After receiving Xiaohu's order, Death Shadow immediately started to separate according to the team. Now the three major legions have their own exclusive helicopters, and almost everyone has learned to fly helicopters.

There were a dozen helicopters in total, carrying the members of the Shadow of Death separately. Li Yichen also climbed into a helicopter. He knew that if the zombies that had accumulated enough energy were sniped, the undead would definitely take some action, but he didn't know this. We can't ignore it, we can't just watch those undead and bugs continue to accumulate high-level units, right?

But just when Li Yichen took off in a helicopter, a wave of energy suddenly came from Yunzhong City, and it was on the top floor of the fortress.

"what happened?"

Xiao Mao and other people standing on the city wall also felt this energy fluctuation and were shocked. Could it be that the enemy actually sneaked into Yunzhong City?

"Don't panic, keep going! Ignore this!"

Li Yichen was so happy in the air that he didn't even bother to stop the helicopter and directly recovered it. Then with a lightning flash, he landed on the top of Yunzhong City and sprinted all the way to the source of the energy fluctuations.

Opening the door, Li Yichen saw Lin Xiaotian at a glance. He was now enveloped by a white light shield and floating in the air.

"The rules of heaven and earth?"

Li Yichen shouted excitedly. In fact, when he broke through, he didn't know his situation at that time. However, there were records of breaking through to C level in the blood clan's memory, so as soon as he felt the location of the energy fluctuation, he thought Lin Xiaotian.

However, Lin Xiaotian's mask is white, but Li Yichen's is golden. There is a difference between the two, and according to the memory of the blood clan, when breaking through to a C-level life, the mask of the rules of heaven and earth should be It was white, so Li Yichen didn't think anything was wrong. After all, he didn't know what color the mask was when he broke through.

"Another C-level! In this way, Yunzhong City will be as stable as gold, as long as the undead don't come over with higher-level experts!"

Watching Lin Xiaotian's breakthrough, Li Yichen was certainly happy. Although Lin Xiaotian was not a veteran of the Hell City, he was Lin Yichen's uncle, and Li Yichen had always regarded him as one of his own.

"Xiaohu, hold off on intercepting the zombies and wait for my order!"

Although he knew that Lin Xiaotian was definitely not in danger due to the protection of the rules of heaven and earth, Li Yichen still decided to wait here, so he spoke to his personal terminal.


Xiaohu always carried out Li Yichen's orders unconditionally and never asked why.

More than ten minutes later, the mask on Lin Xiaotian disappeared and he fell to the ground. He slowly opened his eyes and immediately saw Li Yichen.

"Uncle Lin! How do you feel?"

Li Yichen asked with a smile.

"Pretty good!"

Lin Xiaotian said with emotion, looking at Li Yichen with a somewhat complicated look. When Lin Yichen told him about Li Yichen before, he only looked at him differently because Li Yichen was a sibling of Li Fangzhou. But with Li Yichen's strength back then, to be honest, Lin Xiaotian was still Quite disdainful.

But after coming to the Capital of Hell, he not only watched Li Yichen and his Capital of Hell grow rapidly with his own eyes, he even borrowed a lot of light from them.

Lin Xiaotian knew in his heart that without the enhanced enzymes in Hell Capital and the breakthrough experience that Li Yichen had told him before, it would have been impossible for him to step into the realm of C-level life.

"Step into C level! Your upper limit of life energy should also be increased to one thousand and five. Go to the headquarters to redeem some resources, improve your strength, and then... come here and watch for me!"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Xiaotian and smiled.

In the capital of hell, Li Yichen set up several characters who can exchange resources at will. These people don't have to worry about points or their own levels. As long as they are available in the mall, they can exchange them at will.

Currently, only Wan Shan, Lone Lang, Chang Guchuan, Xiao Mao, Xiao Hu, Lin Xiaotian and Li Qingfeng have this privilege, because these people are trusted by Li Yichen!

"Hahaha! Okay! Then I won't be polite!"

Lin Xiaotian laughed, then stood up, came to Li Yichen, patted his shoulder, and said meaningfully:

"Don't worry! When Yiyi comes, I will put in a good word for you!"

"Oh no! That's not what I meant! Uncle Lin."

Li Yichen has a black streak!

"I don't care about you! Anyway, I said something nice for you, so I don't owe you anything!"

Lin Xiaotian laughed and then walked away...

"I...forget it! An old man is not worth arguing with!"

Li Yichen shook his head helplessly, then returned to the rooftop of the castle, exchanged for a helicopter again, and flew away...

"Xiaohu! You can start!"

Li Yichen flew the helicopter over the center of the Hope Base, hovered the helicopter directly, looked at Gary below who was staring at him with a look of resentment, and shouted into the communicator.


Xiaohu agreed, and then issued an order on the Shadow of Death channel:

"Teams 1 to 7! Pay attention below. If you find any zombies heading towards the Hope Base, report them immediately and snipe nearby!!"


Team 1 and Team 7 were depressed at this time, because the four teams over there had already opened their doors, but they were still dangling in the air. This feeling was not very good. When they heard that they could finally attack, they immediately agreed loudly.

"Brother Tiger! There is a returning tyrant in areas 132 and 741. The fifth team is ready to intercept!"

"Brother Tiger! The returning Licker was found in areas 253 and 685. The third team is ready to intercept!"

Almost as soon as Xiaohu issued the order to start the interception, two teams reported that they had discovered the target. They had been staring at the two zombies, but they had not dared to attack because there was no order. Now they heard Xiaohu If you say you can attack, of course you won't let them escape.

"Copy that! Free attack! Do you need support?"

Xiaohu asked on the communication channel.

"Brother Tiger! They have already gone down. I guess... the third team does not need support!"

A member of the third team said in the channel that it was obvious that his captain had led the team members into the group of corpses, leaving the pilot waiting in the air.

"No need for Team Five, complete the mission immediately!"

As if to show off, Team 5 also shouted directly in the communication channel.

"Huh! That's quite positive! You'd better pay attention to your safety. If anyone gets hurt... Huh!"

Xiaohu snorted coldly on the communication channel.

Listening to the voice coming from the communicator, Li Yichen couldn't help laughing, turned his head and looked at Gary below, waved to him and shouted loudly:

[Liancheng] "Gary! Happy New Year!!"

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