Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 811 The Zerg are going bankrupt

"It's nothing!"

Wan Shan smiled and said:

"Next, we should have to deal with the Zerg, Vampires, and Demons, right? If you leave the Orcs behind, you don't mean to protect them, so let them deal with the Demons and Vampires. Although most of us The warriors have all used soul potions and have a certain level of soul resistance, but let them deal with this dangerous race!"

"What was the previous battle like?"

Li Yichen felt that Wan Shan's words made sense. Although the Orcs had become very weak now, Li Yichen still felt no guilt in taking advantage of them.

Speaking of which, the orcs really didn't seem to have any hatred towards them, and even helped them wipe out the goblins, which made Li Yichen a big profit. However, they were not a race after all, and Li Yichen would not have any mercy on them. of heart.

"The battle went well!"

Wan Shan replied:

"After I finished talking to you, I immediately asked Chang Guchuan and the others to mobilize manpower, use all the helicopters in the base, and fly directly over. Three cities started attacking at the same time. Those undead people had no ability to resist at all, and none of them escaped!"

"That's good!"

Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief. Archimonde could not come back, and the undead were also wiped out. This time, the undead race should have completely disappeared from the world.

Now, there are only four major races in the trial area. The beast race is not something to be afraid of. Let them contend with the demon race or the blood race first, while Li Yichen's target is the Zerg race!


Thinking of the Zerg, Li Yichen was suddenly startled, then stood up and walked outside.

"What's wrong?"

Wan Shan followed up and asked with some confusion.

"I think the Zerg will not let the Orcs go. Moreover, since we are going to deal with the Zerg, we must make some preparations in advance!"

Li Yichen replied, then ran all the way to the rooftop, waved his hand, and placed the alien missile launcher. Then, a huge missile appeared - a reconnaissance satellite!


After setting the coordinates and igniting the missile, the missile took off and flew towards the insect nest. After a while, the reconnaissance satellite broke away from the missile, floated at high altitude, and began to transmit back the images near the insect nest.

This kind of reconnaissance satellite is very convenient to use, and the picture is clear. The only weakness is that because it is not in the orbit of the planet, but within the atmosphere, it needs to constantly fight against gravity, so it cannot last long.

And due to its size, you can’t carry too much fuel, and you can only carry it for more than ten days at most!

However, for Li Yichen, more than ten days should be enough for him to destroy the Zerg. Even if he cannot destroy it, he can just launch another one.

Although the consumption of this kind of reconnaissance satellite is not small, with Li Yichen now, this consumption is nothing at all!

"Sure enough! I knew it!"

After seeing the scene from the insect nest, Li Yichen sneered at the corner of his mouth. In the insect nest, the insect tide that had been rushing towards the capital of hell had changed its direction, no longer heading towards the Yinhui Province, but turning Find out the location of the Orcs’ lair—Tianji Province!

"Anji Zhang! Call the Hell's Angels, bring enough ammunition, and come out with me!"

Li Yichen raised his arm and said on the terminal's military channel, and an echo came quickly from the channel:

"Understood! I will notify Commander Zhang immediately!"

Zhang Anji should be familiar with small fighters and space battleships in subspace now, but if someone calls, there will be someone outside who will be responsible for delivering the information.

In less than ten minutes, Zhang Anji led the Hells Angels back to their camp. Then, a thousand Hells Angels members flew into the sky in 500 helicopters, forming a neat formation in the sky!

During this period, Zhang Anji's Hell's Angels have developed quite rapidly. After all, Li Yichen handed over all the space battleships and small fighter planes to them. Not to mention a thousand people, a hundred thousand people may not be enough!

Now, Zhang Anji has expanded the Hell's Angels to 25,000 people. However, many of these people are responsible for driving space battleships, and there are less than 5,000 people who can actually fly fighter planes or helicopters. .

And now these thousand people are the most skilled members of the Hell's Angels. Because Zhang Anji heard that Li Yichen was looking for him and asked him to gather people to go with him, he subconsciously thought it was a battle. Of course, he had to bring the best. The troops set off for battle!

Of course, there are far more than these thousand elites, but the problem is that the Hells Angels currently only have 500 armed helicopters, so they can only bring this few people!

Li Yichen saw that the Hell's Angels had taken off, so he said to Wan Shan:

"I'm going to help the orcs. I guess they will come directly here. You prepare a small base for them!"

"Okay! Go ahead!"

Wan Shan nodded. In addition to the main base, the capital of hell now has eight sub-bases surrounding it. They guard the main base. If one is allocated to the orcs, it will not affect anything at all!

Of course, although Li Yichen didn't say it, Wan Shan also knew that what he was given was just the castle of the base so that the Orcs could have a place to stay. The defense system of the sub-base would still be firmly in the hands of the Capital of Hell!

Li Yichen said no more, jumped on the helicopter and flew towards the Orc base...

Arriving at the mountain range where the Orcs' base is located, Li Yichen discovered that the war between the Orcs and the Insects had begun. The insect tide was pouring into the valley just like it had previously attacked Laifulin Castle.

Moreover, the Zerg that attacked the valley were not like the ones that attacked the Hell Capital, where there were only two types of bugs, large and small. The Zerg that attacked the beasts were of all kinds, flying in the sky, running on the ground, and even emerging from the ground. It was so overwhelming that it almost submerged the entire valley.

Fortunately, Varimathras originally built a defensive position at the entrance to the mountain. Although the entrance was large, there was only one direction in which bugs could enter. It was much better than defending in the valley!

Because he was on a helicopter, Li Yichen could clearly see that in the distance, more Zerg were gathering here. It seemed that the Zerg planned to wipe out the Orcs in one fell swoop.

"These guys...why were they so conservative when they attacked us before? Are they so aggressive in attacking the Orcs? Is it because the Orcs invaded their lair?"

Li Yichen thought to himself, and at the same time secretly rejoiced, if the Zerg were like this when they attacked the Capital of Hell, then the Capital of Hell would be really unlucky!

When Hell first started to intercept the insect tide, it was dominated by three major legions. At that time, the strength of the three major legions was far different from what it is now. When encountering this kind of all-round attack from the air, the ground, and even underground , it is estimated that there will be heavy losses.

What Li Yichen didn't know was that the Zerg had been sending waves of insects to attack the capital of hell just to consume those bugs, and the Zerg really didn't take humans seriously.

Although the Insect King Grijalva is very cautious, or timid, he still does not take the humans they regard as "indigenous" in his eyes! Therefore, they never increased their troops and used the two lowest-level bugs to attack the capital of hell.

In fact, those two types of Zerg are the original forms of the Zerg. In other words, at the beginning of the birth of the Zerg, all the bugs were in that form. It was just a reminder of some differences.

Some of these types of bugs that were born later were evolved, some were fused, and some were specially cultivated by the bugs themselves to target certain terrains.

When breeding insects, the original form of the Zerg saves the most life energy. Therefore, the Zerg has not changed its species and has always used these two types of Zerg to attack the human base!

Moreover, Grijalva's waste was not reported in the end. Although Li Yichen and others helped Grijalva "renew" many Zerg species, none of the newly born Zerg species had independent consciousness.

The reason for attacking the Orcs now is that the Orcs had broken into the insect nest before and even caused an explosion. Grijalva was very annoyed because it would take him a long time to restore the insect nest. and energy.

It's like when you go home, your Erha has turned your home into a refugee camp. Anyone would be eager to eat a hot pot meal of dog meat.

Another, and most important point, is that the Orcs are also a trial race. For the Zerg, they are destined enemies, and they are also powerful enemies.

Therefore, Grijalva felt that it was necessary to destroy the orcs first before other races noticed this.

Grijalva knew that "Dapula" entered the space channel, and then a violent explosion occurred in the space channel. Although Grijalva was not sure whether Dapura was dead, at least he could be sure that the beast The beast king of the tribe is not in the orc base now.

This was of course great news for Grijalva, so he sent a huge Zerg team.

Of course, all the commanding Zerg among the Zerg were still kept by Grijalva. In fact, because the Zerg had the advantage of the Zerg Hive, the top leaders of the Zerg did not leave the Zerg at all in the previous trials. The nest is to continuously send out Zerg soldiers to attack other races.

Although fighting outside is not like fighting inside the insect nest, some life energy will be lost, but compared with the losses suffered by the insect tribe, even the undead must be willing to lose! !

But this time, it is obvious that the Zerg tribe still intends to use the method of "duizi" to knock down the Orc tribe bit by bit!

Without Li Yichen, the Orcs who lost their king might really be entangled by the Zerg, and then use this attrition strategy to slowly be trapped and die in the belly of the mountain.

However, now that Li Yichen is here, naturally the Zerg plan will go bankrupt...

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