Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 415 Repeating the Mistakes of the Past

"I'm not running away! I lost my things, come back and look for them!"

Li Yichen raised Tianya, shook it at Gary and said with a smile:

"Now we can start! Big hedgehog!"

Looking at the long bow, Gary frowned, but did not flinch. It was just an extra weapon. No matter what today, he must keep this kid! He's so powerful right after he advanced. There's absolutely no way he can grow up with this kind of character!

"You summon some zombies to surround him! Don't let him escape again!"

Gary shouted, and then rushed towards Li Yichen. Li Yichen had already used Thunder Flash twice in front of him. He also saw some clues and knew that this kind of sudden power requires a path.

With the undead he brought, it was impossible to block all of Li Yichen's sudden advance paths, but they were able to command the zombies. The most indispensable thing here was zombies, which were enough to surround this human to death. Otherwise, if he slips away as soon as he has the advantage, then the fight will be impossible!

After receiving Gary's order, the undead quickly began to summon zombies. For them, controlling these zombies was very simple. They could easily control even high-level zombies such as intelligent tyrants.

At this time, Gary had already rushed in front of Li Yichen, and swung his spiked fist towards him...

Li Yichen sneered, held Tianya's bow arm and went forward. Tianya's bow also had spikes on the handle, and it was much longer than Gary's fist. Naturally, he would not be afraid of fighting.

After Gary activated his power, his confidence also increased greatly. His power is both offensive and defensive. The spikes naturally focus on attack. After the transformation, his body's defense will instantly increase by two levels, even comparable to B-level life defense.

In some large-scale battles, Gary even transformed directly, and then rushed all the way into the enemy group. He didn't need any moves at all. He just held his head and ran all the way, and he could hit a road paved with flesh and blood! So Gary has a nickname called Bloody Meat Grinder!

Both sides of the battle were confident enough, so Gary's fist collided hard with Li Yichen's Tianya...


What surprised Gary was that the spikes on the arm of the longbow easily broke through his defense and penetrated his fist. Fortunately, he had rich combat experience and when he felt something was wrong, he immediately hit him hard. Shen Sheng closed her fist, and then retreated backwards, so as not to completely destroy her hand.

However, when he retreated, Li Yichen would not let him go. He followed him like a shadow, waving the Tianya in his hand repeatedly. Although Gary tried his best to avoid it, the spikes on his body were still being cut off, and more thorns began to appear on his body. scars...

By now, Gary finally knew that he had thought too much just now. Run? Do people need to run?

"Quick! Catch him!"

Gary shouted loudly, and the undead who had gathered a large number of zombies quickly rushed towards Li Yichen, and at the same time he rushed towards Li Yichen.

Gary shouted for them to attack Li Yichen, but he rushed into the high-level zombies that surrounded him first, grabbed the heart of a zombie, put it into his mouth and started chewing it. This is the racial talent of the undead, which can be obtained by devouring it. The same kind of heart to quickly restore itself.

As soon as the undead and high-level zombies joined in, Li Yichen's pressure suddenly increased, because these undead, including Zhang Yongqiang, could use supernatural powers, and they had obviously seen that Gary was defeated by Li Yichen, so they dared to keep it all. Activated his own superpower.

These powers include attack, defense, and support. There is one undead power in particular that actually summons a green light to cover Li Yichen's body, greatly slowing him down instantly.

Coupled with the fact that mutated zombies and high-level zombies were also swarming up, Li Yichen suddenly felt the pressure increase greatly.

In desperation, Li Yichen had to give up on Gary, because this guy was hiding among the mutant zombies. Even if he gave him a few blows, as long as he didn't kill him, he could always recover quickly with the help of those zombies.

Although after their hearts are taken out, those mutated zombies will quickly turn into ordinary zombies, but obviously this guy doesn't care about this. In his opinion, let alone turning into ordinary zombies , even if he dies immediately, as long as he can recover, it will be worth it!

He wielded Tianya and chopped down the two mutated zombies in front of him. Li Yichen himself was caught several times by the zombies around him. The green light not only slowed Li Yichen's speed a lot, but even his movements of waving Tianya and dodging became slower. slow.

And now he is surrounded by high-level zombies, either tyrants and lickers, or mutated zombies, not even an ordinary zombie. Obviously Gary is planning to use these to consume Li Yichen first.

Paths in all directions have been blocked, and even the air is occupied by those flesh-winged lickers. They don't take the initiative to attack, but just fly around above to block Li Yichen's use of Thunder Flash.

At this time, the power of the zombie tide really became apparent. They came from all angles. Li Yichen's killing speed could not match the speed of their replacement. He was soon surrounded by the zombie tide, pulling Li Yichen hard.

In order to clear the tide of corpses around him as quickly as possible, Li Yichen even continued to release electric arcs, but these zombies were not like those bugs. Although their bodies also conduct electricity, the electric arc could not kill them directly, it could only paralyze them.

The undead are also trying to come up, but they will not get too close to Li Yichen. They are all at a certain distance from him, either using long-range attacks or using special powers. Anyway, as long as they can cause trouble for Li Yichen, they are all Sparing no effort in greeting Li Yichen!

It wasn't until now that Li Yichen discovered that his two powers actually had fatal flaws. Even in this situation, where everything was sealed up, down, left, and right, there was nothing he could do about it, whether it was Thunder Flash or Thunder Purgatory. freed!

Thunder Purgatory can actually be released into the air, but... so what if some of the flesh-wing lickers in the sky are cleared away? If you jump on it, won't you still fall down?

With Gary watching eagerly from the side, wanting to exchange for a helicopter and start it successfully, that is simply a fantasy.

"Damn! I'm so careless!"

Li Yichen cursed in his heart. He suddenly remembered that he seemed to have made this mistake when he was at Li Qingfeng's base. At that time, he had sworn that he would never go deep into the corpse tide again. But... after the breakthrough, he actually Forgot this lesson...

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