Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 926 Aisa was persuaded

"Keep talking!"

Speaker Crudy nodded at Bit. In fact, this was the attitude he wanted, because the Speaker had already decided to conquer this realm. Even if it was just for this injection, he had to take it.

Although you can get this injection by trading with those people, of course it is best to keep this kind of thing in your own hands, and they have other considerations.

Those people had just entered the Source Realm and actually got the Heaven Realm. They had this heaven-defying injection. Plus that Heaven Realm. If they were given enough time to develop, how powerful would they be?

Especially after understanding the current strength of the Hell Capital, even Speaker Crudy was determined to eliminate those people as soon as possible.

The strength of their current personnel is generally relatively low, and there are even many who have not reached D level. They are incomparable to the strength of their people here!

But this strength gap is determined by the intensity of the rules of heaven and earth between the two worlds, not by people's talents. In other words, if those people in the capital of hell are allowed to live in the heaven realm, their strength will Will catch up soon.

But now that they already have Tianyu, this is no longer an if. In addition to their Mysterious Injection, Speaker Crudy is very clear about what kind of effect it will have. This is equivalent to them getting the Mysterious Injection.

Of course, if they get a large number of Mysterious Injections, then countless powerful beings with Mysterious Injections will appear in a day or two, but this is not possible in the Capital of Hell. They have Mysterious Injections, but their own strength is not enough.

Although they now have Tianyu, this improvement in strength cannot be achieved in a short time.

Therefore, in the opinion of Speaker Crudy, now is the best time for them to attack the Capital of Hell. If, as Representative Aisa said, they first communicate with the other party in the name of transaction and slowly confirm their specific strength, then It’s completely giving them time to become powerful!

What Bit said now happened to be in line with Speaker Crudy's wishes, and it was the same as the Speaker's, so of course Crudy wanted him to continue speaking.

Although Representative Aisa's words were not well received by Krudy, after all, he had just expressed his appreciation for him, and now he suddenly began to refuse to accept his opinions. This would not only make Representative Aisa suffer a blow, but also appear to be unfair. Speaker Rudy is somewhat unclear about people. Therefore, at this time, Rudy will not directly deny the opinions of Representative Aisa. Others must speak out, and Bit is naturally the best candidate. .

Bit is a close confidant of Speaker Crudy, so of course he can understand what he means. Understanding what he means is something that a close confidant must master. This is even more important than your true strength.

"Sir Speaker, I suggest that we attack the human realm as soon as possible. The first reason is: I have also gone to that realm. It is definitely an initial realm. Their defense buildings have not been built yet, so it is the best time to do so at this time. Good time to attack!"

"If it's too late and we attack again after their defense buildings are completed, we will probably suffer heavy losses. After all, we have seen their high-tech weapons and they are very powerful!"

"If they rely on favorable terrain and those weapons, it will really be difficult for us to invade their heavenly domain. After all, when we invade the heavenly domain, we will appear directly at the entrance to the heavenly domain."

"As long as they clear out the entrance and surround it on all sides, we will be killed as soon as we enter. In this case, the technological weapons are even more terrifying than S-class powerhouses!"

As he spoke, Bit took out his tablet, brought up a screen, turned the screen to the screen in the secret room and said:

"Sir Speaker, this is the information I took there. Look, this is the castle they are building now! This castle directly covers the entrance to Tianyu!"

"This is a rather stupid approach, because it completely leaves another position for those who attack the Tianyu. The hall where the space passage is located is only a few hundred square meters, and even if it is full of people, it cannot contain many people!"

"Moreover, in this way, their technological weapons are basically useless, so if we want to attack, this is the best time! They have just obtained the Sky Domain now, and they have not yet figured out how to defend the entrance to the Sky Domain. !”

"If we wait for them to react, demolish this castle, and then clear the entrance to the sky, then we will lose the best opportunity!"

As he said that, Bit changed the picture again, and it turned out to be a bird's-eye view of the area at the entrance to the Tianyu! I don’t know how he filmed it.

“This is the site they’re building on right now!”

When Bit said this, a sarcastic look appeared on his face:

"I don't know what these idiots are thinking. They actually want to build a comprehensive defense building in such a large area! If such a building is really built, then I will definitely directly suggest an alliance with them and not attack them. , because it can’t be beaten!”

“But they want to build such a building at once, is it possible?

How long will it take?

This is completely whimsical. Even if we don't attack, looking at the scale of this kind of building, even if it is just to build the main body of the building with more than five floors, it will take at least two years! "

"Two years! The entrance to the Tianyu depends on such a castle defense that will bring convenience to attackers?

If he can hold on to this realm of his, I will stand on my head and fly! "

"So! I think now is the best time to attack them, and I don't even need to send too many troops. The defenders in this castle are limited. As long as Yi Ge attacks, we can capture the castle. By then, this This castle has become our best defensive position."

"And outside the castle, there are only these construction workers. Although there are many of them, they can take back the castle?

After we have a foothold in the Heaven Realm, the people in that Heaven Realm cannot compete with us. In less than a month, we will be able to completely annihilate them! "

"When the time comes, we will not only be able to obtain the Heart of the Heaven Realm, but also the manufacturing methods of the injections and their world! With a steady stream of secret potions, in less than half a year, we will be able to develop the entire world. The legion of members of the Upanishad will sweep across the nearby sky, and we will usher in a spurt of development!!"

Bit ended his words with a rather passionate prophecy. Then he glanced at Isa and stood beside him!

"Aisa! I think...Bit is right!"

Speaker Crudy looked at Aisa, who looked a little ugly, and pointed to the picture on the wall:

"Regardless of the opponent's strength and only looking at the current situation of their world, I think now is indeed the best time to attack them!"

"Just like Bit said, they have just obtained the Sky Realm and haven't built anything yet. Moreover, they also chose a wrong defensive building. But there is one thing I don't agree with Bit!"

Pointing to the castle, Speaker Crudy said:

"They built this castle not because they didn't figure out how to defend the entrance to the sky. This castle should have been built when they just invaded the sky."

"Aisa! You said that they haven't completely wiped out the natives in this realm yet, so they built this castle to defend themselves against the natives!"

"They probably won't demolish this castle before wiping out the natives. But after all the natives are annihilated, they will definitely dismantle this thing and start building defenses against the entrance to the defensive heaven! At that time, we will really It’s not easy to break in!”

"Furthermore, there is another most important reason why we need to attack this heavenly domain as soon as possible! I think you should take this factor into consideration!"


Aisa immediately raised his head and looked at Speaker Crudy and asked.


Speaker Krudy said solemnly:

"That human promised that you would wipe out the Zerg in their world, and the world also promised that you would enter the Zerg's plane and completely exterminate that Zerg! I think this is just that they don't understand yet. When they get enough energy, How terrifying can the Zerg be!"

Standing up, Speaker Crudy raised his voice:

"If the Zerg really passes through the world of those people and enters the Sky Realm, then it will not only be them that will be destroyed, but also us and all the creatures in this area!"

"So we can't wait, we must attack the human race's heavenly domain as soon as possible, eliminate them, enter their world, and completely kill them before the Zerg discovers the heavenly domain!!"

"Aisa! What we are doing now is to save our race and save the lives of the Source World. There is a Zerg race in the Source World, which has already caused many races to disappear, and more races will disappear in the future."

"Only by destroying those humans and getting the secret injection can we quickly become stronger and fight against the Zerg! We must do this! Do you understand?

Aisha! "

"Yes! I understand!"

Aisa sighed softly. Of course, he still insisted on his own ideas, but after hearing Speaker Crudy's words, he knew that everything had been settled and he could not change it!

In this case, he had no choice but to compromise, otherwise, he might never get out of this room, and all the other congressmen got was the news that he had accepted a secret mission and infiltrated that human race!

"Very good! As long as you can figure it out! Aisa! I value you very much! I hope you won't let me down!"

Speaker Crudy nodded, with a smile on his face:

"You should know what you should say when we go out in a while, right?"

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