Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 898 The ambition of the kingdom of heaven

At this time, Li Yichen was in the secret room left by Li Fangzhou, and the image left by Li Fangzhou was a multi-dimensional and three-dimensional image, which could give people an immersive feeling.

At least, when Li Yichen looked at this image before, it was as if he was standing in a space battleship and watching everything Li Fangzhou experienced.

Therefore, when the light approached, Li Yichen also clearly saw the image in the white light...

"This is……"

There was a person in the white light, a person who was unconscious and asleep. Because of the white light, the person's face was a little blurry. Even Li Yichen's eagle eyes couldn't see it clearly. Of course, maybe he was also a corpse. But when he saw this person, Li Yichen was shocked.

What shocked Li Yichen was that the shape of the pendant this man was wearing on his chest was exactly the same as the one he was wearing.

"It's you again? How many points in time do you want to travel through?"

Seeing this white light, Li Fangzhou suddenly became furious. He pointed at the person wrapped in the white light and shouted. When the person approached the porthole of the space battleship, he actually entered the battleship directly and was not blocked by the porthole of the battleship.

This feeling is very strange, as if the white light has the ability to fuse, directly melting the portholes, and bringing the strange person into the battleship.

Li Fangzhou seemed to already know the identity of this guy, so he didn't feel strange, but he was still yelling and cursing. After the man entered the space battleship, the light on his body suddenly became brighter, and gradually became dazzling, until Cover everything...

The entire secret room was shrouded in light, and Li Yichen could not see anything clearly. All he could hear was Li Fangzhou's meaningless yelling. This state lasted for about two minutes.

Then, the light began to gradually dim, and when the light disappeared, silence returned to the secret room. The previous image disappeared, Li Fangzhou also disappeared, and the entire secret room was shrouded in darkness again.

Li Yichen stood motionless in the darkness. He seemed to have guessed something, but he was a little unsure. The most important thing was the time Li Fangzhou mentioned...

Li Yichen now also has the power of time. He knows what Li Fangzhou refers to as a time point. It is similar to a space point and is used for positioning. However, a space point is used for positioning, but a time point is used for positioning. It’s time! !

The space passages Li Yichen built before must have a spatial coordinate. Without spatial coordinates, he would not be able to build the space passage.

Time nodes also mean the same thing, but time nodes are much more complicated than space coordinates. Space coordinates are basically fixed, just like the space marks left by Li Yichen in the capital of hell.

As long as he has the space mark of this space point, he can build a space passage to get here no matter where he is - unless the space where the space mark is located becomes nothingness for some reason, such as space fragmentation, etc., Li Yichen Only then will this spatial coordinate be lost.

The time node is different. Time is constantly passing, so the time node has always been ups and downs. At least with Li Yichen's current strength, he cannot really locate the time node.

Li Yichen can now stop, rewind or accelerate time in an area. This is actually just a simple control and utilization of the rules of time.

This kind of use only controls the time flow rate of an area, not the time of the entire world, so of course it is relatively simple. This is equivalent to cutting that area out, separating it from the entire world, and then adjusting the time in it. flow rate.

This is actually a method similar to cheating. Li Yichen and Grijalva of the Zerg both manipulate time in this way.

As for time nodes, if you want to control this, you need to have a deep understanding of the rules of time, because this is the real control of the rules of time, not opportunism.

If you can control the time nodes, you can wander freely in the long river of time, travel through time, and even go back to the past and change the history that has happened!

Of course, because the world is diverse, even if you can go back in time, all you can change is the trajectory of your own timeline, and it will have no impact on other worlds.

Just like Li Yichen can build a space passage to the earth, but if the earth collapses, his space passage will naturally cease to exist. To put it bluntly, although Li Yichen is no longer under the supervision of the rules of heaven and earth, he still lives after all. Within the rules of heaven and earth, everything must still be carried out according to certain rules.

Li Yichen has always known this, especially after he controlled the rules of time, but now he is a little confused. He feels that there should not be anyone who can truly control the rules of time in this world. All time-based strong people should They can only modify the time flow rate in a limited area in a certain area.

If there is no such restriction, the timeline of the world will be chaotic, just like the most famous conjecture: a person goes back in time through a time machine and kills his young grandfather (not the grandfather who was killed by the Japanese at the age of eight) !), then will this person himself still exist? This is a conflict in itself!

But now, Li Yichen seemed to have discovered such a strong man, and he vaguely felt that this strong man might have some kind of connection with him, but he didn't dare to think any more because he was a little frightened by his own thoughts. .

After standing calmly in the darkness for a long time, Li Yichen finally took a deep breath, and then slowly walked out of the secret room. Looking back at the dark secret room, Li Yichen slowly shook his head. Although he had found the secret room, he also saw what Li Fangzhou had left behind. Things, but they were similar to what he expected. After reading those things, he had more doubts in his heart...

"There are a few more...but..."

Turning on the terminal, Li Yichen looked at the coordinates on it, and then looked back at the secret rooms. He didn't know if he should still look for these secret rooms, because every time he saw the information left by that guy Li Fangzhou, he would think more. There are many questions that become more and more confusing the more you read them...

"Forget it! Anyway, I don't plan to develop in the trial land in the future. It seems that no one on Earth... wants to go back, right? Then forget about it for now!"

In the end, Li Yichen decided not to care about the secret rooms left by Li Fangzhou, but to settle the Tianyu first, and talk about this later.

Perhaps, even Li Yichen himself did not realize that his current reaction was entirely because he was frightened by his previous speculation, so he subconsciously did not want to continue investigating.

Otherwise, now that Li Yichen has obtained the address of the secret room, it will only take him a few hours to visit all these places, and it will not waste any time at all.

Of course, Li Yichen himself would not admit it. He directly redeemed the helicopter and returned to the Far North Continent without going to other continents.

However, Li Yichen didn't know that after he came here and talked to the city lord, the Kingdom of Heaven had some other ideas.

Before, it was because they felt that the six major trial races were all very powerful, and the relationship between the Capital of Hell and itself was not good. In addition, it was busy annexing other forces, so the Kingdom of Heaven did not take care of the Far North Continent.

Later, they discovered that the Hell Capital was having a lively fight with the six major trial races, and they did not want to intervene even more. At this stage, it seemed that the war in the Far North Continent was almost coming to an end.

No matter what, the Kingdom of Heaven is still a local leader in the testing ground, especially the Far North Continent, which used to be exclusive to others. Although almost all of them have been evacuated now, it has been in business for such a long time, and it is not a problem to spy on the intelligence of the Far North Continent. of.

They now know that of the six major trial races, only the Renrent and Demon Races are left, and these two races are about to be cleared out by the City of Hell. Before, they were thinking whether the City of Hell would have any influence on other continents. There are ideas, and they even want to give some continents to the capital of hell to avoid war.

However, when the city lord conveyed Li Yichen's words to the higher-ups of the Heavenly Kingdom, the higher-ups of the Heavenly Kingdom actually had a lot of thoughts.

The most discussed one is that we need to send people to contact the capital of hell and participate in the development of other worlds. After all, we are all human beings, and there are so many worlds that you yourself are too busy to handle. Why not divide it between the two of us?

There are a total of six alien invasions. Of course, the capital of hell controls the passage to the six worlds. We only divide them into two, so there should be no problem, right?

The human heart is indeed elusive. Before, the Kingdom of Heaven was still worried about the expansion of the Hell City, but now that the Hell City is not expanding, they are beginning to think about the worlds that the Hell Capital will explore.

Not to mention that Li Yichen had no intention of exploring those worlds. Even if he did, it would be impossible to allocate other worlds to the Kingdom of Heaven!

When we were fighting life and death, you watched the fun, but now that we are dead, you can pick peaches, and you come out to share the benefits? Am I your father?

Moreover, in the world of foreign races, Li Yichen also left the coordinates of the goblin world, and the rest belongs to the earth. So it can be considered as half of the undead race, but the undead race should have been exterminated now. In a while, , the earth should gradually return to the human world.

Of course, because of the rampant apocalypse and the fact that Li Yichen and others have relocated a large number of humans, it may take several generations of hard work for the earth to recover!

"Xiaoyi! I said that the place where the Heart of Heaven may be hidden, have you gone to see it?"

Having just returned to the Capital of Hell, Li Yichen was walking towards the space passage leading to the Heaven Realm when he suddenly saw Lin Yichen running over with a group of people...

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