"How could so many people die?"

After Ouyang Da was stunned for a while, he roared loudly! Even if your missiles are powerful and happen to hit the phalanx, the sound just now seems to be that there are only twenty or thirty missiles. It is impossible to kill so many people?

"Legion Commander! There are not that many people dead, probably only a few thousand people, but... so many missiles exploded in the phalanx, causing many people to be injured. Although they can't die, they will definitely die in a short time. It’s impossible to fight!”

The voice on the other side seemed a little aggrieved. I didn’t say they were all dead, right? I'm talking about losing combat effectiveness.

"Legion Commander! Do we, the first echelon, still want to attack?"

At this time, Huo Qiang also asked, probably because they were relatively close to the city wall, and because they were afraid of accidental damage, the first echelon was not attacked by missiles!

"Nonsense! Of course we have to attack!"

Ouyang Da gritted his teeth and said, then thought about it and calculated in his mind the strength of the troops he currently had.

The first echelon lost about 2,000 people, and the others still maintained their combat effectiveness. It can be said that the first echelon did not suffer any losses. After all, it was an army of 50,000 people.

As for the second and third echelons, there is now only one echelon left. Those who have lost their combat effectiveness will definitely not be able to join the battle anymore, but now Ouyang Da can't spare any manpower to protect them, so he will let them stay. Well, in the jungle, presumably after they launched the attack, the Capital of Hell would not have time to enter the jungle to deal with them.

After doing the math, Ouyang Da discovered that he had brought 250,000 people here. After this bomb attack, he only had 150,000 people left because the 50,000 people in the fourth echelon had already left. The jungle served as bait.

"The injured from the second team and the third team will be left in the jungle to repair on the spot. The uninjured ones will be merged into one team, which will be considered the second team. When the fifth team comes up, you don't need to be a reserve team. You are now the third team."

After calculating the strength of the troops, Ouyang Da gritted his teeth and issued an order. In his opinion, the Hell Capital had dumped all its inventory. It was estimated that they only had so many missiles, although it did bring them huge losses. , but next, what else can they use to resist their own army?

Just their more than 50,000 soldiers? The number of people on any team on our side is not much smaller than theirs, not to mention that they have to guard three places and fight zombies and bugs. So although our side has suffered a loss now, the advantage is still on our side. .

"Quick! Reorganize as quickly as possible and attack together. There are only about 10,000 soldiers on their walls at most. After a while, they will all be assembled at the edge of the jungle. After hearing my order, attack together!!"

Ouyang Da shouted into the communicator:

"After breaking into the city wall, the first team will continue to rush into the Valley of the Dead. The second team will take the castle on the left, and the third team will take the castle on the right! By the way, the third team will be the main attacker when they attack the city wall. You guys go first!"

According to Ouyang Da's idea, there will definitely be battle damage when attacking the city wall! And it is larger than before. The first team has already lost some, and they will attack the Valley of the Dead Army later, trying to save them some troops.

As for the third team, they will attack the castle on the insect side. There are four teams over there that can cooperate, so it’s okay if there are fewer people!

In short, Ouyang Da's idea now is to capture the two castles on the left and right and the main base of the Hell City at once! As long as this goal is accomplished, it will be fine even if all the troops are used up! The Ouyang family can also successfully take over this hell city.

This is the disadvantage of a force with many giants. All families are thinking about their own small families. As for whether this will damage the interests of the entire force, who cares about that?

If the entire force can get one thousand from the same thing, but if it is allocated to their family, they can only get 200. If their family takes it themselves, they can only get 300, but the force can get nothing. Then the Kingdom of Heaven It is estimated that all of these families will choose three hundred. Does my family have one hundred more? As for the overall power loss of seven hundred, is that none of my business?

In fear, the remaining soldiers of the Kingdom of Heaven gathered again, but they never found any missiles coming. Now, Ouyang Da was more sure of his guess. There were only so many missiles in the capital of hell, although he didn't know those missiles. Why is it so accurate? But it is no longer important. They have no missiles anyway. Next, we have to watch the performance of the Kingdom of Heaven.

After this assembly, the third echelon was at the front, and they did not spread out horizontally like the previous first echelon, but gathered together.

They plan to break through one point first and then spread to both sides. In this case, their losses will definitely be reduced a lot.

"Are you all ready?"

Seeing that the team had assembled, Ouyang Da asked in the communicator.

"One team is finished!"

"The second team is finished!"

"Team three is finished!"

The captains of the three echelons reported in turn!

"Okay! Attack! In this attack, no one is allowed to retreat before receiving orders. All targets must be captured! Go!!"

Ouyang Da issued the order to attack through the communicator.

None of the three captains who received the order dared to neglect, especially the captain of the third echelon at the front, who waved his hand:

"Charge! We must take down this city wall. Anyone who retreats will be killed without mercy! Come on!!"

Following the captain's order, the third echelon of Heavenly Kingdom soldiers rushed forward with firearms. As for the captain, he naturally stood aside and watched. He said to come to me, not to follow me. !

Although this captain has actually entered the threshold of new humanity, this is a war with hot weapons, and he will die if he is not careful. He does not want to be a martyr! It doesn’t matter whether you have any merit or not, as long as you keep your life.

However, what surprised the soldiers of the third echelon was that they had already rushed out, but the expected hail of bullets did not appear. The city wall in front was silent and there was no one.


Ouyang Da, who had been observing the city wall with a telescope, was also stunned. The fight was so exciting just now. He killed more than two thousand of my soldiers in more than two minutes. Why is there... no one left now?

"Spread out! Be careful of ambush!"

Ouyang Da suddenly thought of a possibility and shouted loudly into the communicator. However, it was obvious that his reaction was a bit slow. Because there was no resistance, the third echelon had already rushed to the bottom of the city wall. Then these soldiers jumped up one after another. The city wall...

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