Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 893 The Explosion of Hell’s Angels

"It seems that you want to drag us to death together?"

Looking at the lizard man's actions, Li Yichen shook his head, then opened his personal terminal and shouted into it:

"Chang Guchuan, go back and bring Zhang Anji and his Hell's Angels over to me as soon as possible!"


Chang Guchuan agreed, then interrupted the communication, while Li Yichen drove the helicopter, passing the lizard man and the native villain, then turned the nose of the helicopter and pressed the button of the helicopter's onboard machine gun at them.

The two wheel-type airborne machine guns spit out flames and poured down a large number of bullets. The people running at the front were basically lizard men. The native little people had short legs and could not keep up.

The bodies of the lizard men exploded one after another, and the residual limbs were flying everywhere with blood, but the lizard men behind were still running wildly, not at all frightened by this killing. They had already tried their best, who cares about this?

Kill it! As long as we can lure these little devils to your side, it's okay to beat us to death. We are waiting for you below, and we will be able to fight again below soon - this is the idea of ​​​​most lizard people.

Li Qingfeng has used helicopters to attack lizardmen before, so lizardmen all know that although the attack power of this big iron bird is terrifying, it cannot last long and will be over in a while.

However, Li Yichen did not wait until all the bullets were consumed, because Zhang Anji's voice sounded from his terminal:

"Boss! We're here!"

"Okay! I'll go back right now!"

When Li Yichen heard this, he immediately pulled up the helicopter and flew towards the castle. Zhang Anji and the others came over, but their fighter planes couldn't get through. The space channel opened by Li Yichen was not that big.

So now Li Yichen has to go back and send fighter planes to Zhang Anji and the others. Without armed helicopters, these guys won't be able to play such a big role on the battlefield.

There was no time to wait for the helicopter to land slowly. After returning to the castle, Li Yichen directly hovered the helicopter, and then teleported back to the front of the castle. As he moved, a row of armed helicopters appeared!

"Haha! Brothers, let's go!"

Zhang Anji was so happy when she saw the helicopter that she shouted without Li Yichen's orders, and then rushed towards the helicopter. Other Hells Angels members also ran towards the helicopter.

The armed helicopters were launched one after another and all took off, flying towards the lizard men and native villains in the distance. Li Yichen didn't have to worry about how to fight. Moreover, the helicopters he exchanged mainly had more ammunition for the onboard machine guns. There are only two small missiles. No matter how crazy they are, the battlefield will not be too damaged.

"Maybe... we should bring out those small fighters in the space battleship for them to play with?"

After all the Hell's Angels were equipped with fighter planes, Li Yichen looked at the cluster of helicopters going to meet the enemy and thought, because he suddenly felt that the helicopters seemed too slow and not flexible enough, at least not very enjoyable for him to use.

Of course, although this idea has come up, it will have to wait until it is actually implemented, at least until the world is stabilized. To deal with these native villains, helicopters are enough. Even the lizardmen can't run away with their short legs. Still want to chase the helicopter?

At this time, the senior management of the lizard people were extremely resentful, because they were running wildly and gradually threw the native villain away.

If they had known this, they should have run away when the native villain just broke through their position, right? Run directly towards the castle, risk your life and be killed by them, and then go around a corner. Will these native villains behind you attack the castle directly soon?

At that time, they can watch the show on the side. When human beings are destroyed, they can think of a way. Whether they stay in the Heaven Realm or leave, they can choose for themselves. How could it be like now, with only a few people left in the entire huge ethnic group? Ten thousand people? They are both still warriors and cannot continue even if they want to. Two men can fall in love and even get married, but they will never give birth to the next generation...

However, you can also go straight to the castle, then go around and let the native villains fight the human race. At least they have to see the human race being wiped out before they can be willing to do so!

So while running, the senior lizard people roared up to the sky and conveyed their intentions. The execution of the lizard people was quite strong. Even though they knew that they were almost exterminated, the orders of the senior leaders were still faithfully executed. The lizard people continued to run towards the castle.

It's a pity that the oncoming helicopter swarm broke their dream. Before, it was only one helicopter, but now, there are more than a hundred helicopters. The swarm of more than a hundred helicopters can only be described as spectacular. describe.

All the helicopters lined up, and then, without any preparation, they opened fire directly. More than two hundred airborne machine guns roared together, and the rain of bullets in the air seemed to destroy the world, shrouding the Lizardmen.

Because it is produced in a mall, Li Yichen can directly customize it. Therefore, all helicopter-mounted machine guns are directly equipped with a bullet chain. All the bullets carried in the cabin are on this bullet chain, so there is no need for it at all. Manually changing the bullet chain, when the machine gun stops firing, it means there is no bullet left.

Another advantage of this kind of ammunition supply is that the extremely strong firepower does not need to be stopped at all. As for the problem of the barrel? It was originally a six-barrel minigun, and the material Li Yichen used to make the barrel was the top metal in the mall. Do we need to consider the endurance of the barrel?

This battle was under the direct command of Zhang Anji. Therefore, he directly ordered that all helicopters fly at ultra-low altitudes, almost close to the ground. This kind of flight is what the Hells Angels, who fly in helicopters almost every day, can do. .

This kind of flying method is to prepare for attack. Before, both Li Yichen and Li Qingfeng were shooting at a very high altitude. Although this kind of shooting can also cause a large number of casualties to the lizard people, it is because Due to the angle, this casualty is not large.

As for this kind of ultra-low-altitude flight, the bullets almost go out flat when shooting. That is not the case of Li Yichen and Li Qingfeng. After the bullets penetrate one or two lizardmen, they directly penetrate into the earth.

This kind of flat-fire, twenty-millimeter-caliber airborne machine gun bullets can maximize its power. One bullet can penetrate at least several or even dozens of lizard-men's bodies. Moreover, the lizard-men who are shot through are basically It is difficult to preserve a complete body.

For a time, countless lizardmen were torn to pieces, and the salvos of more than a hundred armed helicopters actually created a Shura Field that was even more terrifying than the Ring of Death launched by the Shadow of Death...

Broken limbs, broken bodies, blood mist all over the sky, and the area where bullets were fired completely turned into a huge slaughterhouse. Almost every lizard man was hit by more than one bullet, and his body was completely shattered everywhere. Hengfei, anyone who steps into the bullet fired area simply cannot survive for more than one second.

The senior lizard men rushing forward became part of the sky full of flesh and blood, while the originally determined lizard men behind them involuntarily stopped and looked ahead with a horrified look on their faces.

Compared with the death ring of the shadow of death, the Hell Angel's attack is obviously more powerful. Although the bullets do not have the terrifying breath of death attached to them, the roar of more than two hundred machine guns and the blood mist in the sky are enough to declare death. arrival.

Not only the lizardmen, but also the native villains who were chasing them were shocked by this bloody scene. They all stopped in their tracks. They even ignored the lizardmen around them and looked at those who were chasing them with dull expressions. The big iron bird that keeps roaring...

Soon, as the helicopter continued to advance, whether they were lizard men or native villains, they all collapsed. These two life-and-death races that had been fighting together before actually turned their heads together and ran desperately toward the rear.

"Keep chasing until you run out of bullets!"

The bloody battlefield in front of him did not make Zhang Anji react at all. He looked ahead coldly and said lightly.

Before coming, he also saw the weak shadows of death, and even saw the bodies of thousands of blade warriors, those mutilated corpses, as well as the blood stains and scars on the surviving warriors, all telling what they had experienced before. Brutal war.

Although they are not the same legion, they all belong to the Capital of Hell, are the guardians of this base, and are all brothers. If you dare to kill my brother, you must pay the price.

Whether it is a lizard man or a native villain, how can it be possible to run faster on the ground than a helicopter? Especially these native villains and lizard people, I don't know whether it is because they are dominated by fear or because of the herd mentality, they have been running together without thinking of spreading out to escape.

This just allows the power of the helicopter's machine gun to continue to maintain its maximum lethality. Even before the consciousness of the guy behind him who was shot through by bullets and whose body was broken has not disappeared, he can still see the comrades in front of him who were shot by the bullet that just shot him. Beaten to pieces...

Li Yichen had seen the number of native villains before, so when exchanging these helicopters, he specially added a large number of bullets. Therefore, the Hell Angels' pursuit continued until the entire escape team was almost wiped out before he had to stop due to ammunition problems. stop!

During this period, the fleeing army also entered the jungle, trying to avoid the attacks of the big iron birds behind them, but Zhang Anji didn't care at all and continued flying at low altitude, smashing everything in front of them, whether they were trees or enemies!

After flattening several jungles and killing almost every single one of the fleeing army, Zhang Anji, who had run out of bullets, gave the order to retreat. All the helicopters took off and flew towards the castle...

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