Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 872 Where to dig potatoes?

Originally, Li Yichen used spatial refraction to make himself invisible. However, if he had to activate space transfer, his invisible state could not be maintained, because spatial refraction requires a sufficiently stable space. Once the space fluctuates, the refracted space will appear. distortion.

Just like a basin of clear water, your face can be clearly reflected when it is completely still, but if the water fluctuates, your reflection will naturally be distorted.

However, the lizardmen guarding the entrance to the Tianyu all had their backs to the entrance. After all, if someone wanted to approach the Tianyu, they would definitely come from the outside. Moreover, Li Yichen moved very quickly. After teleporting, he immediately Use space refraction again to hide yourself.

Li Yichen is now very skilled in using space rules. The connection between the two powers is completely seamless, so he did not alert the guards.

The moment Li Yichen had just completed the spatial refraction, a group of lizardmen walked out of the entrance to the sky. These lizardmen were all fully armed. Judging from the equipment on their bodies, they should belong to the elite of the lizardman race.

Seeing this group of lizardmen, Li Yichen breathed a sigh of relief, because he could feel that most of this group of lizardmen were B-level beings, with only a few reaching A-level, and these A-level lizardmen were killed by other lizardmen. Those surrounded by lizardmen should belong to the upper echelons of the lizardmen.

Judging by the strength of this team of lizardmen, the lizardmen race does not seem to be very powerful. Otherwise, there should be an S-level strongman among these lizardmen.

Those A-level lizardmen were talking as they walked, but their language Li Yichen couldn't understand. He didn't know what they were talking about, but he thought it must be related to this heaven.

"The Source World...doesn't use common language?"

Li Yichen frowned as he listened to the jabbering language of these lizard people. Li Yichen could still understand the languages ​​spoken by humans in the human race before. Could it be that every race in the Origin World has its own unique language?

Li Yichen did not encounter this situation on the Trial Continent. The undead, goblins and orcs all spoke the lingua franca of the Trial Continent, and Li Yichen felt that the language of the arbiters should be almost the lingua franca, otherwise They can't communicate with those trial races!

However, now is not a good time to think about this, so Li Yichen just thought about it casually without going into details.

Soon, all the lizardmen seemed to have come out. After the last lizardman walked out of the sky, Li Yichen waited for about three seconds, but did not see any more lizardmen walking out of the sky, so he ducked out of the way and took advantage of the entrance of the sky. The space fluctuations were not completely calm, and they entered the entrance to the sky...

"Fighting and losing teeth..."

As soon as he entered the Tianyu, Li Yichen heard the cry of the lizard man. Then, he discovered that at the entrance of the Tianyu, just like outside the Tianyu, there was a large circle of lizardmen guarding it. However, unlike outside, The difference is that these lizardmen are facing the entrance to the sky.

The entrance to the Tianyu is undoubtedly a space passage, and of course it was impossible for Li Yichen to maintain spatial refraction when passing through the space passage, so he was discovered by the lizard man as soon as he came out.

Seeing the intruder, the lizardmen were not polite for a moment, and they shouted and attacked Li Yichen.

The weapons of these lizardmen are all cold weapons and should be standard. Each lizardman carries a longbow on his back, a spear in his hand, and an ax hanging on his waist!

The lizard man in front of Li Yichen threw the spear in his hand at Li Yichen, then took off the ax from his waist and rushed forward. The lizard man behind them, after throwing the spear, took off the long bow on his back and bent it. He nocked an arrow from his bow and shot arrows at him.

Li Yichen casually sensed that the strength of these lizardmen was worse than those of the lizardmen who left before. They were C-level and D-level, and the highest was only B-level.

In fact, an attack of this level should not be able to hurt Li Yichen, but because it was the first time he faced this kind of enemy, Li Yichen was still very careful.

Especially the spears thrown by the lizardmen. Although they are made of wooden poles with only the tip made of metal, they look quite sharp, and the tip is flashing with blue light, which is probably poisonous.

Therefore, looking at the spears flying all over the sky, Li Yichen teleported out of the encirclement without saying a word.

Suddenly realizing that the enemy had disappeared, the lizardmen were stunned for a moment, but they immediately remembered the little tiger from before. Because the little tiger could become invisible, the first reaction of these lizardmen was that Li Yichen also became invisible.

“Where to dig potatoes!!”

At this time, a guy who looked like a leader among the lizard men pointed at the entrance to the sky and shouted. Upon hearing his shout, the lizard men who rushed up all stopped in place, and then faced the people in front of them. The air waves the ax in its hand!

The archers and lizardmen behind did not stop attacking. Their arms kept pulling the bow strings and shot feather arrows towards the entrance to the sky. Countless feather arrows almost covered the entire entrance to the sky.

"Tooth code stack!"

At this moment, there was another burst of space fluctuations at the entrance to the Heaven Realm. Then, a lizard man appeared at the entrance to the Heaven Realm. However, what greeted him were countless arrows shot by his people. He only had time to shout. Just one sentence and he was shot into a hedgehog.

The sudden change caused the lizardmen to stop again, and the body of the lizardman who was hit by the arrow also swayed twice before falling to the ground.


What surprised Li Yichen was that after the lizard man who was hit by the arrow fell to the ground, white smoke rose from his body. Along with the smoke, there was a hissing sound like boiling water falling on burning coals.

Amidst the sound and white mist, the lizard man's body actually began to melt, and after more than ten seconds, there was only a pool of water left on the ground, with a pile of metal tips in the water. As for the lizard man, even his clothes All the hair on the body has disappeared, not even a single bone is left.

"So poisonous?"

Li Yichen took a breath of air. Although he felt that such arrows and spears should not be able to penetrate his skin, he was not sure whether the toxins attached to these arrows and spears would be able to pierce his skin. The skin can then poison itself.

Fortunately, Li Yichen was more cautious and did not resist. Instead, he just dodged out. Moreover, looking at the pool of water transformed by a lizard man, Li Yichen felt that there was no need to test whether he could resist the lizard man. Toxin weapons.

"Go dig in the suburbs, dig a sack!"

Seeing that one of his people had been accidentally injured, the lizard man who had yelled before immediately roared again. Then, he strode forward and came to the entrance of the Tianyu. He waved vigorously. Immediately, more than a dozen lizardmen came to the Tianyu. At the entrance, they then hugged each other's shoulders and lined up in a horizontal row, completely blocking the entire entrance to the sky.

"If the front wheel doesn't turn, the back wheel will turn!"

Just after these lizard men sealed the entrance to the Heaven Realm tightly, another lizard man pointed at the back and shouted, and the person he was pointing at was, of course, Li Yichen.

Originally, Li Yichen should have turned on spatial refraction immediately after the teleportation. In this case, the lizard people might not be able to know whether Li Yichen was still in the Heaven Realm.

But the problem is, after seeing the lizard man who entered the sky and was accidentally injured, turned into a puddle of thick water in just a few seconds, Li Yichen was so happy and praising himself for his wisdom that he actually forgot to use the space Refraction, so it was discovered by the lizard man.

“The front wheel is so much bigger than the rear wheel!!”

The lizard man who had given orders before immediately pointed at Li Yichen and shouted in agreement.

Although he couldn't understand what he said, Li Yichen knew with his knees that he must be letting those lizard men attack him, so he immediately teleported again and left his previous position.

This time, Li Yichen didn't pause at all and launched several teleportations in succession, leaving the lizard man far behind.

Seeing this, the lizard men immediately chased Li Yichen. When they launched the pursuit, Li Yichen realized that these guys were running very fast, so he teleported continuously again and directly entered the jungle in the distance.

After entering the jungle, Li Yichen teleported for almost two kilometers in one breath before stopping. Although he had a lot of space rules reserves, he had just entered the sky and didn't know what was going on inside, so he naturally had to save some.

Moreover, now that the lizard men have been thrown away by him, although Li Yichen also knows that the lizard men will not give up and will definitely enter the jungle to search for him, but this search will definitely not be fast, so he is not in a hurry.

In fact, there are quite a lot of lizardmen at the entrance to the Sky Realm. If you count all the people in the camp, there are about thousands. However, the scope of this jungle is also quite large. Let alone thousands of lizardmen, even tens of thousands. The lizardmen couldn't search the entire jungle quickly.

Moreover, Li Yichen felt that with the strength of those lizard men, as long as he teleported into the air and exchanged an armed helicopter for it, he should be able to kill all the lizard men near the entrance to the sky.

However, Li Yichen didn't want to start a war now. He wanted to enter the Heaven Realm to conduct reconnaissance to see if the Heaven Realm was suitable for human survival. If so, it would not be too late to consider driving away these lizard people.

So, Li Yichen casually checked his equipment, and then began to walk quickly through the jungle...

An hour later, Li Yichen had gone deep into the jungle, and the lizard men's pursuers had already been thrown away by him. However, what surprised Li Yichen was that so far, he hadn't even seen a single large creature...

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