Li Yichen did not return directly to Yunzhong City, but flew the helicopter towards the direction of the insect swarm. On the way, he indeed saw the Zerg running back, and it was also an insect general.

Because all the Zerg were flying towards the Han Province, this "deserter" that quickly returned beside the insect wave was quite obvious. Li Yichen directly drove the helicopter to follow it. However, this time Li Yichen had no intention of following it all the way. Go to the insect nest!

After catching up with the insect general, Li Yichen landed the helicopter in front of it, then jumped out of the helicopter, drew his long bow and fired an arrow!

Although the life energy in this Zerg's body has reached 800, its speed and defense have not been improved as a result. Now it is at best a container, just to transport the life energy in its body back. Naturally, it cannot stop Li Yichen's attack. Sniper kill.

What surprised Li Yichen was that the death of this insect did not attract the attention of the insect swarm next to it. They seemed not to notice it. The queue was not disordered at all and continued to move towards the Hanbang Province.

Li Yichen slowly came to the Zerg and recycled it directly. This guy did have a lot of life energy. Li Yichen gained a lot of enhanced enzymes at once, but he only had a little superpower gene, which was the standard of an ordinary Zerg general.

"They don't care?"

Li Yichen looked at the swarm of insects only five or six meters away from him, and suddenly smiled:

"It seems...this method is feasible!"

Afterwards, Li Yichen immediately returned to the helicopter and drove the helicopter to Yunzhong City again. At this time, the soldiers below Yunzhong City had changed. The intensity of this kind of battle was too high, even with the strength of the three legions. , they can only hold on for about an hour!

Fortunately, because zombies or Zerg corpses are used to attract them, the scale of the battle can be freely controlled by them. Therefore, Chang Guchuan now directly divides the soldiers of the three legions into six groups and takes turns to fight. , when the last batch went up, the first batch came down had just recovered their strength and could go into battle again!

In this way, they will always maintain a group of fresh troops here, and they can handle it if an accident occurs. Chang Guchuan does not dare to be careless at all now, even with Li Yichen here.

"Xiaohu! Gather your shadows of death! There's work to do!"

Returning to Yunzhong City, Li Yichen immediately came to the city wall and said to Xiaohu.


Xiaohu agreed, and then immediately issued a summons order on the dedicated channel of Death Shadow. Even the Death Shadow members who were fighting below immediately withdrew from the battle and came to the wall to look for Xiaohu to report.

After the expansion of the Shadow of Death, the current total number of people is 333. Including Xiaohu, it is the smallest among the three legions, and all of them are children under the age of 15!

However, each of these little guys are elites, even those who have joined for less than a week. With sufficient supply of strengthening injections, each of them has now become a new human being and has entered the realm of D-class life. !

After all, these children were selected by Xiaohu from hundreds of thousands of children. It can be said that they are all one in a million!

"Xiaohu! Do you know what they are doing?"

After the shadows of death gathered, Li Yichen pointed to the battlefield of Zerg and zombies below and asked.


Xiaohu was stunned for a moment, not quite understanding what Li Yichen meant.

"No! Theirs... is not a war! It is... a war reserve!"

Li Yichen smiled and shook his head.

"War reserves?"

Xiaohu's eyes widened.

"Did you see that bug?"

Li Yichen pointed at a bug that had accumulated enough life energy and was running back and said:

"It now has 800 life energy in its body. When it goes back, it will be able to accumulate a high-level Zerg for the Zerg! The war you see now is a way for the Zerg and zombies to deliberately consume low-level troops and store life energy. !”

"Hehe! This guy... we can't let him go back smoothly, right?"

After hearing Li Yichen's words, Xiaohu instantly understood what he meant and said with a smile.

"That's right! Take your Death Shadow and snipe the zombies and Zerg running back."

Li Yichen also smiled, nodded and said:

"The Zerg side is easy to deal with, you just have to wait here!"

After marking a point on the map, Li Yichen said:

"As for the zombies, let's use helicopters. The battle line is too long and they may return from any position! You monitor from above. Once you find someone running back, go over and snipe them, and then bring back the corpse! Remember, the corpse must be bring back!"

"Understood! Don't worry, Brother Yi!"

Xiaohu said excitedly, then turned around and said to the little guys who were lined up neatly:

"Brothers! Zombies and Zerg are using attrition tactics to accumulate high-level units. Now, the task of stopping them is left to us! Don't be embarrassed, no one is allowed to run away!"


The little guys responded together.

"Our mission is to snipe and kill the zombies and bugs that are running back. Team 1, Team 8, follow me to intercept the zombie tide. Team 9, Team 10, Team 11, go here to intercept the bugs! Cheng Bushi and Lu Tao You two lead the team!"

Xiaohu opened the map and clicked on a mark.

The current Shadow of Death was divided into eleven squads by Xiaohu, with thirty people in each squad. In addition to the two deputy captains Cheng Bushi and a little guy named Lu Tao, and the regiment commander Xiaohu, there were just enough people.

When Li Yichen heard Xiaohu's allocation, he didn't have any objections. One of the zombies was close, and the other one was too large. Unlike those insects, they would always approach the insect tide on the way back. As long as he was around Just wait on both sides of the marked position.

On the zombie side, one is close and the other is large, especially since the Hope Base is here. If there are too many interceptions, they may come out to check, so naturally more people are needed!

"Xiao Hu! I will also cooperate with the zombies. You can divide the Zerg side into four teams! Two teams on each side. Cheng Bushi and Lu Tao will lead one team to intercept on both sides of the insect wave! I will ask Lao Wan to send people to cooperate. , transport back the Zerg corpses you hunted!"

Li Yichen thought for a while and said, he has to stay here anyway and just help Xiaohu and the others keep an eye on the corpse tide. After all, if Gary takes action, he seems to be the only one who can withstand it in the capital of hell!

"Okay! That'll be no problem!"

Xiaohu said excitedly, then turned around and ordered:

"Team 8 will also go to the insect wave. Teams 1 to 7 will enter the zombie wave! Set off immediately!!"

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