Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 414 It’s really not an escape


Li Yichen fell heavily to the ground, raising a cloud of smoke and dust, but he himself was not hurt at all, which made him even more satisfied with his current body.

He had just advanced to C level, and he was not very familiar with his body. Whether it was physical strength, control of the energy in the body, or the extra memories in his consciousness, he had not studied it carefully.

However, now that there are ready-made sparring partners, let’s first get used to the strengthened body and practice controlling the energy in the body. As for those memories - watch it while fighting!

In the process of falling, Li Yichen had already put on a new combat uniform. He looked around, but he didn't find his own Tianya, nor did he see it in the hands of these people. He couldn't help but frown, that weapon was... It can't be lost, it's because he extorted it from the system with great difficulty... No, it's coming. Even the current mall has no way to create another Tianya!

"You are not a native of this world! Who are you?"

Seeing Li Yichen looking around after landing, seemingly not taking him and the others seriously at all, Gary asked with a ferocious look on his face. His arm was still twisted at this time.

Before coming, Gary had already learned the information about the trial land in detail. The natives here could indeed be promoted to C level, but they could not be so powerful!

The other undead, including Zhang Yongqiang, also looked at Li Yichen nervously. They all knew Gary's strength. Even without relying on his identity, he could suppress them with his own strength alone. It can be said to be the most powerful existence in the Hope Base currently.

But in the battle with Li Yichen just now, everyone could see that Gary suffered a disadvantage. If even he was not a match for this human being, then today...

"You don't care who I am! Since you are attacking me, let's start a war!"

Li Yichen looked at Gary and said, then he flashed and rushed towards Gary, raised his fist and hit him hard!

"Do you really think you've got me?"

Gary was furious, and not to be outdone, he raised his uninjured arm and punched Li Yichen head-on!


Li Yichen's attributes at this time completely suppressed Gary. In addition, he took the initiative to attack this time and took advantage of his forward charge to knock Gary away again.

"damn it!"

Gary cursed fiercely. This time he was on guard, so his arm was not injured, but he did confirm one thing, that is, Li Yichen was indeed stronger than him!

"Sir! Are you okay?"

The other undead quickly came to Gary and asked repeatedly.


Gary shook his arm, looked at these undead, and suddenly laughed ferociously:

"Lend me your strength!"


An undead suddenly let out a scream and looked at Gary in shock. There was a blood hole in his chest, and his heart was being caught in Gary's hands...


He stuffed the still-beating heart into his mouth and swallowed it in several mouthfuls. After eating the heart, Gary's injured arm slowly bent back and recovered with several slight clicking sounds. normal……

Then, Gary turned to Li Yichen and said with a ferocious smile:

"You are stronger than me, right? Try again now!!"

As he spoke, Gary's body suddenly grew larger, and his skin color began to turn indigo. Countless thorns pierced out of his skin, instantly turning him into a giant hedgehog!


Li Yichen was stunned for a moment, then cursed in his mind, how the hell could he fight like this?

"System, which direction is the end of the world?"

He quickly asked in his mind, although his physique had strengthened and he might be able to withstand those spikes, but hitting a hedgehog with bare hands... Li Yichen would not do such a thing, especially when those spikes were flashing purple. Black light, who knows what is on top.

"At your seven o'clock direction! About two kilometers away!"

The system replied that this distance had long exceeded its detection range, but Tianya was given to Li Yichen by the system, and it could be located no matter how far away it was. This was why Li Yichen was not in a hurry to find Tianya before.

"Hahahaha! Come on!"

Seeing that Li Yichen didn't speak, Gary thought he was scared, so he immediately rushed towards him with a wild laugh. Li Yichen raised his head, smiled at him, waved his hand and said:

"See you!"

After saying that, Li Yichen launched Thunder Flash again, and his figure instantly appeared a hundred meters away, and then started running wildly!


Gary was stunned for a moment, then became furious and roared:


Then, Gary took the lead and chased Li Yichen. The undead quickly followed, and the only one left was the undead whose heart was taken out by Gary.

The undead are the same as zombies. Only the head is the fatal point, but the heart is where they store life energy. Without the heart, although the undead will not die, they will slowly lose their consciousness and transform into zombies again. .

"Fortunately! The speed has not slowed down!"

Li Yichen ran all the way, and at the same time secretly rejoiced in his heart. Originally, Li Yichen's three attributes were almost the same, but because of his personal preference, he had more agility, so strictly speaking, agility should be regarded as his main attribute.

But after he advanced to C-level life, he discovered that his main attribute had actually become strength, and it was much higher than the other two attributes! It seems that the main attribute of that mysterious energy is power.

However, Li Yichen's total life energy has almost doubled now compared to before, so although strength has become his main attribute, his agility has not decreased, and his total attributes are only more than 1,300, which is far from the total attributes of a C-level life. The upper limit is still nearly two hundred, and he can definitely add another two hundred attributes to himself.

Although the system can now fill up his attributes again, Li Yichen does not intend to do so. He needs to get used to his body first, and then consider how to improve his attributes.

"Human boy! You can't run away! This is the territory of our undead!"

Gary led the undead in hot pursuit, shouting loudly that his power has a time limit, and Gary is also a power type, and does not have the ability to rush, so he can only chase slowly from behind. .

If he keeps running like this, if he can't maintain this power, he really has no confidence in defeating Li Yichen!

But just when he was anxious, he suddenly found that Li Yichen in front of him had stopped, turned around and looked at him with a smile. He didn't know when there was a ferocious long bow in his hand...

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