Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 908 It’s not sure whose it is.

"Xiaoyong! If I let you go back, can you not expose the location of our world?"

After a while, Li Yichen looked at Xiaoyong and asked.

"This... I'm afraid it won't work! It's not that I don't want to, it's that I can't do it!"

Xiaoyong smiled bitterly and shook his head:

"If you put us all back, I can't guarantee whether they will tell anyone about this place. And if you kill them all and only let me go back, I can't explain their whereabouts!"

Looking at Li Yichen, Xiaoyong said seriously:

"Actually, no matter what you do, this place will definitely be known by our people, because the direction and distance of our search team's departure are recorded! Even if you leave us all here, it won't be long before you notice that we are missing. , they will definitely send someone over to check.”


Li Yichen nodded slightly. He had already thought of this before. He touched his chin, looked outside and said:

"I will let you go back. After you go back, you can tell your people that we are human beings who entered the Source Realm from other planets. This heaven is ours. You don't have to have any ideas. If you have any, we will Treat you as enemies!"

With that said, Li Yichen turned to Xiaoyong:

"Believe me, it is much better to be our friends than enemies! Moreover, we have a lot of things you need here. We may be able to make some deals. We have genetic medicines, technological weapons, medicines, and food here."

"This is just our forward base. Our rear is backed by the resources and population of the entire planet."

He casually threw a tablet to Xiaoyong:

"Take this back. It contains the products we can provide. You can choose the ones you are interested in. Of course, we will not provide all the products for free. You must use the resources we need to exchange them."

"As for what resources we lack... you can make a list like this for me and list the goods you can provide in exchange for us to choose! Of course, I think..."

Li Yichen thought for a while and took out another super-power injection:

"This is what you may need most! This is called a superpower injection. As long as you inject it, you can 100% get a superpower called rapid advancement! You can let your people try it on your own when you go back - oh! By the way, the superpower I am talking about is the kind of skill that you have made into a secret!"

"Of course, we don't have many of these things, so they are relatively expensive. As for the exchange ratio, let's wait until your product list comes. Remember to remind your people that if you want to trade, then send someone who can make the decision. If If you have other ideas, it’s best to give them up, otherwise, I bet you will regret it!”

With that said, Li Yichen stood up:

"Okay! Remember to relay my words to your people verbatim. Now, let us wake up your companions, and then you can leave!"

Throwing the superpower injection in his hand to Xiaoyong, Li Yichen walked out first, while Xiaoyong looked at the injection in his hand in shock...

"An injection that can...can 100% awaken the secret?

This is impossible! ! "

Xiaohu murmured, but he grabbed the supernatural injection tightly. He had the urge to inject this injection into himself immediately.

You must know that in their place, people with mysteries and people without mysteries are treated completely differently. It can be said that they are very different. Although listening to Li Yichen's description, this mysteries does not seem to be very powerful, but as long as I Once you understand this secret, you will immediately join the elite legion!

You must know that each elite legion is a treasure. Not only does it not need to leave the heaven, it does not even need to do any work. The treatment is still the best. The elite legion will only be dispatched when there is a crisis.

Moreover, every time the elite legions attack, they will bring a large number of ordinary legions to cover them. For the top military officials, they would rather lose a hundred ordinary soldiers than have one elite soldier die in battle!

Although this will lead to the fact that those elite soldiers do not have much actual combat experience, resulting in their actual combat effectiveness being poor, it is obvious that the top military officials do not care about this.

For them, the role of these elite warriors is to use their secrets to break the deadlock when the battle situation is deadlocked, and leave other matters to the ordinary legions.

After hesitating for a long time, Xiaoyong finally gave up, because if according to what Li Yichen said, they still had such an injection and could trade with them, then it would not be difficult for him to get such an injection in the future. It is necessary to risk using this injection now.

Because this is a sample, just one. If I use it myself, I'm afraid the persuasiveness will not be so strong. If this transaction is messed up, I may become a sinner.

Carefully putting the injection away, Xiaoyong picked up the tablet and chased after him. Li Yichen did not wait for Xiaoyong, but came directly to wake up the soldiers. The soldiers who woke up found Li Yichen and were a little shocked.

They had all been captured and knocked unconscious by the little guys from the Shadow of Death before. Because these little guys were wearing standard clothes and had their faces covered, these warriors thought they were captured by some emerging race.

After all, the little guy from the Shadow of Death is not very tall, and since all the soldiers saw were of this stature, it was inevitable that they would have misunderstandings.

But now that they saw Li Yichen, they realized that they were actually captured by the same kind of people?



Seeing Xiaoyong coming from behind Li Yichen, the soldiers couldn't help but be stunned. Some even had anger on their faces. Obviously, they thought Xiaoyong had defected to the enemy.

Because Xiaoyong now has no restrictions on his body, even his original weapon is on his back, and there are no other enemies around him to guard him. He seems to be very free. In this situation, besides rebellion, are there any other possibilities?

Seeing the expressions of these comrades, Xiaoyong was stunned for a moment, then he understood and quickly explained:

"Don't get me wrong, I didn't rebel!"

"Did you reveal the location of our heavenly domain?"

The soldiers obviously didn't believe it, one of them glared at Xiaoyong and asked.

"I don't need to reveal the location of our Heaven Realm, because he has already been to our place, and I accompanied him for a long walk in the Heaven Realm!"

Xiaoyong replied:

"And I was sent to the search team because of him! Without him, I would still be happy and carefree on Tianyu Island!"

"You mean... he is the guy who entered the mist of the sky and sea?"

Those soldiers had not seen Li Yichen, but they had obviously heard about this incident. They looked at Li Yichen and the previous soldier asked.

"That's right! It's him! If you don't believe it, record his images and compare them when you go back and you will know!"

Xiaoyong replied, and looked at Li Yichen specifically to see if he agreed to the recording.


Li Yichen nodded:

"Xiaoyong is right, I am the guy who entered the mist of Tianyuhai, but fortunately, I did not die!"

"You...how did you leave the Sea of ​​Mist? Is there a passage in the Sea of ​​Mist that leads to other heavens?"

The soldier couldn't help but asked excitedly, if this is really the case, and if they can master this secret, then the human race will really take off! !

Nowadays, the power of the human race is definitely not the worst compared to other races in the Heaven Realm, but if you want to get the Heart of the Heaven Realm, the hardest thing is not to kill the other races in the Heaven Realm, but to find the Heaven Realm!

Although the entrance to the Tianyu cannot be closed, because it is actually a space passage, it is not easy to find it. You must get very close to it.

Moreover, many entrances to the sky do not appear on the ground, but may be in the air, or in special terrains such as valleys and rivers, which makes it even more difficult to discover!

Just like the Tianyu they discovered now, the other party just discovered it, so they haven't had time to arrange it yet. If after a while, they completely control the Tianyu, they will definitely make a disguise at the entrance to the Tianyu.

This is a valley in itself. They can either dig down the entire area around the entrance to the Tianyu to create an artificial valley so that the entrance to the Tianyu is in the sky, or they can build a mountain range and place the entrance to the Tianyu in the middle of the mountain. The entrance to this heavenly domain is completely hidden.

Therefore, if the person in front of me really found this heaven through the fog, it would be too important to human beings.

"First of all, I will not tell you how I left the fog. That is my secret. In addition, I did not find this sky through the fog. I was able to discover this place because another race discovered this sky first. domain, and then we discovered it during the migration!”

Li Yichen said:

"Also, to tell you the truth, this is an initial realm that has not been occupied by other races. Therefore, this realm is still in its initial stage. As for the native creatures here, they will be wiped out by us soon!"

"Initial Heaven Realm?"

The soldiers looked at each other with an annoyed look in their eyes. These people had not even cleaned up the native organisms, which meant that they had not discovered this realm for long.

What if they didn't come here to explore today, but a few days in advance?

Then this heaven must belong to them.

However, now it seems that this human being has no hostility towards him. If he can be put back... then it may be difficult to say where this heaven belongs.

The soldier thought to himself, then looked at Xiaoyong and then at Li Yichen:

"Okay! I believe what you say, but...how do you plan to deal with us?

We were just exploring normally and discovered this place accidentally. If you can let us go, we will definitely not reveal the existence of this place to outsiders. "

When he said this, the soldier looked sincere...

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