Master Gary! He is a human being. I have seen him a long time ago. He was the one who came to our place to cause trouble some time ago. This guy has many strange methods and can even conjure a helicopter out of thin air! So we We couldn’t catch him last time!”

With that said, Zhang Yongqiang pointed at Li Yichen:

"He seems to be unable to move now. Why don't you take this opportunity to kill this guy?"

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