Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 912 Ownership of the Injection

"It must be true!"

Aisa nodded and said:

"I know that person. I paid attention to it at the beginning, and I checked carefully. After entering the sky, that person never went out again until he entered the mist! Since this is the case, then he has no chance to convey the message to the outside world. , he won’t get Xiaoyong’s information!”

"According to Xiaoyong, that person didn't kill them all because he recognized him, but let them come back. Otherwise, Xiaoyong and the others would definitely not be able to come back. Even if they didn't kill them, they would still be killed. Send him back to his own plane! Lest the location of the Heaven Realm be exposed!"

"So I judge that that person must be the one who entered the fog, and this is why I dare to call everyone together - no matter whether this injection is real or fake, we must find a way to continue to contact them, just in the fog The secret of surviving and leaving is enough for us to pay attention to him!"

"That's right! If he really has a way to enter the fog, then we must get it at all costs!"

Crudy nodded in agreement, then looked at the other congressmen:

"So...gentlemen, let us first determine whether this potion is as magical as they say, right?

Do you have a suitable candidate? "

Hearing Crudy's words, all the congressmen became nervous. No matter where there are humans, there will be conflicts of interest and factional disputes. For the people here, there is an awakening on their side. For those who have mastered the mysteries, their strength will definitely be greatly increased, and their right to speak will of course be higher.

But the problem is that this is not certain. It is good to succeed, but what if it fails?

On the contrary, they will lose a good player. To awaken the secret, of course they cannot find someone with mediocre qualifications. Otherwise, if they succeed, why not regret it?

All the congressmen immediately began to discuss among themselves, and even Aisa was discussing with the congressmen of the same faction as to how they should treat this potion!

If you want your own faction to get the potion, you must pay something, otherwise people from other factions will not let it go easily. What we need to discuss now is how much price we need to pay.

This price is not easy to decide. If it can be 100% successful, the price can naturally be much higher. But now no one is sure, this price is worth discussing.

If a huge amount of effort is made, but the injection does not take effect, then the faction's power will definitely be weakened. After paying so much and losing another general, it is impossible not to feel pain, so every faction faces this situation. Always be cautious.

Crudy did not participate in it. He just sat quietly and waited. As the deputy speaker, he, like the speaker, cannot side with any faction. Only in this way can the relative fairness of the parliament be guaranteed.

The ownership of this potion is not so much a matter of parliamentary deliberation as it is actually an auction by the parliament! After all the factions have negotiated and have their own prices, they will really start to decide who owns the injection. Whoever pays the higher price will get the injection. It's that simple!

This is also the tradition that this parliament has always maintained. No matter what the resolution is, it is decided in this way. If some factions disagree, then the faction that proposed or supported the resolution will need to make greater efforts to settle the matter. Faction!

It took more than ten minutes for the deliberation of the councilors below to slowly end. They returned to sitting upright one by one, which showed that they had made a decision. After all the councilors sat back, Crudy coughed lightly. With a sound, he looked at the congressman and said:

"Okay! Now let's decide on the candidates to use the potion, let everyone recommend them!"

Although it is called an "auction", after all, it is still the parliament on the surface. Even if there are no outsiders, it must work hard on the surface. This has always been a tradition.

So, all the congressmen proposed the person chosen by their faction. When all the people from all factions were recommended, six people appeared on the big screen!

There are six factions in the parliament, and each faction has its own candidate. Crudy looked at these six people and found that they were indeed elites with good qualifications but who had not awakened to the secret, so he nodded lightly.

Although the faction that wants to get the potion needs to pay a price, the people who use the potion cannot be casual, otherwise other factions will not agree. At least, the person you send to experiment with the injection must be known to everyone. Recommend one No matter how much you pay, it's impossible for an unknown person to come.

Everyone had no opinion on the candidate. Immediately afterwards, an alternative bidding process began. Of course, the council could not say where to put the injections and then bid one by one. It must be more implicit. For example, this faction said that they suddenly got the injections in some places. A batch of resources I want to donate to the parliament. The one who said that he fell down and picked up a lot of good things, but he can’t use them, sent them to the parliament to share with everyone, etc. Anyway, he is using his bid to donate to the parliament in various ways. That’s it.

Of course, only the faction that has received the injection will actually use the resources it said it would. The other factions that have not received the injection will of course not speak out again, and no one will ask questions afterwards. Everyone understands it tacitly.

This process didn't take long, because all the factions have already negotiated the price they have to pay, and this will not change. It can't really be like an auction. When you see others bidding higher, you will chase the next higher price. All factions list the price they have to pay, and then everyone looks at it together. Whoever they think has paid the highest price will get the potion. There will be no dispute. They have used this method for a long time, so the process is quite simple!

In the end, it was Aisa's faction that got the right to use the potion. After all, Aisa himself watched the whole incident personally, so he was also the most confident in the effectiveness of the injection. Of course, he could persuade his faction to pay more. Some.

Aisa's words are quite effective in his own faction. Therefore, when the final price came out, Aisa's faction bid about 50% higher than other factions. As for other factions, the prices were almost the same. After all, they considered The angles of things are pretty much the same.

"Okay! Aisa, call that young man of yours over here!"

Seeing that the dust had settled, Crudy turned to Aisa and said, to be honest, Crudy is also very anxious now. If this injection really works and they can get more, human beings will definitely become stronger quickly.

After living in the Source Realm for so long, they know the location of many heavenly realms, and even have a deep understanding of the creatures in the heavenly realms. They have never attacked those heavenly realms because they are not strong enough on their own and will suffer heavy losses if they attack them. , allowing human power to be weakened.

But if they can double the number of powerful people who have awakened to the mysteries, then they can defeat several relatively weak heaven realms and devour their heaven realm hearts to expand their heaven realm.

The human race is actually a very productive race. What restricts the population is land and food. After the expansion of the sky, there will naturally be more land. With more land, there will of course be more food, and the population can grow again.

The number of strong people, including those who have awakened to the mysteries, has a certain ratio. Therefore, the larger the base number, the more the number of strong people will naturally be. Then they can lay down more territories, expand again, and then again. Growth, this will be a fairly virtuous cycle.

Therefore, the success of this injection may determine the future height of this heavenly human race. Of course, Crudy is very concerned about it! In fact, he has quietly sent a message to the Speaker who never showed up, and now the Speaker is also paying attention to this.

After getting the injection, Aisa immediately notified the strong man they selected. It was a strong man who had entered the S-level, called Lukia. He was only 22 years old this year. Even for people here in Tianyu, this was well deserved. of genius.

To be honest, the talents recommended by other factions are much weaker than those recommended by the Aisa faction. Because they are not sure in their hearts, most of them only recommend talents ranked 5 or higher within their own faction. None of the top three!

However, the Lucia chosen by Aisa and his faction is the second-ranked genius in their faction. Even if Aisa is more confident, their faction is still very bold!

Lukia arrived quickly. Although he was a genius, he was still not qualified to enter here. Seeing so many high-ranking big shots, Lukia was inevitably a little nervous.

But no one cared about the young man's expression. Everyone was staring at the injection. Although they got the injection, the resources promised by the Aisa faction had not yet been released. However, no one urged this, and it was decided in the parliament. Especially since the Speaker is still here, no one dares to default on their debt, unless the people in this faction are crazy and want to be kicked out of the parliament completely.

"Lukia! This is an injection that can awaken you to the secret, and..."

Let Lukia come to him, Aisa picked up the injection and held it up to him:

"According to the person who made this potion, this will be a breakthrough secret. You are a power type. If you can understand this secret, it will greatly improve your combat power. Now, I will This injection is for you! Remember, this is the only injection we have at the moment!"

"Yes! Thank you Lord Aisa!"

Lucia's eyes gleamed as he stared at the injection, raised his hands, and carefully held it in his hands.

"Sir, Congressman, should I... take the injection here?"

After a while, Lukia looked at Aisa and asked cautiously. When Aisa heard this, he immediately turned around and looked at Crudy...

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