Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 472 My heart hurts and my face hurts

"Is this...the missile that was launched just now?"

Everyone's eyes lit up when they looked at the new image that appeared on the terminal. What was displayed on the screen was twelve missiles climbing at high speed in the air!

"That's right!"

Li Yichen nodded and smiled.

Originally, what was displayed on the terminal was only the radar screen. All that was seen were light spots without any images. Although the results of the battle could be seen from the disappearance of the light spots, it was not as enjoyable as watching it like this!

Li Yichen suddenly remembered this monitoring satellite because he had just spoken to Lin Xiaotian. In fact, this is not strictly a satellite. It can only float at a certain height and cannot even enter the atmosphere. Moreover, the price is not cheap. , mainly because it is disposable and will automatically crash in a few days, so Li Yichen has never paid attention to this thing!

But under the current circumstances, this monitoring satellite is just right. Li Yichen originally didn't plan to use this thing, but after thinking about it, it seemed good to let these allies see the technological power of the Capital of Hell with their own eyes! At least it gave them some confidence, so they decisively exchanged it and launched it.

In the picture, twelve missiles were arranged in a neat flying formation and kept climbing. Just when they were able to climb to the commanding heights in another ten seconds, more than twenty missiles flew over and hit these ten missiles quite accurately. Two missiles...

"Boom boom boom!"

Amidst a series of loud noises, the missiles exploded one after another, and a hot white light lit up in the sky. Everyone couldn't help but swallow a mouthful of saliva - is this the end? Originally, they were confident from what Li Yichen said. They thought these missiles had automatic avoidance systems, but...

Li Yichen's face did not change, he still looked at the terminal calmly, with a smile on his lips. Seeing this, Wan Shan and others couldn't help but be confused. You... have already leaked the pretense, how can you still be so calm?


Chang Guchuan suddenly started shouting, and everyone quickly looked down at their terminals. They were shocked to find that when the white light went out, twelve shorter missiles emerged from the dust of the previous explosion and continued to climb upwards. He quickly reached the commanding heights, adjusted the angle, and began to dive downwards rapidly.

"What...what's going on?"

Guo Jinbao took a deep breath. The Xinyuan Chamber of Commerce sells thermal weapons, including missiles. However, he was able to escape from such a violent explosion, and there were a lot of missiles. He really This is unheard of!

"If you want to know, just play it back slowly and you will know!"

Li Yichen did not explain, laughed softly, and then nodded to the terminal:

"Close to target!"

At this time, the twelve invading jet fighters had appeared on the screen, and the twelve missiles were making their final dive towards them.

The opponent's fighter jets have obviously noticed something is wrong, but now that the missiles are above them, it is definitely too late to shoot down these missiles.

In a hurry, the originally neat formation of fighter jets suddenly changed. Half of them suddenly began to dive, while the other six quickly pulled up, and in the process of pulling up, they continued to perform various interspersed flying movements, which looked shocking. People are dazzled.

"It's really amazing! Being able to react like this in such a short period of time, and there are still people who are willing to execute it without hesitation, that guy is indeed proud of it!"

Guo Jinbao nodded in admiration, while Chang Guchuan and others looked confused. They could see that these guys were quite skilled in driving, but what was this... that Guo Jinbao was talking about?

"This is a tail-cutting and disruption tactic!"

Lin Xiaotian explained:

"The six fighter planes that came up were abandoned to protect the six fighter planes that were diving downward. Because of this distance, it is impossible to avoid or shoot down those missiles, so these six fighter planes came up. And make those tactical flying moves.”

"This kind of interspersed flight is to interfere with the guidance of the missile. After all, it is impossible for the launched missile to distinguish which fighter plane it is targeting. Therefore, these six fighter planes will basically attract all those missiles and eventually die together. !”

Having said this, Lin Xiaotian looked at the six fighter planes flying like butterflies with some admiration, nodded and said:

"The pilots of these six fighter planes are here to die. Under such circumstances, they can still maintain such a high flying level, but in terms of mentality... they have surpassed most people!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

In fact, not only Chang Guchuan and Xiaohu, but also many people from the five major forces did not understand what Guo Jinbao said. After all, not every force will get some jet fighters back. Generally speaking, they are willing to fly at low altitudes. And there are not helicopters that are that fast, so safety comes first, right? In this apocalyptic world, it is already difficult to live, so why go to heaven to seek death?

"These six guys are really good! Unfortunately...they are of no use!"

Just when everyone was looking at the six fighters with regretful expressions, Li Yichen suddenly shook his head lightly and said sarcastically.

He would not admire these six heroes who sacrificed their lives for righteousness. The enemy was the enemy, especially these guys who took the initiative to die in order to save the six fighter planes so that they could come over to attack his hell capital. No matter how heroic this kind of person is, Li Yichen I'll just treat him like shit!

Everyone was stunned when they heard Li Yichen's words, and at this moment, the sound of explosion finally came from the terminal again...

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

Because the explosion was not so coherent this time, everyone could hear it. The most violent explosion was only six times, so they looked at the image on the terminal carefully...

The sky was once again lit up by the light generated by the explosion, with aircraft wreckage flying everywhere in the middle. As the camera shifted, everyone finally saw traces of six missiles below the explosion area.

"Really...still there?"

Guo Jinbao said in disbelief.

"Of course! My missiles are not so easily deceived!"

Li Yichen said calmly.

"This is a lethal missile! Once the target is determined, it must be killed!!"

Everyone was stunned. Is this a missile or a killer?

At this time, six missiles had already pounced on the six fighters that thought they had escaped. After diving for a certain distance and hearing the explosion, they raised the nose of the aircraft!

"Wait to die! You son of a bitch in the capital of hell! I will definitely raze your place to the ground!!"

The squadron leader surnamed Gu gritted his teeth and said that he had lost half of his fighter planes before he could see the target. This was the first time he had suffered such a big loss, especially... This loss was caused by his pretense, so now he not only My heart aches, and my face hurts too...

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