Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 812 Cut off the insect tide!

"Everyone is ready to fight! Remember, only kill insects, don't accidentally hurt the orcs!"

Li Yichen issued the order through the communicator:

"Also, raise the helicopter high and attack outside the attack range of these bugs. Don't worry about the ammunition. Let the orcs see the firepower of our capital of hell!"

When I come to save the orcs this time, of course I have to show my strength by the way. No matter what form of alliance it is, the party with the stronger fist will always control the initiative.

After hearing Li Yichen's order, Zhang Anji certainly would not refuse. Before he came out, he had already followed Li Yichen's order to have all the armed helicopters carry enough ammunition, so he immediately ordered to launch an attack formation. Then, he started to face the insect swarm condescendingly. A long-range strike.

For a time, machine guns, multi-barreled machine guns, air-to-ground missiles, even small bombs, and all the weapons on the armed helicopters poured downwards.

"Boss! How about I call for remote support and blow up this valley directly?"

Seeing the spectacular scene below, Zhang Anji's blood boiled and he quickly shouted into the communicator. If Li Yichen agreed, he could directly call the capital of hell and launch missiles according to the coordinates he gave, which would definitely completely blow up the valley. rotten!

"Are you looking for death? I told you not to hurt the orcs!"

Li Yichen laughed and cursed.

"Actually! Boss, it doesn't matter whether those orcs are saved or not. We can kill the remaining three races without them. If we take them in, we have to guard against them. We might as well blow them up together!"

Zhang Anji curled her lips and said.

"You know nothing!"

Li Yichen said:

"Take it easy, throw the missile into the hole, and if it hits the orcs, I'll twist your head off and use it as a ball to kick!"


Zhang Anji stopped trying to persuade him and stared at the Zerg below and started shooting wildly! From time to time, a missile would be launched towards the location where the Zerg gathered, which was a real pleasure!

The sudden artillery fire blinded the Zerg. They circled around looking for enemies. However, the enemies came from the sky, and the Zerg's flying ability was not that powerful. At least high altitudes did not belong to their domain, and they could not climb at all. Reaching an altitude of more than a thousand meters, the attacked Zerg actually began to spin in circles!

This is the disadvantage of Grijalva, the King of Zerg, being too cautious. He did not send intelligent Zerg to follow him at all. If there was an intelligent Zerg here at this time, at least he would know that the helicopter above was not something they could hit, so Either withdraw the troops, or attack the Orc lair with all their strength, so that they won't be like now, wandering around like a bunch of headless flies because of no command!

The violent explosion also shocked the orcs. They looked at the sky-breaking fire outside and listened to the deafening explosion. They didn't understand what happened. Only Varimathras had a vague guess.

Seeing that the Zerg were successfully blocked, Li Yichen did not hesitate and hovered the helicopter directly, and then teleported to the cave entrance. With a turn of the eagle eye, he found Varimathras, and teleported again to Varimasas. In front of Limassas.

"You...why are you here?"

Varimathras looked at Li Yichen blankly. Although he guessed that it was the human race, he was still a little shocked when Li Yichen actually appeared in front of him.

"Humans...are they really that powerful?"

Varimathras secretly guessed that although he was in the cave and could not completely see the outside, judging from the fact that no follow-up troops of the Zerg had poured into the cave, he knew that the human race had intercepted the impact of the Zerg army!

"I saw the Zerg coming to attack you, so I came over to help!"

Li Yichen smiled and said:

"I know these bugs shouldn't be able to do anything to you, but it's not a big deal if you get entangled by them!"

"Are you spying on us?"

Varimathras frowned.

"No! It's the Zerg I'm monitoring!"

Li Yichen shook his head, then took out the terminal, brought up the terminal's monitoring screen, and brought it to Varimathras. What was displayed on the screen was the huge insect nest, and it could be clearly seen that there were large swarms of insects. The insects are pouring out of the insect nest and rushing towards Tianji Province!

"Looking at the route, they are coming towards you, so I mobilized a helicopter brigade. It is easier to deal with these guys with hot weapons! Because they can't hit us at all! They can only be beaten passively!"

After looking at the surveillance footage, Varimathras breathed a sigh of relief. Although he felt that Li Yichen had no ill intentions toward the orcs and even saved them, he would still feel uncomfortable if Li Yichen monitored them.

However, his attention was immediately attracted by the surveillance picture, because the surveillance picture was quite clear.

"What is this? How can you see it so clearly? Will it not be discovered by the Zerg?"

Varimathras asked.

Those who came to attack the Orcs were all mid-level bugs, and there were no intelligent Zerg, so they had nothing to do with the Hells Angels' helicopters. However, the high-level bugs among the Zerg couldn't stop them at this height.

"This is a reconnaissance satellite. It's in the atmosphere and they can't find it!"

Li Yichen pointed to the sky:

"Of course, this thing is also very expensive, and it is disposable. It can only be used for about ten days after being launched. We only have a few. Because we have to deal with the Zerg, we only use one! We usually can't bear to launch it!"

Li Yichen knew what Varimathras meant. If you can monitor the Zerg, you can monitor the Orcs. He still had doubts about him, so he simply explained it directly - with the strength of your Zerg, we can't afford to use such precious things. Monitor you.

Although Varimathras is an orc and not very bright, he understands what Li Yichen means. It's right when you think about it. Such a good thing must not be cheap. He has an army of 50,000 orcs, so he probably won't. It was worth using such a good thing to monitor them. Besides, they originally planned to go to the capital of hell, so there was no need to monitor them.

As soon as Varimathras came back, he followed Wan Shan's statement and directly said that Dapura went to the earth to help them find a new home, and that they must protect themselves during this time.

In addition, Dapura gave them a mission for the 350,000 troops who left. They will not show up until Dapura comes back. Therefore, they only have these 50,000 troops now, and their defense is weak. Therefore, Varima Sass directly suggested that they all go to the human base to seek shelter, wait for His Majesty Dapura to come back, and look for opportunities to attack other trial races.

Because he was afraid that telling the orcs that the 350,000-strong army was in danger would damage the morale of the orcs, Varimathras simply said that they had a mission and would not show up. Anyway, he had already warned the orcs around him when he came back. .

As for the two people in Night City, just wait until you find them and then tell them. Presumably they don’t dare to disobey their orders, and they should also know that once the news that the 350,000-strong army was wiped out, they will probably Causing panic among the orcs.

If that's the case, I'm afraid they will have to give up this trial and return to the orc plane. This is the last option. Varimathras doesn't want to make this decision yet.

As for defecting to the human race, because Dapura personally ordered an alliance with the human race before, and the orcs also knew about it, Varimathras's decision to go to the human race has not been opposed by others, but it has not been officially decided yet. The Zerg appeared.

"How is it? Have you decided? Should you return to the beast clan plane, or come to our place first?"

Li Yichen looked outside and saw that all the bugs had been killed. The wave of bugs behind them had not yet appeared because they were intercepted by Hell's Angels, so he asked.

"It's decided! Let's go to your side first! Just as you said, we'll deal with the demons and vampires first!"

Varimathras said:

"But... let's talk about it first. We may not be able to launch any large-scale offensive. One is due to the restrictions of the trial ground, and the other is that we currently have insufficient troops and cannot suffer any more large-scale casualties!"

"Don't worry! I have a solution!"

Li Yichen said:

"But the main thing now is to move to the Capital of Hell first. Let's do this. I will go in and build a space passage first, and then you can go to the Capital of Hell from the space passage to avoid being chased by these bugs!"


Varimathras nodded:

"Then let me take you there. Our people are waiting in the previous hall now!"

Because the entrance of the cave is so big, it is naturally impossible for all 50,000 orcs to gather here. Most of the orc soldiers are gathered in the hall where the space passage was built before, waiting for rotation of defense!

Following Varimathras to the hall, Li Yichen began to construct the space passage. Because it was still a short distance, he completed the construction of the space passage in a short time.

"Okay! This is the way to the base square in the center of the capital of hell. You first find two people and come with me. I'll say hello to the other side, and then you can lead them there!"

Li Yichen turned around and said to Varimathras, who immediately nodded. If he didn't verify where the space passage leads to, he would certainly not enter rashly. What if he entered the center of the insect nest directly?

So, Varimathras selected a few elite orcs and asked them to follow Li Yichen. Li Yichen did not delay and took these orcs directly into the space channel.

Of course, no manipulation was done to this space channel. It was in the center of the huge square in front of the central base. After Li Yichen exited the space channel, he directly notified Wan Shan using the terminal to prepare for the orcs, and then turned around and entered the space channel again.

Two of the orcs who came with Li Yichen had been to the Capital of Hell before. They were the two guys who were eating and drinking here. They looked around and after confirming that this was the Capital of Hell, they asked The other orcs stayed here, and they also turned and entered the space passage...

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