Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 873 The natives of Tianyu?

"Shouldn't it?"

Li Yichen slowed down and walked slowly through the jungle, observing his surroundings carefully.

According to the humans in the Source World, there should be native creatures in the Heaven Realm, and even intelligent life. Now that the lizard people have entered this Heaven Realm, it is impossible for the creatures here not to notice it, right?

Of course, there are not all living things in the jungle. In addition to tall trees, unknown flowers, vines and other plants, there are also some unknown small insects flying around, but Li Yichen senses that these creatures are basically absent. What kind of life fluctuations, that is to say, their vitality is very weak, similar to mosquitoes and ants on the earth.

While observing, he moved forward. After about twenty minutes, Li Yichen finally sensed a relatively strong energy wave in front of him. His eyes suddenly lit up, and then he entered the forward state and touched those energy wave.

"lizard Man?"

When he saw his target, Li Yichen couldn't help but be disappointed. What appeared in front of him was a Lizardman team. It seemed that this team should be a reconnaissance team sent by the Lizardmen to reconnoiter this realm.

At this time, the lizardmen of this team were gathering together, drawing something on the ground and whispering words that Li Yichen couldn't understand.

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen's heart moved. Originally, he planned to kill this team directly, but now it seems that they have discovered something.

There are eight people in this lizard team, and there are two more people about twenty meters away from them, who should be sentries.


"What the hell, what the hell..."

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The lizardmen gathered together were drawing on the ground while communicating. After about five or six minutes, they seemed to have finally made a decision and all stood up. Then, two of them quickly left in one direction.

Looking at the direction in which the two lizardmen left, Li Yichen ignored them, because that direction was the entrance to the Heavenly Realm, and the two lizardmen should have gone back to report the news.

The remaining lizardmen walked towards the other two sentries, then joined them and walked deep into the jungle.

Li Yichen carefully followed these lizard men. After walking for about 7 or 8 minutes, the lizard men quietly dispersed, squatted down, and moved forward carefully.

Seeing this situation, Li Yichen knew he was there, so he stopped following these lizard men and teleported directly to their right, and then carefully sneaked forward.

After walking less than a hundred meters, Li Yichen saw a... stockade!

That's right, Li Yichen could only use the word "zhai" to describe what he saw in front of him. In front of him was a residential area composed of a group of buildings. The area was not large, and all the buildings were made of wood.

These buildings are very rough, but because they are in the jungle, they look quite harmonious. Some of the buildings are even rebuilt using thick trees.

They hollowed out a tree with a diameter of about ten meters and arranged it inside to create a very unique house.

There are only about thirty or forty buildings in total, so Li Yichen calls this place a village. The entire village is surrounded by a fence about one meter high, with a village gate at the front and rear.

There is no doubt that this village must belong to an intelligent creature. It seems that it should be a native creature in this heaven!

However, the village was very quiet now. At least, Li Yichen didn't see any creatures appearing in the village. However, according to his sensing, there were many life forms in the village, and they were relatively powerful.

Of course, this kind of power is compared to the lizardman reconnaissance team. The lizardmen in the entire reconnaissance team are all B-level beings. In the village, although Li Yichen felt that there were even C-level beings, there were also some. There are more than a dozen A-level beings, and more than a hundred B-level beings.

There are so many lives in such a small village. It seems that the creatures in this heaven are not so easy to deal with.

Moreover, judging from the buildings in the stockade, the commanding life form in this heavenly domain should not be large, because the entrances and exits that clearly look like doors are only about one meter, similar to the fence surrounding the stockade.

Of course, those buildings are quite tall, but all the buildings are divided into many floors, and the height of each floor is no more than two meters!

Li Yichen thought for a while but did not take any action. After looking around him, he found a relatively dense tree and climbed up quietly. He chose a very good location and lay there comfortably, ready to start watching. play.

From his current angle, he could see not only the lizard people, but also the entire village of this native creature. It could be said to be the best place to eat melons.

The lizard men were still silent. They were just lying in wait in the jungle, staring at the village. Li Yichen knew in his heart that they were waiting for reinforcements.

The two lizardmen who went back just now must have gone to summon reinforcements. It seems that these lizardmen must have discovered this village before and probably knew the strength of these native creatures, so they did not attack rashly, but sent the news to them. Sent back.

The lizardmen entered the Sky Territory just to capture this place, so of course they would not coexist peacefully with the native creatures. If they wanted to seize other people's homes, the only way they could do it was through war.

However, Li Yichen had just come from the entrance to the Tianyu. In his opinion, the lizard people were not that powerful. With their strength, it would be difficult to win this Tianyu.

If they tried their best to occupy this village, they would definitely be able to capture it and even kill all the native creatures inside. However, Li Yichen felt that this would not be the only native creatures in this realm.

Once a war begins, other native creatures in this realm will definitely not sit back and watch, unless the lizard people can kill all the native creatures in this village and prevent them from spreading the news.

However, judging from the strength of the native creatures in the village, it is estimated that the lizard man cannot do this. If Li Yichen secretly assists, he might be able to do it, but Li Yichen has no intention of being a good person.

Li Yichen wants to watch a show now so that he can know more about lizard people and primal creatures. Sun Tzu said that if you know yourself and the enemy, you will never be defeated! It certainly doesn't hurt to know more about the enemy.

(Zombie: Which grandson said this? It seems reasonable!)

Li Yichen waited for more than four hours before he discovered that the Lizardmen's reinforcements had arrived. In fact, if he traveled at full speed from the entrance to the Sky Domain, it would not take four hours at all, but the Lizardmen were a large force. Marching requires preparation in advance, so it is easy to understand.

Moreover, during these more than four hours, there was no change in the village, and no native creature appeared. They all hid in the buildings without even showing their heads.

It seems that these native creatures should have discovered the lizard people, but I don't know why they didn't take any action at all and just hid inside and waited. Do they think that as long as they don't come out, the lizard people will give up attacking their village? ?

The lizardmen have mobilized a lot of manpower this time. At a glance, there are at least a thousand people. With so many lizardmen, it is estimated that there is no need to fight. Just by entering the village, they can fill up the small village.

As soon as the leader of the lizardmen reinforcements arrived, he got close to the previous lizardmen and discussed with them in a low voice, seemingly trying to understand the situation.

Then, the leader of the reinforcements stood up, took two steps forward, and gently pulled the plants in front of him away. After observing carefully for a while, he waved gently and summoned a dozen lizardmen to surround him. It took a long time to explain with gestures and words.

After a while, all the lizardmen who gathered around nodded, then performed a very strange courtesy to the leader, and then dispersed.

The leader of the reinforcements was obviously arranging a combat mission, because the lizardmen he had warned immediately began to assemble the lizardman army after returning to the lizardman army, and then dispersed into the jungle with each person leading the way. , and, looking at the path they were walking on, Li Yichen could easily see that the target of these lizard men was that village.

"I hope you guys can fight more intensely and expose more of your cards, the better!"

Watching the lizardmen disperse into the jungle, Li Yichen murmured that this might be the first time since he obtained the system that he had watched the upcoming battle so leisurely.

Li Yichen had personally experienced all the battles he had encountered before. There were even many battles where he was simply the most important person on the battlefield! Absolutely the main force, how could he have time to go aside and watch the excitement?

Originally, the lizardmen were at a disadvantage, but after the lizardmen's reinforcements arrived, the balance of victory instantly fell to the lizardmen.

Before, Li Yichen thought that it would be very difficult for the lizard people to wipe out all the native creatures in this village, but after seeing these thousand reinforcements, Li Yichen no longer dared to stick to his opinion.

The overall strength of these lizardman reinforcements is still not strong. At least in Li Yichen's eyes, these teams composed of the vast majority of B-class soldiers, plus some A-class lizardmen, are in front of the three legions of the capital of hell. , then it can only be a plate of food, which cannot be eaten with wine.

But now it seems that the lizard people really intend to seal off the entire village and have no intention of letting anyone go.

Among these lizardmen, there are only five A-level strong ones. Therefore, in a pure competition of high-level combat power, the lizardmen would suffer greatly...

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