Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 927 Seek stability in everything


Aisa nodded. Since Speaker Crudy has decided to launch an attack on the Capital of Hell, he naturally cannot speak out his speculations, lest it affect everyone's emotions.

Originally, in the entire parliament, only Aisa and two other members of the same faction had been to the Capital of Hell, and the other two members did not feel the same way as Aisa. Now Aisa also began to remain silent, so in the next step In the meeting, how to face this issue in the capital of hell, it is natural to decide on war!

After deciding to launch a war, the next topic was naturally how to send troops, how many troops to send, and when to send troops. On this issue, Aisa did not remain silent anymore.

He feels that the Capital of Hell should not be provoked, but since it cannot be stopped now, everyone must be more vigilant. Otherwise, just based on the image information brought back, I am afraid that no one will take the Capital of Hell seriously. !

It turns out that, just looking at the images and videos, the layout of the Hell City is just like what Speaker Crudy said to Isa before. These guys are to defend against enemies in the sky, not outside.

So as long as they invade Tianyu, the castle at the entrance will definitely be theirs. After they stand firm, everyone in Tianyu will definitely be annihilated.

But now, after Speaker Crudy's analysis, almost everyone thinks so. Even Bit has taken the initiative to ask for a battle, saying that if he is given an army of ten thousand people as a vanguard, he can invade the sky, seize the castle and Hold on!

Councilor Aisa was quite dissatisfied with the optimism of these people. Since he could not prevent the dispatch of troops, Councilor Aisa had no choice but to do the next best thing and strongly suggested that Speaker Krudy send a large enough army to launch a fatal blow to the capital of hell.

Originally, Speaker Crudy was not going to agree, but Councilman Aisa was very smart and directly took issue with the Zerg. Since we are going to attack the capital of hell, let’s get rid of the Zerg in their world. In this case, the army’s The quantity is quite a lot!

To conquer the sky, then attack those people's world, and then enter the plane of the Zerg to destroy the Zerg. This is tantamount to fighting across planes continuously. In such a war, it is impossible for them to hold back even if they want to. Must come out in full force.

"Aisa! If we follow your suggestion, our Tianyu will not have a team to defend!"

After hearing Aisa's continuous cross-dimensional combat plan, Speaker Crudy couldn't help but frowned. In this case, their own world would be in danger.

Around their heavenly domain, there are definitely heavenly domain races in nearby areas who are watching, because they are the same, and all the heavenly domain races will do this as long as they know the location of the other's heavenly domain.

Because they all want to annex each other's territory, they must monitor it at all times. Once an opportunity arises, they will send troops immediately!

If a small number of troops go out, the monitors will not care. What they want to do is not to spy on what the people here do every day. The only reason for them to stay here is to discover unexpected situations and possibly lay down the enemy. When you are in this world, contact your people immediately.

And if the entire Gu Yan Federation army is deployed, it will be an absolute unexpected situation for those people! As long as the news spreads, I am afraid that armies of other races will soon raid their realm!

Therefore, Speaker Krudy did not dare to agree to Aisa's suggestion to attack with all the troops, and he did not need to ask the Speaker for instructions, because he knew that the Speaker would not agree to this suggestion.

"Sir Speaker, you know how terrifying the Zerg are. If we don't have enough troops, how can we dare to enter the Zerg plane and annihilate them?"

Aisa did not give up and argued with reason:

"Moreover, we are going to fight on multiple fronts. We have to fight in the sky, we have to fight in the human plane of Hell, and we have to fight even more in the Zerg plane!"

"Even if we can quickly raid and occupy the castle at the entrance to the Heaven Realm, the people in the Capital of Hell will definitely flee into the depths of the Heaven Realm, so we need to enter the Heaven Realm to search! How many people are needed for this?"

"At the same time, we also need to destroy the Zerg as quickly as possible, so after entering the Sky Realm, we must capture some prisoners and find the spatial passage to their world! Then divide our forces to enter."

"We don't know what the human plane of Hell is like, and we don't know where the space passage is, so I don't think it will be easier to invade this world than to invade the heaven!"

"And the world of the people of Hell Capital must be very big. We need to find the space passage to the Zerg plane in such a big world, and then enter the Zerg plane."

"We have to leave people in both the Heaven and Hell Capital planes, and we also have to leave a large number of troops, because we don't understand the Hell Capital plane at all, and we don't know the specific power there! So we stay in this plane. There must be a lot of warriors, and they must all be elites, because if they don’t hold on, the way back for the warriors who enter the Zerg plane will be cut off.”

"What do you think?"

Speaker Crudy looked at the other members!

"This...if we include the Zerg, we do need to send a large number of troops, but we can put the Zerg aside and ignore them, because we don't have to fight the Zerg! Annihilating the Zerg will not give us many resources, but will Our military strength has been lost! I don’t think it’s worth it!”

A congressman first said that he could see that Speaker Krudy did not support Aisa's suggestion:

"Why should we care about those Zerg?

Just because they might enter the heavenly realm through the plane of the people in the capital of hell?

Gentlemen, we don’t want to occupy that Heavenly Territory. What we want is to annex that Heavenly Territory and get back its Heart of Heavenly Territory! "

"If the heart of the Heaven Realm is taken away, it won't be long before that Heaven Realm will be swallowed up by the fog and completely destroyed. Aren't those insects afraid of the fog?"


Hearing what this congressman said, Aisa couldn't help but sigh. Can such an idiot sneak into the parliament?

He looked at the guy and said:

"Does the Zerg have only one heaven to choose from?

What I was worried about before was that the Zerg would enter the Source Realm through the plane of Hell Capital. If they could come to the Source Realm, think about it carefully. Even if there is no Heaven Realm, the intensity of the rules of heaven and earth in the Source Realm would be enough for their numbers and There was a surge in strength. "

"Once the Zerg bring all the insect hives over, do you think we can easily kill it even if it is an insect hive without a sky?"

After hearing Aisa's words, everyone fell silent! That's right, even if you don't get the Sky Realm and only enter the Source Realm, the Zerg will still be quite terrifying. At least it's not an enemy that a certain race can face alone!

"Sir Speaker!"

Seeing that the others were silent, Aisa turned to Crudy:

"When I say come out in force, I don't mean to ask you to give up the defense of Tianyu! It's just to reduce part of the defense strength!"

"Tell me what you think?"

Crudy nodded.

"What I mean is that our people will set off in batches first and lurk twenty kilometers away from the Heavenly Territory, the capital of hell! As for the manpower left behind in the Heavenly Territory, we can leave only a thousand-man guard. In addition, we will The defenders on Tianyu Island outside are also withdrawing!"

"Our heaven is not the heaven of the capital of hell. Our defense facilities are quite good, and we also have enough weapons. We can recruit some temporary soldiers and let them assist in the defense!"

"And...according to my speculation, if we attack with all our strength, and there are no accidents, and everything goes as...Master Bit expected, then it will take us one day to attack the sky! It will take one day to find and attack the human world, and then use two Tianlai found the Zerg plane, plus three days of fighting time! We can almost get everything done in one week!"

"It's only a week! Even if they find out that we have a large number of troops leaving here, other races should at least consider whether to fight, right?

And there is a high chance that they will also check the actions of other races first and will not set off immediately! "

"Coupled with the gathering of legions, rushing on the road, and accidents that may happen at any time on the road, it should be at least the third day before they start attacking Tianyu."

"With the defenders we left behind and other people we mobilized to help defend the city, I don't think they can even hold it for four days. As long as they can hold it for four days, we should be able to come back and surround them from behind." Maybe we can even take over the next heaven!"


After listening to Aisa's words, Crudy sighed and shook his head secretly. He didn't know that Aisa's real intention was actually to let him send more troops to avoid being tricked by the capital of hell. He thought that what Aisa said was... It was really out of my own consideration, and I couldn’t help but feel slightly disappointed!

You must get the heavenly realm and the injection in the capital of hell, but the prerequisite is that you cannot be in danger! It was impossible for them to come out in full force. If their own heaven was lost, what was the use of getting the injection and another heaven?

Although they can start over in a new world, they have lost so much population and so many years of accumulation. How can it be so simple to start from scratch?

What's more, when building the initial realm, they may be attacked at any time. This kind of exchange is completely worth the loss. Moreover, Speaker Crudy feels that Aisa seems to have forgotten the purpose of the Gu Yan Federation - to seek stability in everything. !

Aisa's method just now was basically gambling on luck! What he was betting on was that before taking over the Sky Territory or even destroying the Zerg race, there would be no other races here to attack, or that they would be attacked but be able to defend it!

yes! If it can really be defended, this method is indeed good, but the question is... who can guarantee that it can be defended?

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