Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 897 Meeting Li Fangzhou again

Leaving the city of the Kingdom of Heaven, Li Yichen continued to fly towards the coordinates he had already determined. When he saw this city, he just stopped by to take a look. The Kingdom of Heaven is no longer an enemy to him— —They are too weak! !

This is also the reason why Li Yichen is not planning to stay in the Trial Land to develop. Since there is already a more advanced plane, it is natural to enter it. Although it will be more dangerous, the rewards will be equally rich.

If the Capital of Hell continues to stay in the Far North Continent after driving away the vampires and demons, seals all the space passages connected to the Far North Continent, and only fully manages the Far North Continent, it will actually be able to develop peacefully for a period of time.

The six major trial races have been driven away, the Far North Continent has been taken back, and the Kingdom of Heaven will not bother them. The Capital of Hell is completely the controller of the Far North Continent and can do whatever it wants.

In this case, the Hell City will usher in a relatively peaceful time without being disturbed by others. It will quietly develop in the Far North Continent, and it will not be difficult to even build the Far North Continent into a prosperous age before the end of the world.

After all, Li Yichen now has quite a lot of resources in the system mall. There is no problem in building at least a few cities. With cities as a support and developing towards the surrounding areas, it is estimated that in a few years, the Far North Continent will be able to get rid of the shadow of the apocalypse. Return to a normal technological society.

But in this case, it is safe, and the Hell City will soon develop a larger population, but for strong people such as Li Yichen, they will not get any improvement.

Just like the Kingdom of Heaven, when the six trial races first entered the Far North Continent, they also tried to contact the goblins and even exchanged resources with them. However, it didn't take long for them to stop because of Li Yichen's intervention. , and withdrew from the Far North Continent.

After that, the Kingdom of Heaven has always adopted a wait-and-see attitude, and has never contacted or fought with the six major trial races. On the Far North Continent, there has been a constant battle between the capital of hell and the six major trial races.

This kind of wait-and-see attitude means that for the Kingdom of Heaven, if they don't join the battle, they will naturally not suffer any losses, whether it is resources or personnel! This is certainly a good thing.

But the Kingdom of Heaven forgot one thing. They did not fight against the six major trial races. Although they did not suffer any losses, they would not gain any development. The invasion of the six major trial races was a serious threat to the Trial Continent. A disaster is also an opportunity!

Just look at the Capital of Hell. When it was first established, how many strong men were there in the Capital of Hell? Even during the Battle of Wucheng, the vast majority of the warriors participating in the battle were ordinary people, and there were very few Enhancers.

In terms of life level, the Enhancer actually didn't even reach D level, but in the capital of hell at that time, he was already considered the strongest.

And now? Any ordinary person in the capital of hell is at least an enhancer or above. After all, an enhanced enzyme injection can be redeemed with just a few points.

Those who are now called ordinary people in the capital of hell are actually those who have not reached D-level life. Even D-level existences are not much different from ordinary people. Anyway, at least they are not qualified to be combatants.

If you want to become a combatant in the capital of hell, the minimum strength standard is C-level or above, and it is not surprising that B-level and A-level are required!

This improvement in strength actually did not take long for Hell Capital, because they kept fighting. Although there was a reason for this due to Li Yichen's system, the constant fighting still occupied a considerable part in the development of Hell Capital. important proportion.

In fact, this is similar to playing a game. Two people enter the same game at the same time. One is killing monsters and leveling up while the other is hiding in the novice village and wandering around. The gap between the two will soon widen.

Maybe the guy who is leveling up hard has entered the main city, while the guy wandering around is still at level one, and this gap in strength will become bigger and bigger as time goes by.

The Capital of Hell is now equivalent to entering an advanced map. The rules of heaven and earth in the Heaven Realm are much stronger than those in the Trial Land. Even without Li Yichen's system, the strength of people living in the Heaven Realm will not increase. Too slow.

Therefore, if a force that strives for stability like the Kingdom of Heaven wants to live a stable life, there will of course be no problem unless something unexpected happens, because at least in name, except for the Far North Continent, the entire trial land belongs to them. .

This may allow them to temporarily become a huge force, but if something unexpected happens, they may not even have the strength to protect themselves, such as the invasion of the trial race! !

Therefore, after seeing the alien race and the existence of a magical plane like the Source World, Li Yichen decided that no matter how dangerous it was, he would enter the Source World. For him, it would be useless to occupy more territories. The most important thing is always strength.

If you have strength, you can keep everything you own, and even rob others. Without strength, everything you own will become someone else's at any time, just like the native villains and lizard people in the sky. They are just because Without strength, not only will the Heavenly Domain be lost, but they will also be wiped out by the Capital of Hell.

Li Yichen has no tolerance for annihilating these two races. After all, they are foreign races. The jungle is the law of the jungle. The law of the jungle applies everywhere. If the strengths of the two sides were exchanged, the lizard people or the native villains would not be able to attack humans. Show mercy.

Driving the helicopter, Li Yichen quickly arrived at his destination, where there should be a guide left by Li Fangzhou.

In fact, Li Yichen has hesitated about the information left by Li Fangzhou. He feels that Li Fangzhou and the others may not know as much about the Source Realm as he does. Although they opened the space channel to the Source Realm, but according to what they mean, They don't really seem to get in there.

But if this is the case, then there is an unexplainable problem. Those who left the subspace were actually very powerful, at least not worse than the current hell capital.

But even then, they still encountered enemies they could not resist. Where did their enemies come from? Source world? Or here?

If they are here, who are they? arbiter? Or from other planes? In addition to the source world, are there any more advanced planes?

This is the reason why Li Yichen came over. He wanted to see if the information Li Fangzhou left here could solve his doubts - of course, from the information left by the chatty Li Fangzhou In the opinion of the guide, this is still quite difficult. It is estimated that the guy probably left a lot of nonsense, and then... he went offline due to insufficient energy!

After finding the location, Li Yichen entered a secret room smoothly. The process was similar to the one behind the waterfall. Even the password was the same. It seemed that Li Fangzhou was not very serious and responsible in this regard.

"This...is this the first guide I left behind? Forget it, I can't remember clearly. Anyway, the timeline is messy, so it doesn't matter."

In this secret room, Li Fangzhou did not leave the robot behind, but directly played a video. In the video, Li Fangzhou was sitting in a space battleship, looking at the starry sky outside and muttering to himself:

"Before... I was always busy, and I always felt that what I was doing should be very meaningful. At least I was adding hope to the continuation of mankind! But now it seems... I seem to have failed?"

"The plane is destroyed, the base is destroyed, and even the subspace carrying the Ark plan has been shattered. The entire human race... seems to be the only one left, right?"

"No, damn Earth, there should be people somewhere, right? Well, maybe humans in other timelines are still alive, but that has nothing to do with me!"

"These damn ugly monsters, how did they find us? Even the realm of life can't stop them from entering the subspace. Grandma, the space battleship that took so much effort to build has never used a split. So useless?"

"Forget it! Anyway, I'm the only one left. You can fly slowly, wherever you go. It seems that the Ark, which once placed the hope of mankind, can only be my coffin in the end!"

Li Fangzhou was not facing the camera. He kept looking out the porthole and chattering, and what he said... made Li Yichen confused as always. Timeline? destroy? The subspace that hosts the Ark program? And the realm of life?

Li Yichen felt that he understood all the nouns he said, and he even knew what these nouns represented.

The realm of life is the suppression zone in the Valley of the Dead. The subspace that carries the Ark plan is of course the subspace that Li Yichen and the others discovered. But... what does it mean that the subspace is broken?

Also, why does this space battleship this guy made look familiar? It should be the Ark space battleship, right? The split he was talking about...should be the ability of the Ark to split into three independent space battleships?

But the question is, the Ark should be in subspace now. Could it be that this guy had gone out for a ride? No, he was talking about letting the Ark fly slowly, and...it seemed like he was the only one left in the entire space battleship.

"This should be...another Li Fangzhou?"

Li Yichen frowned. He knew that there might be many people named Li Fangzhou. This was because of the Ark Project. But the problem was that if Li Fangzhou was really on the Ark, then it would be wrong anyway... …

"Huh? What is that?"

At this moment, Li Yichen suddenly saw Li Fangzhou in the image standing up and looking to the left of the porthole. Over there, a very bright light was rapidly approaching the battleship he was on...

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