Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 894 Prepare to migrate!

"Brother Yi! It's done. There are some lizardmen left, and the little dwarf has more left. We are out of bullets!"

Zhang Anji hurriedly reported to Li Yichen before he arrived at the castle.

"Yeah! I know!"

Li Yichen replied, the corners of his mouth twitching a little, "Nah, are you out of bullets?" He redeemed the helicopter, so of course he knew how many bullets it had.

"Don't worry about them, let's build this area first!"

Li Yichen said, then he looked at the battlefield full of corpses, and in a flash, he went directly to the battlefield and started collecting corpses.

The corpses of the fallen soldiers on our side have all been carried back to the Capital of Hell for burial. All of them are lizardmen and native villains massacred by the Hells Angels.

Li Yichen didn't care about the resources recovered from these corpses. After all, there was the fog in the sky and the sea, but it would be troublesome to build it if he kept these corpses, so he just cleaned them up.

With the power of space, Li Yichen recovered all the corpses after countless flashes, and followed the route of the Hell's Angels' previous pursuit.

To Li Yichen's surprise, the resources recovered by the native villains were actually more than those of the lizard people. It seemed that the Heaven Realm was really a treasure.

After recovering the body, Li Yichen looked at the castle, and then went to high altitude. After demarcating an area, he directly asked the system to plan it, and then said to Chang Guchuan:

"Send someone out to dig a ditch in the area I designated!"

Later, Li Yichen redeemed a helicopter, drove the helicopter, and used the onboard machine gun to directly circle an area about five kilometers in diameter around the entrance to the Tianyu!

Li Yichen planned to learn from another Tianyu and build a city directly at the entrance of the Tianyu. Anyway, there is a system. He only needs to lay the foundation to build the city. After all, this city will be their main city in the Tianyu in the future. The foundation is Must fight.

However, this city is mainly used by Li Yichen to defend the entrance to the Heaven Realm, so it does not need to be too big. The five-kilometer range is enough. Those stationed here in the future must all be elites from the capital of hell, to defend themselves against possible invading foreign enemies at any time.

As for outside the city, after all the lizardmen and native villains are cleared away, the outside will be the safest. Of course, there is no need to enclose the land, just plan and build some buildings and that's it.

Moreover, the city is now built to defend against attacks by native villains. Although they may not have the courage to attack after the previous massacre by the Hell's Angels, it is always good to be prepared!

It took about a day or so, Chang Guchuan and the soldiers of Hell City finally dug the ditch that Li Yichen requested. This ditch was actually the foundation of the city wall. Li Yichen asked them to dig a circular 5X5 ditch directly, that is, The width and depth are both five meters!

After confirming that the ditch was dug, Li Yichen directly exchanged it for a hollow city wall in the mall. The city wall was ten meters high and five meters wide. People could live inside. On the city wall, every ten meters there was a hollow city wall that could rotate 360 ​​degrees. The machine gun position, after all, this city wall not only defends the native villains, but more importantly, it defends the entrance to the sky.

Li Yichen once hesitated whether to build a city at the entrance to the Tianyu like that Tianyu, but after thinking about it he gave up. The entrance to the Tianyu itself is actually very hidden. To build a city outside, not only would troops be stationed, but also It may also attract the attention of other races.

After the city wall was built, Li Yichen directly drove away all the people in the castle, asked them to defend on the wall, and then recovered the castle. Having completed the task of taking root in the sky, the castle was naturally useless.

This is Li Yichen who has a system. Others would never be able to waste so much, especially a castle made of all metal. If you want to build it, the construction time alone is estimated to be measured in years.

After taking over the castle, Li Yichen asked the system to plan again, and then began to ask Chang Guchuan to lead the soldiers to dig everywhere within the city wall. This was the area used to defend the entrance to the heavenly domain. It was a top priority. Of course, it couldn't be done. Anything sloppy.

It is a pity that the soil on the ground is considered garbage only when it is dug out, otherwise it cannot be recycled. This makes Li Yichen quite complain, otherwise he would just go around in a circle and the foundation would be finished.

Because of Li Yichen's order, the entire city wall immediately turned into a construction site. Soldiers were digging hard with engineering shovels. Of course, Li Yichen would take back the excavated earth.

In the meantime, Li Yichen also asked Wanshan to mobilize some more soldiers. Although ordinary people can be used to dig the foundation, this is the Heaven Realm. Li Yichen plans to give people from the Capital of Hell when they enter the Heaven Realm. A shock!

The native villains and lizard men did not appear again. They were probably frightened by the previous helicopters. In front of this race with no technology at all, a powerful war machine like an armed helicopter is definitely their nightmare!

Li Yichen has now discovered that technological weapons are actually quite advantageous to humans. At least as long as they are prepared, even an S-class expert will be killed if a bunch of missiles hit him.

For others, missiles may not be easy to obtain. Even when Li Yichen first obtained the system, he was unable to redeem it due to a shortage of materials. However, now that Li Yichen is rich and wealthy, he has almost recycled the entire earth's resources. There is no shortage of materials, who is awesome? I will hit you to death with a grenade, if you don't pull the string! !

Although the warriors in Hell City are now all B-level, because the buildings Li Yichen built in the city were too dense, it still took them two full days to dig all the necessary foundations.

With the foundation in place, building would of course not be a problem. Under everyone's astonished gaze, buildings rose into the sky, and the area enclosed by Li Yichen's walls instantly turned into a quite luxurious city.

The entrance to Tianyu was now surrounded by a circle of buildings, which Li Yichen had spent a lot of money on. The hundred-meter-high buildings were all made of the highest-grade metal materials, almost exhausting all the reserves in the mall.

As for the buildings outside this circle of buildings, Li Yichen used the most common reinforced concrete to build them, because the line of defense was just like that. Once it was broken through, the rest behind it would be useless, and he had no materials.

"Lao Wan, it's almost time to send someone over!"

After building the city, Li Yichen went to Wan Shan and told him that the current city only had all the buildings built, but people still needed to build roads and the like, and Li Yichen couldn't exchange for this!

The complete road can be redeemed, but the problem is that the ground is not flat at all, and the one he redeemed still needs to be repaired, so Li Yichen simply doesn't care, just takes out the materials and lets people pave the road by himself. This is how the roads in the Hell Capital Base are made. have to.

"Now we should mobilize ordinary people or soldiers first?"

Wan Shan looked at Li Yichen and asked.


Li Yichen knew what Wan Shan meant. The warriors he spoke of were actually members who had reached D level or above. After all, the enhanced injections in the Hell City were now open for redemption, and there were many people who had not entered the legion and had reached the D level life standard!

"Okay! I'll make arrangements right away!"

Wan Shan nodded, then turned and left.

Wan Shan did not ask Li Yichen about his previous arrangements. After all, Li Yichen had said before that he would give everyone three places to choose.

At that time, Li Yichen himself was not sure, so he said this. But now that there is Tianyu, the human race has a stable foothold in the Source Realm. When Li Yichen gets the Heart of Tianyu, this Tianyu will It's almost impregnable.

With such good conditions, do you still need to choose? That's why Wan Shan asked whether it would be a full or partial relocation.

In fact, Li Yichen plans to move all members, but the conditions are not mature yet. Although there should be no problem with the defense at the entrance to the Tianyu, after all, he has not obtained the Heart of the Tianyu yet. If all members want to move, he should wait until he gets the Heart of the Tianyu. Let's worry about it later.

"Chang Guchuan! Assemble the troops. As long as they can be mobilized, all of them will be mobilized to capture all the creatures here!!"

After Wan Shan left, Li Yichen went directly to Chang Guchuan and gave him an order. Now all the legions in the Hell City, except for the Death Shadow and Blade Legion, are basically managed by Chang Guchuan. This guy was originally just The person who manages the Redemption Blade is probably considered the military commander of the entire Hell City now.

Li Yichen checked Xiaohu's Shadow of Death and found that it was just too much consumption. It would be fine after a few days of rest. Some members of the Shadow of Death were even close to breaking through because of this consumption.

After Chang Guchuan received the order, he immediately sent out all the soldiers who were now entering the sky, in groups of one hundred, to sweep out the native villains, and each group was equipped with a Hell's Angel who had replenished their ammunition.

In this case, even if you encounter a large group of native villains, as long as they can hold on for a while, support will arrive immediately.

Li Yichen didn't care about clearing away the native villains here. After all, they had technological weapons. It would be a crushing victory to deal with these guys who could only use blowguns and daggers.

The advantage of native villains is actually quantity, but after building a space channel, will quantity become an advantage? Apart from anything else, Li Yichen could still afford tens of millions of people, and this realm was fully capable of supporting such a large population.

Of course, the previous choices are still valid. If someone wants to leave and live on earth or other planes, or even stay in the trial place, Li Yichen will not force him!

The current trial land, after the vampires and demons are driven away, will completely belong to humans. Of course, you can build it however you want, but... the trial land?

Li Yichen suddenly frowned. He felt that he should go back to the trial place...

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