Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 493 Taking advantage of the situation?

"Haha! It seems that you really value me!"

Looking at the zombies rushing over, Li Yichen chuckled, and then immediately pulled away from Tianya and released another thunder inferno towards Gary's position ahead.

Li Yichen's power was actually to block Gary and buy time for others to arrive here to help him. But what he didn't expect was that after seeing him activate the Lightning Purgatory, Gary and the undead behind him, Instead of retreating, they accelerated their advance.

At the same time, a large group of flesh-winged lickers and other flying zombies all rushed into the sky above Gary and the others, using their bodies to block Li Yichen's lightning inferno in mid-air...

Although the flying zombies hit by the Thunder Purgatory eventually fell to the ground due to paralysis or death, just like dumplings, they successfully bought time for Gary and the others below, allowing them to rush directly through the Thunder Purgatory. scope.

Gary and the others rushed forward, and the undead and high-level zombies hiding in other directions suddenly stopped hiding and all attacked with Li Yichen as the center.

"Quick! Charge forward!"

Chang Guchuan, who was in the distance, saw this and immediately shouted loudly on the military channel. The soldiers of the three legions immediately adjusted their directions and rushed towards Li Yichen desperately...

"What's wrong with these guys?"

Sun Hao slashed a flesh-wing licker to death with a wave of his hand and shouted loudly at Li Yichen.

"They want to behead you!"

Li Yichen replied, without pausing, he kept shooting arrows, flying towards the undead and high-level zombies around him.

"Isn't it time for their high-level experts to appear?"

At this time, Chen Tianyu, Guo Jinbao and others who were already very close also arrived, and Chen Tianyu was the first to shout loudly.

"Depending on the situation, their strong men probably haven't come over yet!"

Li Yichen replied loudly:

"Otherwise! It should have appeared long ago. Now is the best time for their strong men to appear!"

Li Yichen was right. Although Chen Tianyu and the others had merged with Li Yichen, the soldiers of the three legions were still dozens of meters away from them. Especially at this time, the air was already filled with dense flying zombies. Even if they wanted to fly from the air, It's too late to come over quickly.

If the undead really came with a higher level of power and appeared at this time, Li Yichen and the others would be in big trouble.

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen actually breathed a sigh of relief. Although they were now surrounded by countless zombies, and they were all high-level zombies and undead, as long as no stronger undead appeared, Li Yichen felt that the danger was not Big, at least not as big as the danger he was in when he was besieged.

Gary also knew this, so he kept giving orders. The tyrants in the distance also kept throwing some high-level zombies directly at Li Yichen and the others. No one here except Li Yichen was immune to the zombie virus. Once If it is scratched, it will soon mutate and change its alignment.

Soon, Gary and the other undead rushed to Li Yichen's side, but at this time, the snipers on Yunzhong City had all pointed their guns here. Amidst the dense gunfire like firecrackers, the undead He and high-level zombies were constantly getting shot in the head, and even Gary almost got a bullet. Fortunately, he tilted his head at the critical moment, and the bullet only left a scar on his face.

"Damn it! Why is it so difficult to deal with?"

Gary gritted his teeth and cursed. This was the first time he had fought a battle of this scale with the soldiers of Hell City. Although he had secretly come over to watch the battle in Yunzhong City before, most of the people who attacked the city at that time were There were very few ordinary zombies, and even high-level zombies, so the warriors of Hell City were naturally not that desperate, and they did not even use thermal weapons.

Moreover, now Gary also has to guard against those humans who can become invisible, that is, Xiaohu's Death Shadow Army. He does not know that the Death Shadow has been sent away by Li Yichen, and even powerful group attack figures such as Lin Xiaotian, Li Qingfeng and Wan Shan , not here at this time!

"Xiao Yi! How are you doing there? Do you need support?"

Wan Shan asked worriedly after hearing the voice here on the military channel.


Li Yichen replied without thinking, even if Wan Shan and the others came right away, it would be too late. Haven't you noticed that the soldiers from the three legions haven't come over yet?

The soldiers of the three major legions were blocked by the ordinary zombies sent by Gary. Gary did not ask those zombies to kill many soldiers of the three major legions, so he just used countless ordinary zombies to rush towards them, as long as they were blocked. Just a moment will do.

This method is very simple, but very effective. The soldiers of the Hell Legion are powerful, but even if they are ordinary zombies, they have to kill them one by one, especially the density of zombies is too high. Just kill one, and there will be a bunch of them behind. , the more they kill, the more they kill, and even the corpses of zombies in front of them have begun to pile up.

They don't have Li Yichen's ability to recover immediately, and there are dense flying zombies blocking the sky. These soldiers can't get up even if they want to.

The flying zombies also received orders. They did not participate in the battle at all. They hovered about ten meters above the heads of the soldiers, making it impossible for them to jump and approach Li Yichen from the air.

"Chang Guchuan, brothers, please don't be anxious and just kill them slowly. I have no problem here!"

Li Yichen was shooting arrows while listening to the sound of the military channel. When he heard Chang Guchuan anxiously ordering the three legions to advance at all costs, he quickly spoke.

Because there are flying zombies in the sky, Chang Guchuan can no longer see the situation of Li Yichen and the others. He only knows that they have been surrounded by an extremely dense wave of zombies, and those surrounding them are high-level zombies. He is worried about Li Yichen's safety. So they ordered the three legions to immediately activate their advance powers and carve a way out of the zombie tide at all costs in order to reach Li Yichen as soon as possible.

In fact, at this time, except for Gary and the other C-class undead, other undead have already joined the attack. Because the flying zombies in the air have blocked the sight of the snipers in Yunzhong City, the undead below can rest assured. s attack.

They all activated their powers one after another, and under Gary's order, they rushed towards Li Yichen regardless of their own safety, and wanted to deal with Li Yichen as soon as possible at any cost.

After hearing Li Yichen's order, Chang Guchuan was about to reply when he suddenly heard Zhang Anji's voice coming from the military channel:

"Brother Yi! The soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven have begun to take action. They seem to know the situation in Yunzhong City and are ready to take advantage of it."

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