"Yes! Mr. Speaker!"

Faced with Krudy's somewhat questioning look, Aisa replied calmly. Although this look was just a bit questioning, under Krudy's power, it was completely unbearable for the vast majority of congressmen. However, Aisa's expression Nothing has changed.

Crudy nodded slightly. He didn't see any dodge in Isa's eyes, which meant that Isa must have enough reasons to explain. He didn't believe that a normally steady congressman would suddenly become reckless.

"Tell me about it!"

Crudy said softly.

"Yes! Mr. Speaker!"

Aisa stood up and bowed gently to Crudy, then turned on the projection. In the projection was all the information he had investigated before. In fact, he could take out the injection first and get to the point directly, but the problem was that for this As for the injection, Aisa was not completely sure.

Because this kind of injection has never appeared before, is there any new meaning?

If awakening to the mysteries was really that easy, then there wouldn't be just over a thousand people who had awakened to the mysteries here, and the liar a while ago wouldn't have caused such a big sensation, but the result was that everyone was disgraced.

That liar was of course Gao Qiang. Li Yichen's actions at the beginning made this guy think that he had understood the secret. With Gao Qiang's dandy mentality, he would of course brag about it after he came back. Although after he came back, he verified it himself and it seemed that the secret was It didn't work, but this secret should have a chance to be triggered. It should only be triggered in critical moments, so Gao Qiang still publicized his awakening of the secret.

Because he had witnesses at the time, and no one had ever lied in this regard, because the mysteries cannot be disguised, and Gao Qiang said that one of his mysteries consumes a lot of money, and the other must be met. It can only be activated when it is in danger and feels a crisis in the heart, so in the end no one verified it, and the publicity started.

Just think about it, how many people are there in the entire Tianyu?

However, there are only more than a thousand people who have truly awakened to the mysteries. The number of more than a thousand is indeed a lot when taken alone, but when compared with the huge number of Tianyu's population, it is completely out of proportion.

Furthermore, humans in the Heaven Realm also used lie detectors on Gao Qiang and his entourage. The results confirmed that none of them were lying, because Gao Qiang’s followers had indeed witnessed the secret with their own eyes, and Gao Qiang himself was absolutely If they believe that they have awakened to the secret, the lie detector will of course lose its effectiveness in front of them.

However, after a lot of publicity, Gao Qiang still failed to use his secret, which finally aroused everyone's suspicion. However, Gao Qiang believed that there was nothing wrong with him, so he volunteered to go out to verify how powerful his secret was.

The person who went out with him at that time was a member of the parliament. He specially brought a guard and Gao Qiang to enter the outside world and turned on the recording.

Soon, they found a suitable target. This time the target was not a Terrorist, but a strange beast. After seeing this strange beast, Gao Qiang was ready to witness a miracle.

"Don't take any action, stay away from me, otherwise I won't feel the sense of crisis and won't be able to trigger the secret."

Gao Qiang warned the congressman and the guard members with a serious look on his face, and said confidently:

"Although this strange beast is very strong and has reached the level of A-level life, under my secret, its head will definitely turn into a rotten watermelon. Just watch, gentlemen. Next, we will witness the miracle. It’s time!”

Later, under the video, Gao Qiang was like a warrior setting out to conquer the dragon under the gaze of the princess, charging towards the alien beast with high morale!


The rotten watermelon-like head did appear as promised, but... the target seemed to be slightly different. When he saw a piece of food, he rushed towards him excitedly. Although the alien beast was a little strange, he did not hesitate too much and smashed it to pieces with a slap. Gao Qiang's head.


The congressman and the guards were all stunned. They stared blankly at Gao Qiang's body lying on the ground - is this... a prerequisite for activating the secret?

A bit unique, right?

After all, Gao Qiang was so confident before that they couldn't believe that he would be instantly killed when he rushed forward. They could only think that it was the unique way of activating that secret.

After waiting for two minutes, Gao Qiang's body had been half eaten by strange beasts. Mr. Congressman finally waved his sleeves and left. He almost had only two legs left! If you can still get up and activate mysteries, that's a damn thing!

When the congressman came back, he released the video with a livid face. The members of the congress looked at each other after watching the video. In fact, from an artistic point of view, the humor element of this video is still very strong, but everyone present could not laugh.

That stupid guy used his life to weave a huge scam, and included the Parliament and all humans in the heavens. Especially, he promoted that his decision was made by the Parliament. Once this video is leaked, the Parliament will Becoming the biggest joke - the Gao family is the second biggest one!

After fierce debate in the parliament, the people of Tianyu finally got the news... Gao Qiang had indeed awakened to the secret, and decided to go out to prove himself. When facing the alien beast, Gao Qiang really used his secret to smash the alien beast. head, but he didn’t expect that there was a strange beast hidden next to it.

Because he wanted to witness his secret, Gao Qiang was far away from others. When the alien beast rushed out, others could not save him in time. Gao Qiang, who had just activated his secret, exhausted his energy and was caught off guard and died from the alien beast. mouth.

"We have lost a warrior with profound meaning. Gao Qiang's sacrifice is a loss to all of us. Let us always miss this warrior who fought for our survival!"

On TV, "Guolicheng" made a sad announcement, which finally brought an end to Gao Qiang's scam, and the Gao family was able to escape because of the face of the parliament, even though they didn't even know the true situation of the matter. , I thought that what I lost was really a son of a family with profound knowledge, and I felt sorry for it for a long time!

Although Gao Qiang's matter has been perfectly resolved, the video has been destroyed, and the guards have issued a hush-hush order. If anyone dares to reveal it, they will directly exterminate the clan. Therefore, the people who know about this matter are limited to members of the parliament, and finally the parliament has not been allowed to do so. Lose your dignity.

But the members of the council themselves knew that this matter certainly made them feel a great loss of face. If the matter could be made public, they would not mind rectifying the Gao family to vent their depression, but the problem is that they cannot. Not only can they not rectify it, but they can also The Gao family must be compensated for their "huge losses".

Therefore, Gao Qiang's matter has caused the entire parliament to be filled with dark clouds for a long time. Even now, no one dares to mention Gao Qiang's name.

This is why Aisa is so careful. Gao Qiang's mystery scam has not completely passed yet. Now he has taken out an injection that can awaken the mystery. He is sure that as long as he takes it out, many people will definitely question it!

I have just experienced a scam, and now there is another one related to mysteries. Anyone who puts it in will be sufficiently vigilant.

Unfortunately, there was only one injection, and they had never come into contact with this kind of injection. They couldn't even check it, and verification was even more impossible.

There is only one injection. If Aisa finds someone to inject it, he will not have the injection after verification. Without verification, he will not be sure, so Aisa can only do a lot of research on his own first. After confirming that there is no problem, he convenes the parliament!

After taking out all his information, Aisa began to explain, going through all the processes in detail and even comparing the two consecutive confessions between Xiaoyong and others. look.

Finally, Aisa picked up the superpower injection that had been placed in front of him, looked at everyone and said:

"Everyone, this is an injection that can awaken our secrets. People over there call it a superpower injection. Moreover, our secrets are also called superpowers there!"

"How likely do you think this injection is to be able to awaken people to the secret?"

Crudy looked at Aisa. In fact, after reading the information, he also had a judgment in his mind, but... with his identity, naturally he couldn't easily say something that might influence other people's judgments.

"I personally think the possibility is more than 80%!"

Aisa said seriously:

"I know there have been high-strength incidents before. Maybe everyone's first thought about this injection is to be suspicious, but I want to remind everyone!"

After looking around at the surrounding members, Aisa continued:

"Gao Qiang is a disciple of a big family, and when he said that he had awakened to the secret, the Gao family did benefit a lot, even in the end... they were not punished. It can be said that a Gao Qiang, at least let the Gao family My family has risen by more than half a level!"

"So, the Gao family can benefit from Gao Qiang's scam. Since there is a beneficiary, it is not surprising that this scam appears!"

"But these soldiers are different, what reason do they have to lie?

And it’s a lie that can be exposed so easily. This injection is with us now. We only need to find someone to inject it, and we can identify its authenticity! "

"Moreover, all the soldiers are now under our control. They used a lie to send themselves into danger. This does not work at all. The only explanation is that everything they say is true."

"I can now be sure that what they said is 100% true. However, I can only say 80% as to whether this injection will work. The other 20%, I think it is best to give them this injection." People can lie!"


It is said that that human being came to our Heavenly Territory, and then disappeared after entering the fog of the Heavenly Territory and the Sea, and then reappeared. Is this true? "

A councilman looked at Aisa and asked...

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