Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 473 A moth flies into a flame?

In fact, the squadron leader surnamed Gu didn't know how powerful the missiles launched by Hell City were. Even if he intercepted those missiles at the beginning, the result would be exactly the same. So we can't blame him for showing off. If Li Yichen is willing to explain to him now I wonder if he will feel better if he waits for a while!

But obviously even if Li Yichen really wanted to treat him

"Dragon...Captain, be careful!!"

Just when the squadron leader surnamed Gu was about to give the order to advance towards the capital of hell at full speed, he suddenly heard a warning from a team member on the communicator.

"Captain Dragon? Who is it?"

The squadron leader surnamed Gu was confused, but he quickly looked up and saw that a missile appeared in the sky above him and was diving rapidly towards him.


The squadron leader surnamed Gu was shocked, where did the missile come from?

The moment he saw the missile, Squadron Leader Gu's heart went cold. He had enough experience in air combat. Although he didn't know how the missile appeared, he could at least know how he didn't - this The distance is completely unavoidable...

"Damn it, even if I die! I will bite you hard!"

Knowing that he was no longer lucky, the despair on the face of squadron leader Gu suddenly turned into a ferocious look. He stared at the group of helicopters on the screen and clicked his thumb on the launch button of the airborne missile...


At this moment, a roar suddenly came from behind him, and a scream sounded from the communicator at the same time!

There was naturally more than one missile in the air. Perhaps to give Captain Gu a face, the first one hit by the missile was not his car.

However, their fighter planes were not far away. Although Captain Gu's car was not hit directly, the airflow and debris generated by the explosion of the fighter plane and missile still hit Captain Gu's car, and then, Captain Gu's car was still hanging in the air. The Sword of Damocles on his head finally fell and hit the fuselage of his fighter plane...


Amidst the explosion, Captain Gu roared and pressed the launch button of the missile. However, due to the impact of the shock wave, he hesitated before. When he pressed it again, he was already hit. Therefore, although he released all the missiles he carried, in the end, only one missile was able to successfully penetrate the explosion...


The missile dragged a long tail flame and flew forward. There was a continuous roar behind it - the invading enemy planes, the entire army was annihilated!

"I go!"

Seeing that the twelve missiles had indeed killed all the twelve fighter planes without leaving a single one behind, everyone took a breath of air. There were more than a hundred missile launchers like this in the Hell City. What if this was the case? Let them all out...

Looking at Li Yichen again, the eyes of the leaders of the five major forces were different. They were both fearful and grateful. Fortunately, he was wise and chose to join forces with them. If such a person was an enemy, could he still sleep at night? And I can only go out at noon, because something will happen sooner or later! !

"Brother Yi! There is a missile!"

Chang Guchuan's eyes were very sharp. Although the picture was frozen in the explosion area, he still saw a shadow trailing flames flashing past.

"Well! I saw it! It should be coming towards us!"

Li Yichen nodded, nonsense, I have a needle...Eagle Eye! Can you see that? However, he ignored the missile, but looked at the people around him and said:

"Everyone! Now that the enemy has been eliminated, it's time for us to get to work, right?"

"Okay! Let's begin!"

Everyone nodded. Although they were also thinking about the missile, since Li Yichen said so, he must have a way to deal with it, and he didn't have to worry about it.

It has to be said that Li Yichen's surveillance satellite was definitely not wasted. It at least greatly increased the confidence of the people among the five major forces in him. Seeing Li Yichen's calm and calm look, he even ignored the missiles flying towards them!

Wan Shan directed the helicopter to return to its original position. Then, Li Yichen opened the hatch, took off Tianya, and turned around and said:

"As agreed before, as soon as my Thunder Purgatory is released, you will each show your abilities and cut off the insect tide!"


Wan Shan quickly pulled Li Yichen, and then shouted to the terminal:

"Attention all units, prepare to fight!"


Hearing the echo from the terminal, Wan Shan finally nodded to Li Yichen, who then turned around and prepared to jump off the helicopter.

"Look! That missile!!"

At this moment, Guo Jinbao suddenly pointed outside and shouted. Everyone turned to look and saw a missile trailing flames flying towards them in the distance.

"here we go!"

Li Yichen also looked at the missile, but said something that made everyone confused. Then he jumped out, drew his long bow, and faced a thunder and light purgatory below him...

Guo Jinbao and others were collectively petrified. Brother, what are you causing trouble? The missiles are coming, okay? Are you still starting? When we jump down, the missile arrives just in time. Are you a traitor?

Especially Guo Jinbao, he almost said: "You are indeed a vampire!"

Who are all here? The elites of the five major forces, as well as the elites of the Hell Capital, even the leader Wan Shan, are here, as well as the commanders of the three major legions.

And below, the most elite troops of the six major alliances are gathered. If these people all jump down together, and then launch missiles, as long as they are powerful enough...

The leaders of the six major alliances, as well as most of the elites in the alliance, were all killed by a missile in an instant. Not to mention whether their alliance could be maintained, even the six forces themselves would probably be in chaos. .

The Kingdom of Heaven will definitely not miss this opportunity, and will definitely attack everywhere to wipe out all their forces in other continents. The Vampire Clan can take advantage of this opportunity to gain a foothold in the Far North Continent...

The businessman's mind is quick. At the moment when Li Yichen jumped out of the cabin and released the lightning purgatory downwards, he was able to think of so many things. Although there were many loopholes in it, for example, the vampires were good at seizing bodies and killing them all. Who is going to seize the body?

Another thing is that the Zerg and the Undead haven't been wiped out yet. Li Yichen is really a vampire, so he won't kill them at this time?

Guo Jinbao's mind was spinning at this, but Wanshan and the others did not hesitate. In fact, among the helicopters, none of the members who were scheduled to go down after the Purgatory Tears was launched did not stop at all, even though they all saw the helicopter that was about to arrive. missile, but it was still like a dumpling. After the lightning purgatory lit up, it rushed out of the helicopter and rushed towards the Zerg below...

Moths fly to the flame - at this moment, these four words suddenly appeared in Guo Jinbao's mind!

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