Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 907 Meeting an acquaintance

"What is the Stone of Origin?"

Li Yichen asked quickly.

"I haven't seen it either, but we have this legend. It is said that the Origin Stone is the root of all the worlds. Because of it, the world we live in was born!"

Varimathras said:

"No matter who it is, as long as he uses the Origin Stone, he has the ability to create the world. In the world he creates, he is the master!"

"Uh! So magical?"

Li Yichen sighed in his heart:

"Okay, I understand, thank you! Varimathras! Just keep watching for a few more days. Soon, Xiaomao and the others will be able to destroy the Vampires and support you. After the war is over, I will have a good chat with you. Let’s talk!”

Varimathras agreed and then hung up the communication, while Li Yichen entered the space channel directly.

When he heard Varimathras talk about the Stone of Origin before, Li Yichen wanted to go to that guy and let him see his crystal stone, but after hearing what he said later, Li Yichen gave up his idea.

He felt that there would be nothing to gain from Varimathras. One was that he himself said that the Origin Stone was a legend. Legends... they were basically infinitely exaggerated.

Maybe the Stone of Origin he was talking about was indeed the crystal in his hand, but this crystal was definitely not as magical as he said. Otherwise, if Li Yichen had obtained the Stone of Origin now, why didn't he know how to create the world?

However, Varimathras' words are a legend of the orcs, so the source of this legend should be the Arbiter.

It stands to reason that the orcs should be considered an inferior race in the eyes of the arbiters. There is no crystal stone among their prizes. So why do the arbiters want the orcs to know the existence of the Heart of Heaven? Woolen cloth?

Now Li Yichen is almost certain that the crystal in his hand is the Heart of Heaven that Xiaoyong said.

Li Yichen didn't know why there was a heart of heaven on the island in the middle of the lake, but the living area in the space battleship was easy for Li Yichen to explain.

He was originally wondering that even with the rules of space, it was definitely not easy to create such a space in a space battleship. At least he couldn't do it even if he was killed.

Before, he just thought that a space expert who was an Arkman had a much better understanding of space rules than he did. Coupled with the cooperation of a life system expert, he created those three small world-like living areas.

And now, of course, he understands that the reason why those three living areas are so close to the real world is because of the existence of the Heart of Heaven. Although Li Yichen has not studied the Heart of Heaven carefully and does not know how to use this thing, he wants to Thinking that even a world like Tianyu could be born with the support of the Heart of Tianyu, those three living areas are nothing compared to Tianyu.

Of course, this does not refer to the area, but to the world level. Li Yichen feels that all worlds should be divided into levels like the strong human beings. The earth he lives on should be the lowest level, because even if one strengthens Once they get there, they will become the strongest in the world.

The earth, which is the same as the trial place, is obviously higher in level. As for the source world and the heaven domain, of course, not to mention it.

The higher the world level, the more powerful the creatures are. Moreover, Li Yichen felt that the world level might also decrease or increase, and would not always remain at the same level.

Just like the earth he came from, there were behemoths such as dinosaurs in ancient times. After the emergence of humans, there were legends about the existence of ancient warriors. As time goes by, the creatures on the earth seem to be getting weaker and weaker, and the types are becoming more and more diverse. few.

However, these are just Li Yichen's guesses for the time being, and he doesn't know if they are correct...

Back in the Sky Realm, Li Yichen was about to go out to ask about the current battle situation, but found two members of the Shadow of Death walking out of the space passage in the Source Realm.

"whats the matter?"

Li Yichen asked, now Xiaohu and the others are still resting in the Capital of Hell, so of course these two shadows of death are guarding outside. If they came in without getting an order, it means something must have happened outside!

"Report to Brother Yi!"

One of the death shadows said:

"We caught a few people outside, and they have discovered the entrance to our heaven!"


Li Yichen was stunned. Since he used the term "human", it means that the shadow of death captured a human being. Moreover, if it were other creatures, the shadow of death would not come back to ask and would definitely kill it directly.

"That's right! It's human!"

Shadow of Death's answer confirmed Li Yichen's guess.

"Take me to see it!"

Li Yichen immediately waved his hand, and the two shadows of death immediately turned around and entered the space passage again, and Li Yichen followed suit.

"Over there! They were all knocked unconscious by us! Because they are humans, we don't know whether to kill them, so we plan to go in and ask!"


Li Yichen nodded, and then came to the front of those people. He looked down and was stunned for a moment. He actually knew one of them.

"Have they discovered the entrance to the Heaven Realm?"

Li Yichen turned around and asked.

"That's right! They must have discovered it! One of them can also become invisible, and he directly touched a position about a hundred meters away from the space channel before he was discovered by us!"

Shadow of Death replied with some shame.

"It's not your fault!"

Li Yichen waved his hand. Although the Shadow of Death itself was good at hiding, there were only a dozen or so people left outside. They also placed the monitoring range so far away that it would not be considered a dereliction of duty to miss one or two people who could hide.

Moreover, the fact that the hiding guy was discovered a hundred meters away was enough to prove the ability of the Shadow of Death.

"Thank you, Brother Yi! After discovering this guy, we immediately took action and controlled him. Then we immediately pursued him in the direction he came from. We also found other people and brought them back. We made sure that no one escaped!"

The shadow of death quickly reported.

"Yea, very good!"

Li Yichen nodded, then looked at the people on the ground:

"Now that they have discovered it, let's take it inside first! I'll think about how to deal with it!"


The Shadow of Death agreed, and then, together with a few little guys, brought all eight people on the ground into the sky.

"Xiaoyong! How did you get here?"

In a room in the castle, Li Yichen looked at the person in front of him and asked - yes, this guy is Li Yichen's guide in the human world - Xiaoyong!

"Because I made a mistake, I was assigned to the exploration team. Of course I have to scout everywhere!"

Xiaoyong looked at Li Yichen with a look of disbelief on his face:

"But you...why aren't you dead?"

Seeing Xiaoyong's expression, Li Yichen suddenly realized that it seemed that this guy had been tricked by him. He entered the fog and never came out. To those people, of course he died in the fog. Because of this, Xiaoyong made a mistake and was sent out to explore the source world.

Although he felt that the people in that Tianyu were not friendly to him, after all, Xiaoyong accompanied him around the Tianyu and answered many questions for him, so Li Yichen did not kill him directly, but woke him up.

"It's so complicated for me to talk about this!"

Li Yichen didn't intend to tell his secret, so he changed the topic directly:

"How many of you are there in total?"

Xiaoyong was woken up alone, so he didn't know how many people on his side had been arrested. He looked at Li Yichen and replied directly:

"Eight! The standard establishment of an exploration team is a team of eight people!"

Afterwards, Xiaoyong looked outside the castle:

"This Heaven Realm...did you just find it?"


Li Yichen nodded:

"It was discovered by another race first, and then they started to move here, and were seen by our people! Those guys look like lizards!"

"Kashi tribe?"

Xiaoyong guessed and asked:

"If you're around here, the wandering race that looks like lizardmen is the Kesh tribe!"

"Then I don't know, and there is no need to confirm. They have been destroyed anyway!"

Li Yichen said indifferently.

"Destroy...exterminate the clan?"

Xiaoyong asked dumbly.

"Shouldn't it be?

If you let them go, this world will be exposed, right? "

Li Yichen smiled and said.


Xiaoyong's expression was stagnant. He didn't dare to argue with this, because they also discovered this Tianyu. If they let it go, wouldn't it also be exposed?

Li Yichen looked at Xiaoyong without saying a word, hesitating in his heart. Logically speaking, the best way now is to keep Xiaoyong and the others here forever, or simply kill them.

But even so, there is no guarantee that the existence of this realm will not be exposed, because their team disappears, and the humans in that realm will know about it sooner or later. At that time, they only need to check in which direction they searched, and then send people to look. After a while, you will probably find it here.

Of course, Li Yichen could send the Shadow of Death to intercept them, but this would only treat the symptoms rather than the root cause. Moreover, they were also human beings after all, so maybe there would be a chance for them to cooperate.

Li Yichen knew that the people in that heavenly realm didn't have any superpowers. They were just piled up because of the strong rules of the world. His superpower injections would definitely be very popular among them.

Although he had the system, Li Yichen felt that the humans in that realm should also have what he needed. At the very least, he could learn a lot of information about the Source Realm from their mouths.

However, the people in that Tianyu are not so easy to get along with. If I contact them, will I cause any trouble?

Seeing Li Yichen hesitating, Xiaoyong didn't dare to speak. He just looked outside and then at Li Yichen, waiting nervously for his verdict...

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