Gary didn't understand what Li Yichen said, but Li Yichen's obviously happy expression made him quite unhappy. However, he already knew that Li Yichen's strength was no less than his own, so he simply pretended not to see it.

"Report! Team three has completed the kill! The body has been successfully recovered!"

"Report! Team 5 has completed the kill and the body has been recovered!"

After a while, good news came from the communicator. The two teams that found the zombies that had accumulated enough life energy successfully killed the zombies and took the zombies' bodies back to the helicopter.

"Continue patrolling and don't let anyone get away!"

Xiaohu said calmly that killing these two zombies would not be difficult at all for almost all members of the D-level Shadow of Death. Their threat only came from the Hope Base.


The members of the Shadow of Death responded, and then began to patrol the sky above the zombie tide. As long as they found anyone returning to the Hope Base, they would immediately lower their height and then kill them.

After about an hour, Gary began to feel that something was wrong, because during this period, not a single zombie returned. This was completely abnormal!

Looking at Li Yichen in the air, Gary suddenly understood something. A hint of sinisterness flashed in his eyes. Then he stood up and entered the building with four undead.

Li Yichen adjusted the angle of the helicopter, but after waiting for a long time, Gary and the four undead did not appear again.

"Xiaohu! Be careful. The strongest among the undead has suddenly disappeared. I can't see where he is now. Pay attention to your reconnaissance! Report anything to me immediately!"

Li Yichen quickly picked up the communicator and spoke inside. Because of the obstruction of the building, Gary lost track of this guy after he entered the building. Maybe he quietly left the Hope Base from the tunnel and entered the zombie wave!

"Xiao Yi! I've got it done here! What do you need me to do?"

At this time, Lin Xiaotian's voice also sounded. It seemed that he had stabilized his realm and completed his own strengthening!

"Uncle Lin! Come to Yunzhong City! Xiaohu and the others are intercepting zombies, and I'm afraid that guy in the hope base will come out! Come and keep an eye on him, I want to go to the insect nest to have a look!"

Li Yichen said, Lin Xiaotian has rich combat experience, and now he has broken through to become a C-level lifeform, and has also strengthened it. There will definitely be no problem in dealing with that Gary. With him here, he can go to the insect tide to have a look!

Zhang Anji and the others should have set off to the insect nest this morning, but there has been no reply until now. I don’t know what the situation is. In addition, they have begun to intercept and kill the returning insects. There must be some reaction from the insect tide. Li Yichen feels that he is necessary. Take a trip yourself!

After a while, Lin Xiaotian drove a helicopter to the sky above the Hope Base and met Li Yichen. Li Yichen pointed to the Hope Base below, told him briefly about Gary, and then asked him to follow Xiaohu in the air. The members who were protecting the Shadow of Death were flying in a helicopter towards the Starry Sky Province...

Along the way, Li Yichen kept looking at the surging insect waves below. They were still pouring into the Han Province, and their momentum showed no sign of weakening. Li Yichen estimated that from the beginning of the war to now, the Zerg had probably invested at least tens of millions. The army is indeed a race that dominates with numbers!

But Li Yichen was very surprised. Since the Zerg had the terrifying racial talent of fusion and had such a huge number, why did they come all the way to attack the undead? If they accumulate high-level units in the insect nest honestly, how many high-level units will they accumulate after one year? I'm afraid there's no problem with one versus five.

Li Yichen went to the Insect Nest this time to verify this and see if the Insects were sending troops to attack the undead while also accumulating advanced Insects. There was not much information about the Insects in the memory of the Vampires.

Of course, Li Yichen didn't know that the Zerg did have the racial talent of fusion. They could use each other to devour each other in a short time to create high-level Zerg, and this fusion basically had no upper limit.

In other words, if the Zerg are given enough time, they can even mass-produce S-level or even SS-level Zerg!

However, this fusion is time-sensitive. The fused bug can only survive for a short period of time, and then it will disappear, along with the life energy in its body.

That's why the Zerg didn't sit back and develop in the insect nest. Instead, after arriving in this world, they immediately began to send troops to attack the undead. The life energy generated in that kind of battle allowed them to produce high-level Zerg!

The giant insect king that Li Yichen saw before was definitely powerful, but its existence was only because the insect race felt threatened by the above, so they were forced to use fusion to create that big guy, in order to let it out of the insect nest. After construction, only when the insect nest is established can the insect race truly take root in this world!

The trial passage is not yet stable enough to allow the Zerg Mother Queen to pass through, so before he could only send a large number of low-level Zerg there to enter the trial passage. But as long as the insect nest here is completed, then the insect nest can Directly produce a steady stream of low-level Zerg, and go to the undead camp to attack in exchange for enough life energy!

Different from the undead, after the Zerg captures enough life energy, they will come back and directly inject that life energy into the mother nest! To help the Brood upgrade, as long as the Brood reaches the top level, they can even mass-produce A-level or even S-level Zerg. This is the truly terrifying thing about the Zerg.

However, now that Li Yichen has joined, it seems that it is not easy for the Zerg to accumulate life energy in this way, and the most terrible thing is... the Zerg queen over there can't sense the mother nest here at all, right? Got energy.

Unlike the undead, even the undead on the ground have certain abilities. Only the mother queen and the insect king under her command are truly intelligent. Other insects, even if their life level reaches A level, cannot Just like those insect soldiers and insect generals, they have no sense of autonomy at all and completely obey the orders of the Mother Queen.

The advantage of this is that the execution of the Zerg is quite thorough. As long as the mother queen gives the order, even if they are asked to line up to get into the oil pan and blow themselves up, they will not hesitate at all.

The disadvantage... naturally is that without the leadership of the Mother Queen and the Insect King, they basically have no adaptability. They only know how to follow the established procedures. Even if this procedure has been destroyed by others, they will not Will continue until the end...

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