
Ouyang Da sweated profusely as he looked at the soldiers who had climbed up the city wall. He expected that there must be some mechanism on the wall, either a pile of explosives or sharp spikes. Anyway, these were reckless. The soldiers who jumped onto the city wall were doomed, otherwise the capital of hell would never have given up on defending the city wall.

However, as Ouyang Da watched helplessly, the first batch of soldiers who jumped up the city wall looked at the city wall, then looked inside the city wall, and then actually made a gesture and jumped down...

The meaning of that gesture is very simple, just two words: safety!

Because the comrades in front had already reported safety, the soldiers behind jumped on the city wall and continuously entered the defense area of ​​the Hell City. However, there was no response at all from the Hell Capital.

"Hahahaha! I know! So that's it!"

Seeing the soldiers from the second and third echelons also entering the defensive zone, Ouyang Da finally burst out laughing:

"The capital of hell only lasts so long. They don't dare to fight us head-on, so they released all their stocks at once, hoping to scare us so that we don't dare to attack them again."

"Now that we are not intimidated, they are so scared that they don't even dare to defend! Hahahaha! Are these country bumpkins trying to trick me? You are thinking too much!"

After laughing, Ouyang Da grabbed the communicator and shouted excitedly into it:

"Attention everyone, the enemy has been cowed. All attack according to the predetermined plan. Work together to occupy your target! Kill all the people in the capital of hell, leaving no chickens or dogs behind! Tonight, I will attack in the capital of hell. At the main base, there’s a celebration banquet for everyone at that Po Zhi Nao place!!”


The captains of the three echelons answered together, then led their own echelons, divided their troops into three groups, and began to march towards their goals.

"Attention, second and third echelons, keep walking close to the city wall. Even if they have a few missiles left, we don't need to be afraid of them!"

Ouyang Da came to the city wall, looked at the troops marching in three directions, and reminded him through the communicator.

"Brother Mao! They really all came in!"

Xiaohu said in the communicator that he was in the jungle with the shadow of death at the moment. Although Xiaomao had said before that they should retreat immediately once the war started, but after the missile strike, while the army of the Kingdom of Heaven was gathering, At that time, Xiaohu entered the jungle again with the shadow of death.

"Is there any reserve team in the jungle?"

Xiaomao asked.

"There used to be a fifth echelon that was a reserve team with 50,000 soldiers, but now there is no more. The missile strike just now was very powerful, which directly caused them to lose 50,000 combat troops. Although most of them were wounded, their internal organs were shocked. , it won’t get better within a few months!”

Xiaohu replied:

"I was right in front of that fat pig commander just now, and I heard his order. Now there are only more than 40,000 wounded people left in the jungle, and everyone else has entered the defensive zone. Oh, by the way, Brother Mao! There are also The 50,000 soldiers of the fourth echelon are marching outside towards Rifling Castle!"

"Okay! In other words, they still have 200,000 people, 150,000 in the defensive zone, and 50,000 outside, right?"

"That's right! According to the fat man's order, their troops entering the defense zone will be divided into three groups, each with 50,000 troops, ready to take down our Death Army Valley, Yunzhong City and Laifulin Castle in one go!"

Xiaohu smiled.

"Hahahaha! I have a big appetite! In this case, I have to change my plan!"

Xiaomao also smiled.

"Brother Mao! What are we Death Shadows doing?"

Xiaohu asked quickly.

"You just need to deal with all the people in the jungle. Remember, try not to let them spread the information as much as possible!"

Xiao Mao said easily. The solution he mentioned was to kill all the more than 40,000 wounded people. Perhaps because of his own mutation and the use of a mechanical body, Xiao Mao doesn't care about human life now. He has nothing to do with the Zerg. Or there is no difference between zombies, even ordinary survivors in the capital of hell.

"no problem!"

Xiaohu didn't care at all, he agreed and hung up the communication.

"Anji Zhang! Take your Hell's Angels into the air and keep an eye on the troops in the defensive zone. If you see an opportunity, you can attack at will."

After arranging Xiaohu's tasks, Xiaomao said on their dedicated channel.


Zhang Anji had been waiting impatiently for a long time, and he readily agreed upon hearing this.

"Uncle Lin, pull your people back to Fuling Castle. There is no need to go to Yunzhong City!"

Xiaomao ordered again:

"Brother Li, just take the standing army and wait for the first echelon of the Kingdom of Heaven at the joint base. When they arrive, you can make your own arrangements according to the situation. Anyway, there are less than 50,000 people. "

"Don't worry! No problem!"

Li Qingfeng replied, while Lin Xiaotian asked with some confusion:

"Xiao Mao! Don't we need support from Yunzhong City?"

"No! I just confirmed with Chang Guchuan that everything is alright on their side. Gary didn't dare to take action until the end. He just watched them join up and fight back to the castle!"

Xiaomao smiled and said:

"With Brother Yi and the others here, let alone 50,000 people, there is no point in bringing in another 50,000. Besides, we have a fourth echelon outside here, so we need to pay more attention to them!"

"Okay! Then I'll take people back right away!"

Lin Xiaotian said immediately, and then remembered something:

"Wait a minute! Are you all withdrawing? No one is left here? They must not be able to attack any combat target. After seeing how powerful we are, they will probably escape, right?"

"It's okay! By the time they think of escaping, Xiaohu and the others should have finished, so just leave those who escaped to Xiaohu and the others!"

Xiaomao smiled.

"no problem!"

In the channel, Xiaohu also laughed.

"You are really doing it one after another! This army of the Kingdom of Heaven is also unlucky to meet you!"

Lin Xiaotian couldn't help but sigh.

"When they decided to be hostile to our capital of hell, it was already destined that they would not have good luck!"

Xiaomao chuckled.

Ouyang Da naturally didn't know that the Hell City did not intercept them at the city wall just to let them in so that they could be beaten behind closed doors.

In fact, according to the original plan of the Kingdom of Heaven, he should now contact the judge hidden in the capital of hell, confirm the division of troops in the capital of hell, and then concentrate his forces to take down the most defenseless one.

Because they were afraid of exposing their location, the judge could not contact him directly. Ouyang Da had to take the initiative to contact the judge.

But... Ouyang Da felt that since the capital of hell had even given up the outer city wall, did he still need to contact the judge? This judge is not from their family. If you contact him, you will undoubtedly have to share some of the credit. He will not do such a stupid thing.

Now, just waiting for these three elite soldiers to successfully capture all strategic targets, he can swagger into the capital of hell, pat the judge on the face and say to him:

"See? You don't need to deliver any news, I can easily solve this hell city!"

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