Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 413 Whose arm is broken?

"Take advantage of this opportunity? Idiot!"

The man called Lord Gary is not tall, even shorter than Zhang Yongqiang. He has pale skin and scarlet eyes. He is clearly an undead! He looked at Li Yichen quietly and raised the corners of his mouth:

"He is now in the promotion stage and is protected by the rules of heaven and earth. Do you want me to commit suicide?"


Zhang Yongqiang was stunned for a moment, then he started to sweat, and he quickly knelt on the ground:

"Don't dare! I'm just talking nonsense, I have never seen such a situation! Please forgive me!"

"Get up! Just wait! It seems that the indigenous people in this world are not all ants. They actually have such magical abilities. No wonder they can be promoted to C level, but..."

Gary looked at Li Yichen quietly, with a smile on his lips:

"He has just been promoted, and his energy value is only over 800 at best! It is not difficult to kill him! The rules of heaven and earth will disappear after he is successfully promoted, and you can only take action then! Remember, you have to capture him alive, I want to see What secrets does he have!"

"Yes! Sir!"

Zhang Yongqiang quickly thanked him, then stood up and stood behind the adult, his eyes flashing fiercely, staring at Li Yichen.

After about ten minutes, the golden mask on Li Yichen began to gradually dim. Gary raised his hand and rubbed his nose, with a sinister smile appearing on the corner of his mouth:

"That's almost it. When the mask of light disappears completely, we'll go together and destroy him directly. As long as he doesn't die!"


Everyone behind Gary agreed, and then dispersed, surrounding Li Yichen.

At this time, Li Yichen's consciousness had slowly awakened, but what made Li Yichen strange was that there seemed to be some more memories in his mind. These memories did not belong to him, but came from others, so they were not like his own memories. , it will be clear if you think about it.

These memories from others are like... a book. He needs to read it by himself to obtain those memories.

However, Li Yichen had no time to care about it now, because he was feeling his suddenly stronger body. Before, the life energy in Li Yichen's body had already reached 800, which was at the peak of D-level life, and he was only missing the final breakthrough.

Later, after those two energies were destroyed, most of Li Yichen's life energy disappeared, leaving only about three hundred.

But now, Li Yichen found that his life energy had reached a terrifying level of more than 1,300, a surge of more than 1,000 life energy.

Li Yichen guessed that this was probably because he had devoured the other two strands of life energy in his body, but he didn't expect there to be so much.

Li Yichen had not seen the creature that attacked him before. He didn't even know where the attack came from. But just one attack contained such terrifying life energy. The person who sent out this attack would reach What level?

Just when Li Yichen wanted to feel his new realm, the golden mask outside his body completely disappeared. At the same time, several figures rushed towards him quickly!

Li Yichen was so shocked that he had no time to think about it and instinctively launched a lightning flash into the air. Then, he found that he was actually a hundred meters high in the sky.

"so tall?"

Li Yichen was delighted. It seemed that after he advanced, even his superpowers also advanced!

Those below did not expect that Li Yichen could react in this situation. They immediately stopped and looked up at Li Yichen in the sky!

"Hmph! A bunch of trash!"

When Gary saw those guys failed in their sneak attack, he couldn't help but snorted. He knew that Zhang Yongqiang and the others were only D-level beings, but Li Yichen had just broken through, and his life energy was not much higher than theirs. In addition, they took advantage of the fact that the light shield had just disappeared. He should have been very confident in making a sneak attack at that time, but he didn't expect that he didn't even touch a hair on Li Yichen's body.

"Sure enough, you have some strange abilities! But...in front of me, you are still far behind!"

Looking up at Li Yichen in the air, Gary stamped his feet on the ground, and his whole body suddenly flew into the air, rushing towards Li Yichen like a cannonball.

"It's so fast!"

Li Yichen looked at the figure rushing towards him. He had nowhere to use his strength in the air, so naturally he couldn't dodge. Now Tianya didn't know where it was lost, so he simply raised his right arm and hit Gary hard. .

"I don't know what to say! Then let's cripple one of your arms first!"

When Gary saw Li Yichen's actions, he twitched his lips with a sneer. Without dodging, he punched Li Yichen with the same punch.

Although Li Yichen is on top and he is on the bottom, Gary is relying on his own momentum, and Gary's own attributes are mainly strength, and he is a strong man who has been in C level for many years. In his opinion, a human who has just advanced can actually If you dare to compete with yourself for strength, you are simply seeking death!

"Bang~~! Boom!"

With a loud noise, Gary smashed into the ground faster than when he came up, creating a deep pit on the ground, and he was buried in the pit.

Li Yichen, on the other hand, was thrown upwards. Fortunately, he was unlikely to smash a hole in the sky, so he did not suffer any damage.

His arm was not injured, but it was slightly numb due to the previous impact. It seemed far from what Gary imagined in his mind, to simply destroy his arm.

"Is your physique stronger again?"

Li Yichen looked at his right arm, his eyes full of excitement. He found that his physique was much stronger than before. Moreover, at the moment when he was sparring with Gary, he found that a faint golden light appeared in his right arm.

"Is it also C-level? Then let's practice with you! Get familiar with your new body!!"

Looking at Gary below, Li Yichen's eyes were burning with fighting spirit. In fact, at his current height, he could already redeem a helicopter and leave here. However, after confirming the levels of those below with the system, Li Yichen suddenly wanted to Fight them here!

He has already seen Zhang Yongqiang below, and of course he knows that these guys are from the Hope Base. Last time he went to the Hope Base, although he escaped successfully, he still escaped. Now that he has completed the promotion and his attributes have skyrocketed, of course he is not willing to escape. !

"This is impossible!!"

Gary jumped out of the pit in disgrace, looked at the falling Li Yichen and let out an angry roar. This guy looked quite embarrassed now. Not only was his whole body covered in mud, but even his right arm was bent abnormally.

Obviously, in the previous fist fight with Li Yichen, the undead who originally planned to cripple Li Yichen's arm not only failed to achieve his goal, but almost crippled his own arm...

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