Three hundred kilometers is not very far for a helicopter, but Li Yichen did not move forward at full speed. Although the survivors found were just ordinary people, not even a strengthener, Li Yichen was still cautious.

He is not familiar with this world and does not know the level of the strongest people here, and... he knows that this is the world of the undead. Zhang Yongqiang should have come here at the beginning, and he said after returning to Hope Base, There are many strong undead people here.

Thinking of the previous explosion, Li Yichen was still frightened. He only decided to enter the trial channel temporarily, and he never thought that his entry would actually cause the trial channel to collapse, or even trigger such a violent explosion.

Now thinking about the explosion of the trial passage, although he may never be able to return to the previous world, it may have saved his life. Otherwise, who knows what level of undead will be guarding the exit of the trial passage. ?

Remember what Zhang Yongqiang said before that there are A-level adults guarding here, right? Li Yichen has never seen A-level beings, and he doesn't know how powerful they are, but they are probably more powerful than he is now.

Li Yichen decided to enter the trial passage mainly because he wanted to go home. Even though he knew that the earth to which this trial passage led was not necessarily the one he left, he still wanted to go back!

Moreover, he felt that since he had lightning flash, the undead people here didn't know that he would come. If he was caught by surprise, it shouldn't be difficult for him to escape.

Now, he has really returned here, but this is really not the planet he is familiar with, and naturally there are no people he is familiar with. Moreover, the trial tunnel has exploded, making it very difficult to go back.

Now he can only hope that the Ark organization in this world has something to do with Li Fangzhou as he guessed, and that they also have the coordinates to allow him to return to the capital of hell again.

Soon, they arrived in Shanghai, which is an extremely prosperous metropolis with many high-rise buildings. As mentioned on the radio, power was restored in the central area of ​​​​the city and the lights were bright!

"Warning! Outsiders, you have entered the airspace of the Ark Organization, please identify yourself immediately!"

Just as Li Yichen drove a helicopter into the sky above Shanghai, the communicator on the public channel issued a warning, and in the center of the city, two armed helicopters took off and flew towards them.

To avoid misunderstandings, the transport plane driven by Li Yichen had all its weapons removed. At least from the outside, it did not have any offensive power.

"We are human survivors who heard your broadcast and came to join you!"

Li Yichen turned on the communicator and shouted into it.

"Okay! Survivors, please come with us and land according to our instructions. We will have someone dedicated to receive you and register you!"

Two armed helicopters came in front of Li Yichen and the others. The pilot inside said to the communicator and waved to them, indicating that they should follow him!

Li Yichen followed the two helicopters, followed their guidance, and landed on the rooftop of a building. On the rooftop, several people were already waiting there.

After turning off the transport plane, Li Yichen jumped out first and looked at the people waiting to greet them. He didn't recognize these people, and they were wearing uniforms that Li Yichen had never seen before.

However, he felt that among these people, there were at least three strong ones, two C-level and one B-level!

Li Yichen's strength was also felt by the other party. They looked at Li Yichen with wary eyes and slowly moved forward, surrounding Li Yichen intentionally or unintentionally.

"Brother! Where are you from?"

The middle-aged man who had reached B-level life looked at Li Yichen and asked carefully.

"I'm from the Far North!"

Li Yichen looked at the middle-aged man quietly and replied, using the common language there instead of the Earth language he spoke before. He wanted to prove his guess as soon as possible. If this Ark organization had nothing to do with that world, he would also There is no need to stay here!

"The Far North Continent? You...where did you come from?"

Sure enough, the middle-aged man could understand Li Yichen's words. He looked at Li Yichen and asked with a shocked look on his face, and looked at the people behind him.

"Only I am from there, and they...are the survivors I met in this world!"


The middle-aged man nodded, turned to the person behind him and said:

"Xiao Bing! You take them to register and arrange a place for them to stay. I will receive this brother!"

"Okay Uncle Yun!"

The man nodded, and then led a few people around Li Yichen and walked towards the survivors who came with Li Yichen.

"Come this way!"

The middle-aged man nodded to Li Yichen, then led Li Yichen away from the rooftop and entered a conference room on the top floor.

"My name is Lin Xiaoyun! I am a member of the Ark Organization!"

After signaling Li Yichen to take a seat, the middle-aged man took the initiative to introduce himself, and then pointed to the two C-level youths behind him:

"They are my nephews, Lin Huaqiang and Lin Dongqiang."

Hearing his introduction, Li Yichen was stunned, Lin Xiaoyun? And his nephew? Could it be...

He suddenly remembered that the Lin family in the Kingdom of Heaven seemed to have mysteriously disappeared long ago and left the Kingdom of Heaven. Calculating according to time, it was almost a month ago, right? Maybe a little longer.

"Are you... the Lin family of the Kingdom of Heaven?"

Li Yichen looked at Lin Xiaoyun and asked.

"That's right! Do you know us?"

Lin Xiaoyun nodded and asked.

"I come from the Far North Continent, the Valley of the Dead Army!"

Li Yichen said slowly.

"Hell Capital? Are you from Hell Capital?"

Lin Xiaoyun stood up immediately:

"You have a guy named Lin Xiaotian, right? Is he okay?"

"Uncle Lin, everything is fine! He should be almost breaking through to B level now, right?"

Li Yichen saw Lin Xiaoyun's nervous look and had a guess in his mind, so he nodded lightly.

"Haha! In that world, can you also know the division of life levels? It seems that your leader is indeed not an ordinary person as Yiyi said!"

"Is Ariel Ariel here too?"

Li Yichen asked nervously. He had not seen that girl since Lin Yichen left the capital of hell.

"May I have your name?"

Seeing Li Yichen's expression, Lin Xiaoyun suddenly felt something was wrong, so he stared at Li Yichen and asked.

"My name is Li Yichen!"

Li Yichen didn't hide anything, pointed at his nose and said:

"The unusual leader you just mentioned...should be me!"

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