After hearing what Congressman Aisa said, Speaker Krudy couldn't help but frowned, looked at Congressman Aisa and asked in a low voice:

"you mean?"

"I think we can make a deal with them. As for whether to attack them, we will make a decision after getting to know them thoroughly!"

Replied Councilor Aisa.


Speaker Krudy breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the members of the House of Representatives who had not noticed this and were still having a heated discussion, then turned back to look at Bit, who had been standing behind him, thought for a moment and said:

"You two come with me!"

With that said, Speaker Krudy stood up and walked out. Aisa and Bit quickly followed behind. The other members couldn't help but be startled when they saw this situation. They looked at each other. The members who didn't notice this situation also noticed it. The surrounding sounds became quieter, and then I realized that the Speaker had left, and the parliament hall gradually became quiet.

"Tell me! What's going on?"

Coming to a small sealed room, Speaker Krudy sat down and looked at Congressman Aisa and asked.

“It’s actually hard to describe!”

Aisa recalled it for a moment and finally said:

"I have been in contact with their leader Li Yichen. Although he said that the man named Wan Shan is the leader of the Hell Capital base, I feel that Wan Shan should only be the handler of daily affairs, and that Li Yichen is the leader of the Hell Capital. The most powerful person.”

"I can't see through Li Yichen's strength. It seems to be A-level, but it gives me a very dangerous feeling, and everything he said, I feel... seems to have reservations!"


Speaker Crudy asked with a frown.

"Well! That is to say, he did not show us all their abilities."

Councilor Aisa said:

"Furthermore, I always have a feeling that...if we rashly start a war with them, we will be the ones who suffer in the end! At least I can be sure that the injection he gave us is not very important to them! "

"It's not very important?

That is to say...they have a lot of these injections? "

Speaker Krudy raised the injection in his hand and asked. This injection was brought back by Aisa and the others from their mission to the capital of hell this time. There is only one injection! It's just that this one is a powerful one.

"Yes! There must be many!"

Councilor Aisa nodded and said with certainty:

"Although they have been saying that the quantity of this injection is insufficient, neither Li Yichen nor Wan Shan, nor even the guards around them, showed any change in their eyes when they saw this injection!"

Pointing to Bit, Aisa continued:

"Sir Speaker, you can look at Bit. If this kind of injection is cherished, then their eyes should look like this when they see this injection!"

Bit on the side was stunned, but he also knew that his expression would indeed change when he saw the injection. He knew this very well.

Although Bit himself has awakened the mystery, everyone knows that there is not only one kind of mystery. At least among them, there are three missions with dual meanings - Speaker Crudy in front of him. That's the kind of character.

And the legendary Speaker, who has never been seen, even claims to possess three mysteries! This is also the reason why although he never cares about anything and has basically no sense of existence, he can shock everyone just by relying on his name!

One more secret is not as simple as one plus one. The secrets all have CDs, which means that in a short period of time, you can only release one secret!

Everyone knows the power of secrets. Even the worst secrets, if used in battle, can turn the tide of the battle. If two people fight and both sides use secrets, if there is no winner, then if the other person still possesses The second secret, victory or defeat, goes without saying.

The opponent's secret is still cooling down and cannot be used. However, the second secret here cannot share the cooldown with the previous secret. This is equivalent to a person with a secret versus a person without a secret. There is no sense at all. suspenseful.

At least, if the owner of dual secrets wants to kill someone with no secrets or a single secret, the success rate is basically more than 80%. If it is a sneak attack, the success rate is infinitely close to 100%!

Therefore, when he saw the Mysterious Injection in Speaker Crudy's hand, Bit couldn't keep calm at all. If this thing was given to him, he would become the owner of double Mysterious.

After hearing Aisa's words, Speaker Crudy looked at Bit casually. He didn't even need to look at it. He could also imagine what Bit would look like when he looked at the potion.

Because even Speaker Crudy himself is like this! He is a strong man with two profound meanings. If he takes this injection in his hand, he will become the second owner of three profound truths, just like the superior Speaker.

The Gu Yan Federation says it is a federal parliamentary system. In fact, all the members know that this is just a gimmick, because this system looks more democratic and fair, but in fact, there are almost no things that can really be decided by the parliament!

Just like the previous injection, it was said that everyone voted for the person to use this injection, but was Lukia really elected?

Wasn't it Congressman Aisa's faction who bought the injections?

Therefore, the Gu Yan Federation can actually change its name to the Gu Yan Empire! The Speaker who has always been behind the scenes is the kind of emperor who is all about himself! Wasn't it decided that Councilor Issa would organize the caravan to the Capital of Hell in the first place because Speaker Crudy said that the Speaker and he both recommended Issa, and then unanimously approved it?

Therefore, if Speaker Krudy can also become the owner of the three secrets, he may be able to be on an equal footing with the mysterious Speaker.

However, Speaker Crudy does not dare to use it now because the speaker has not spoken. Although he feels that after injecting this injection, his strength should be equal to that of the speaker, but after the mysterious master has accumulated power for many years, However, Speaker Crudy was still very hesitant.

Because if he rashly uses injections without the consent of the Speaker, it will be tantamount to betrayal. Speaker Crudy is very clear about the consequences of betraying that gentleman. He has even personally executed several people who were motivated by interests. The guy who dares to challenge the authority of the Speaker!

Focusing his eyes on the injection in front of him, Speaker Krudy calmed down his emotions a little, and then looked up at Aisa:

"So... what do they look like when they look at this injection?"

"A very ordinary look, just like looking at a table, a door, or a plate with food!"

Aisa smiled bitterly and said:

"To be honest, I was shocked by what I discovered at the time, but because the injection was taken out by the leader named Wan Shan, he is the leader after all, and they can produce it themselves, so the leader Maybe you have already owned the Three Secrets, so it’s normal to not be interested in this!”

"But later, I found that other people in their base had no reaction when they saw the injection. In order to verify my guess, after getting the injection, I took it out during the meal and pretended to show it to Wan Wan. Shan asks for advice.”

"At that time, a member of their base happened to come up to deliver food. When he saw the injection, he looked at it calmly and went out. So I think this thing should be a fairly common thing over there!"

"You don't want to tell me... is this information true?"

Speaker Crudy took out his tablet and clicked on the information about the D-class "construction worker" using mysteries to dig the foundation and asked.

"This shouldn't happen!"

Aisa shook her head:

"I'm sure they will have a lot of injections like this, but I don't know how many there are. For people like this, they have at least tens of millions. If it's tens of thousands, I think it's acceptable, but tens of millions... …This is unlikely!”

"Then you think we shouldn't attack them for the time being?"

Speaker Crudy asked again.

"That's right! I suggest that we maintain a certain friendly relationship with them for the time being, and then we can make a decision after we get to know them more deeply!"

Councilor Aisa nodded:

"According to that Li Yichen, they will be relocating soon. Once they complete the relocation, we should be able to have a rough idea of ​​their strength!"

"In addition, there is another point worth noting, that is, the target of their transaction with us is not the materials we have here, but the information we have, such as the map of the source world and the sky domain information in the surrounding areas!"

Councilor Aisa added:

"They should know our strength, but even so, they still want the heavenly information we have. Why is this?

If it's just for understanding, they don't need to exchange so many things with us, so I suspect that they may want to attack those heavenly realms! "

"He knows our strength, and he must know that we are temporarily unable to attack those Heavenly Territories. Because of the role of the Heart of Heavenly Territory, he has long known that if we can conquer those Heavenly Territories, how can we keep them? Such a simple question, There’s no way they wouldn’t have thought of it!”

"But even so, they still want to attack those heavenly realms. The only explanation is that they think their strength has surpassed ours!"

"What do you think?"

After listening to what Congressman Aisa said, Speaker Crudy did not draw a conclusion, but turned to look at Bit.

"I don't agree with what Congressman Isa said!"

Bit couldn't wait for a long time and kept looking at Aisa with disdain. In his opinion, Aisa now behaves like a real coward! !

"I think we must send troops as soon as possible to knock down that Tianyu. Those people have no strength, they are just bluffing!"

Looking at Speaker Crudy, Bit said seriously...

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