Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 813 The Insect Attraction Plan

"Varimathras! I have made arrangements over there. You can organize people to go there now. As soon as possible, we will stop the bugs for you!"

Back in the hall of the Orc base, Li Yichen looked at Varimathras and said:

"You guys start here first, I'll go outside and take a look! In addition, you also have people pull back the people at the entrance of the cave!"

"Okay! I'll arrange it as soon as possible!"

Varimathras nodded and Li Yichen said no more, turned and left the hall, and then teleported back to the entrance of the cave!

At this time, there was still no Zerg appearing at the entrance of the cave. The orcs guarding here were staring with big eyes and small eyes. From time to time, they stretched their heads to look at the continuous artillery fire outside.

Li Yichen looked at the orc soldiers, but did not tell them to prepare to evacuate. After all, this was the orc army. Li Yichen's random orders could easily cause misunderstandings!

After Li Yichen left the hall, the two orcs also walked out of the space passage and nodded to Varimathras, meaning that there was no problem there.

Varimathras turned his head and looked outside to confirm that Li Yichen had left, and then confirmed in a low voice:

"Is it absolutely okay?"

"Sir, we have confirmed it, and there must be no problem! It is the Capital of Hell, and it is in the big square in front of the central base. We have been in the Capital of Hell for several days, and there is no mistaking this!"

The two orcs looked at each other and one of them replied!

"That's good!"

After confirming the exit of the space passage, Varimathras finally felt relieved. After all, this was related to the fate of their beast clan, and he had to be careful, especially since the king of the beast clan, Dapura, was dead, and he could only do it now. Lead the orcs out of their current predicament!

"You two, organize everyone to enter the space channel. You two, go over there and wait. After our people pass, let them all line up. Don't run around! Don't cause trouble!"

Varimathras turned around and assigned tasks to the several orcs behind him, and warned them carefully. Varimathras knew the soldiers under his command very well. They were all dumbfounded. If they arrived at the human base, , if they cause some trouble, it will be difficult to handle.

In particular, the Orcs have always regarded the Humans as indigenous people and have always looked down upon them. If they did the same thing in the capital of hell, they might be wiped out by the Humans!

After coming into contact with Li Yichen so many times, Varimathras would never dare to look down on the human race now! Especially now that I have to rely on them, there can be no disputes!


The four orc elites named by Varimathras agreed together, and then Varimathras walked outside.

Arriving at the entrance of the cave, Varimathras looked at Li Yichen and asked:

"The people inside have begun to evacuate, but the people here..."

"Take the ones here too! You don't have to worry about the rest!"

Li Yichen replied:

"That's right! I asked Lao Wan to wait for you over there. When you get out of the space passage, just follow his guidance and don't block the space passage! In addition... the Zerg will enter your base and take away everything. Also, is there any problem with your trial passage?"

"Enter the base?"

Varimathras was stunned and looked at Li Yichen.

"Yes! I plan to let them go to the capital of hell through the space passage, and then we will guard the entrance of the space passage and kill them. This will not only consume their life energy, but also allow our warriors to practice their skills!"

This is what Li Yichen thought of when he saw the insect tide. Because he wanted to attack the Orc base, the insect tide at Fuling Castle has been stopped by the Zerg. This is a fixed source of life energy and equipment materials. , it was just gone, of course Li Yichen was not happy.

So, after seeing the insect tide, Li Yichen suddenly thought that he could try to lure them there again!


Hearing Li Yichen's words, Varimathras was speechless. They had been fighting the insect tide for a while before, so of course they knew the terror of this insect tide, especially since they were tireless and endless.

It's okay for a day or two, but if such a high-intensity battle continues for a long time, I'm afraid they will suffer a lot of casualties even if someone is rotated.

Now Li Yichen actually wants to take the initiative to lead this insect wave to his base? Crazy? Varimathras had never seen a financial fan like this, but looking at Li Yichen's serious expression, Varimathras couldn't persuade him. Since this human made such a decision, maybe he was sure.

"Okay! I'll leave this to you. Don't worry about the trial passage. We have sealed the location of the trial passage, and even if the Zerg find the trial passage, they can't use it!"

Varimathras looked outside, then nodded and said to Li Yichen, and then called the orc soldiers to walk into the cave together!

Watching Varimathras leave, Li Yichen walked out of the cave, then jumped up, returned to the hovering helicopter, and shouted into the communicator:

"Secure everything, don't let a single insect in!"

"Don't worry, boss!"

Zhang Anji replied, in fact, the area at the entrance of the cave is not large, and they have 500 helicopters to carry out aerial strikes. Although they fly very high to prevent flying insects, they can still ensure that the insect tide is completely cut off and intercepted. Outside the entrance of the cave, the Zerg cannot pass at all.

"Lao Wan! The beasts have begun to pass, right?"

Li Yichen did not participate in the battle, still hovering the helicopter, and then asked into the intercom.

"Well! It's begun!"

"Okay! Let Chang Guchuan and the others prepare. After all the orcs pass, it won't be long before the Zerg will pass!"

Li Yichen said.

"Don't worry! They have been prepared for a long time!"

Wan Shan smiled and said:

"Ever since the beasts stopped coming to Fuling Castle, these guys have been exhausted. They train every day besides training. They should be able to relax a bit this time!"

"Remind them that this wave of beasts is different from the previous ones. They are stronger and come in various types, including flying ones and ground-burrowing ones. Let them be careful!"

Li Yichen reminded.

"no problem!"

Wan Shan Road:

"I told them that two reserve teams must be prepared to deal with emergencies at any time! There are also dedicated people watching the surveillance images of the reconnaissance satellites to grasp the situation of the insect tide!"

Of course Li Yichen had communicated this idea to Wan Shan and Chang Guchuan. Wan Shan didn't express his position at the time. After all, he didn't interfere much in the military, but Chang Guchuan welcomed it with both hands. Now that the Hell City is expanding its army on a large scale, the new recruits have little combat experience. Even if there are strengthening injections that allow them to quickly become strengtheners, strengtheners without combat experience have little combat power at all.

Originally, Li Yichen planned to place the space passage entrance in front of Laifling Castle. After all, that castle was originally built to block the Zerg, so it was just right to place it there!

However, this time Wan Shan came up with an idea and suggested that Li Yichen place the exit in front of the central base!

Wan Shan’s reason is very simple. Zhi Nao is in the central base. The space channel is placed at the door. It is quite easy to recover the Zerg corpses. There is no need to transport the corpses all the way back to Fuling Castle for recycling like before. .

Anyway, ordinary people in Hell City have now entered the subspace, and the entire Hell City base is full of combatants, so it doesn't matter even if it is placed in the central base, it will not affect other people.

Li Yichen thought that this was what happened, so he agreed, and Chang Guchuan did not object. Therefore, Li Yichen took the coordinates of the central base and set the exit of the space channel there.

As the helicopters continued to fire, the insect swarm below was also blocked at the entrance to the valley, because it was the narrowest and was easier to block.

What makes Li Yichen feel more distressed is that because the firepower is too strong, the killed bugs are beaten to pieces and cannot be recovered. He can only watch the life energy of these killed bugs dissipate, let alone recover them. Equipment materials.

Therefore, the current blockade is an absolute waste of ammunition for Li Yichen, and he cannot recover any money.

Fortunately, after continuing to intercept for more than half an hour, Wan Shan finally called Li Yichen and told him that all the beasts had passed, and that the soldiers selected by Chang Guchuan were waiting at the exit of the space passage. They could release the insect tide. It's past.

"Okay! Zhang Anji, stop fighting and retreat!"

Li Yichen immediately issued an order to Zhang Anji. In fact, Wanshan also reminded Li Yichen through the military channel, and Zhang Anji naturally heard it. However, without Li Yichen's order, Zhang Anji did not dare to cease fire automatically.

Now that he had received the order, Zhang Anji gave the order, and the helicopters in the air immediately ceased fire, and the insect tide was no longer blocked, and they entered the heart of the mountain unimpeded...


Li Yichen drove the helicopter and circled in the air, confirming that the insect swarm was continuously pouring into the orc base, and then began to return to the capital of hell.

The mountainside of the Orcs is actually very big, but those bugs will definitely be able to find the hall where the space passage is located, but Li Yichen is not sure now whether those bugs will enter the space passage.

But he can't make the decision. He can't use the loudspeaker to shout in the air and let the insects follow the route into the space channel.

However, even if the Zerg did not enter, it would not have much impact on the capital of hell, it would just lose some life energy. Anyway, the main purpose is to pick up the orcs, and this is just a bonus.

"Xiao Yi! The Zerg... came through the space channel, but... it's different from what we imagined!"

Li Yichen drove a helicopter and flew to the capital of hell with the Hell Angels. After flying for about ten minutes, Wan Shan called Li Yichen, but his tone seemed hesitant...

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