
The strong man and others looked at each other. They had been living in this building, but they had never seen any helicopters. When they looked back, they found that Li Yichen had disappeared.

"Let's go! Call them and let's go to the rooftop together!"

The strong man said decisively, they came down to get some daily necessities this time, but heard the noise coming from outside, so they hid in this store!

The others did not hesitate, dropped the soap and other things they were holding, and ran towards the stairs with the strong man.

"Quick! Pack your things! Go to the rooftop! Someone is going to take us out of here and go to the city where the Ark organization is located!"

After reaching the third floor, the strong man shouted loudly, then ran into a store and picked up his backpack!

"What? Take us away?"

Others were confused, but when they saw those who followed the strong man to get their things, they put their backpacks on their backs and ran to the rooftop. They also quickly wondered about their belongings and followed them.

Li Yichen had already followed the outer wall of the building to the rooftop and looked in the direction they said, but the distance was too far, even if he had eagle eyes, he couldn't see the city.

Next to Li Yichen, there was a large transport plane parked, which Li Yichen had just redeemed from the mall. Since he had encountered it, he would take all these people away!

When the strong man led those people to the rooftop, they were all surprised when they saw the helicopter. They didn't know where the helicopter came from, but at least they knew that with this helicopter, they could arrive safely. The city was recaptured by the Ark organization, which meant that they were about to be safe.

"Go up!"

Looking at the dozen or so people who arrived on the rooftop with the strong man, Li Yichen waved his hand without saying anything.

The strong man led everyone into the helicopter. When they saw Li Yichen start the helicopter, they were completely relieved - the helicopter was good!

They had not heard the sound of a helicopter before, so no one knew when the helicopter or Li Yichen arrived here, but they did not ask Li Yichen.

For them, safety is the most important thing. No matter where the helicopter comes from, as long as it can take them to the safe city they want to go, that is enough.

"Shanghai City is in that direction, about three hundred kilometers away. It is the closest city to us that was recaptured by the Ark Organization!"

The strong man sat in the passenger seat, pointed in one direction and said:

"About twenty days ago, the radio started broadcasting about the Ark Organization. They said that they came from another planet and came here to fight against the undead. I guess they were talking about zombies!"

It seemed that he was more excited after knowing that he was about to be safe. The strong man spoke more:

"They said they have recaptured six cities. These six cities are very safe, there are no zombies, and they have plenty of food and drinking water. The power has even been restored in their cities, and they are recruiting a large number of survivors!"

"They said they know where the source of the apocalypse is here, and they are preparing to surround the base camp of the undead. I heard that the people in their organization are very powerful, and it is quite easy to kill zombies! It seems to be talking about new humans, right? "

When Li Yichen heard this, he looked at the strong man:

"Have you people here never had their bodies strengthened?"

"Reinforcement? Yes!"

The strong man was stunned for a moment, then nodded vigorously:

"We exercise every day, because if we don't maintain good physical strength, there is no way we can outrun the zombies, but the new humans I'm talking about don't just rely on exercise!"

"I know!"

Li Yichen nodded and then asked again the question he had asked the strong man before:

"When did the end of the world begin here?"

"About a year ago!"

The strong man looked at the people behind him and said a little uncertainly:

"Who would remember the date at this time!"

Li Yichen nodded. It seems that the end of this world has not come for a long time. The humans here have not discovered the secret that zombies can strengthen humans!

"What did the Ark organization say?"

Li Yichen thought for a while and asked again.

"Do you have a radio station here? Just turn it on. They are broadcasting messages calling for survivors on many channels!"

The strong man looked at the helicopter's control panel and replied.

After Li Yichen heard this, he immediately turned on the helicopter's radio. Sure enough, a baritone voice came out:

"This is Hucheng, and we are the Ark Organization. At present, we have recovered Hucheng, Lucheng, Jincheng, Heicheng, Qiancheng and Juncheng. We have cleaned up the zombies in these cities and established Defended, very safe!”

"Survivors who heard our broadcast can go to these cities nearby. We have plenty of water and food here, and have restored the city's power supply. We can protect you! Please go as soon as possible!"

"The reason why zombies appear in this world is because of the existence of the undead. They turn humans into zombies. We are approaching their city. As long as all the undead are eliminated, we can save the world!"

"Their base camp is in Huacheng! We currently don't have enough strength to compete with them, but the number of our new humans is constantly increasing, preparing for future raids on the undead's lair!"

"New humans are enhanced humans with very strong fighting power. Ordinary zombies and high-level zombies are vulnerable to new humans. Currently, there are new humans in the cities we have recovered, and all cities The order before the end of the world has been restored! Please go there as soon as possible!"

"We are from another planet in the universe, but we came here under the guidance of a human on your planet. The name of our organization is also based on his name - the Ark Organization! Again, if you Come to those cities we talked about before, you will be well protected and will no longer lack food and water!”

This broadcast was played in a loop, with these few sentences repeated, but Li Yichen had already gotten the information he wanted from it!

Based on the name of a human being from this planet! That should be Li Fangzhou, but I have never heard of the baritone Li Yichen on the broadcast, so I can't guess his identity, and...a month?

Li Yichen thought about it carefully, if they came from the world he came from, which force would they be? A month ago, it seemed that it was exactly the time when the Zerg appeared in that world...

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