From the bottom of my heart, in fact, after Speaker Krudy vetoed Councilor Aisa once again, he really didn’t want to veto this time, but the matter he requested was too big and had already endangered their own territory!

Regardless of whether the Heavenly Territory in the Capital of Hell is successfully snatched or not, losing the Heavenly Territory on one's own side will not be worth the loss.

If his own heaven is in danger, Speaker Krudy would rather not have the heaven of the capital of hell, and even give up the secret injection. After all, this heaven is the heaven that humans have passed down for countless generations, and they are used to it. Now, it doesn’t mean that we can develop again by changing the world.

Therefore, after hesitating for a long time, Speaker Crudy finally shook his head:

"Aisa! This plan of yours is too risky, and to be honest, I think... we don't need so many troops to capture the human race's heaven! And the Speaker said that this heaven is our foundation. No matter at any time, we must retain enough strength to defend it!"

"I agree!"

Bit immediately answered:

"Congressman Aisa, your plan is very contradictory and goes against our consistent purpose. You are too cautious about those human races and too risky for our territory. You invest a large number of troops into unnecessary battlefields, but instead undermine our own territory. The domain is in danger, this...if you hadn't been doing your best for the Federation, I would have thought that you were bribed by someone!"

Bit's words were a bit harsh. The meaning behind his words seemed to be that Aisa had become a spy and wanted to take away all the defenses in this realm and then let people attack him secretly!

The other members looked at Aisa after hearing this, with strange expressions on their faces. Bit was obviously from Speaker Crudy's side, and he was a confidant. His words probably represented Speaker Crudy's side. mean.

But it was clear that Representative Aisa had just gained the favor of Speaker Crudy, so why did this happen... Could it be that what happened after the three of them left just now?

However, no one dares to comment on this kind of thing, because they don’t understand the situation, and if they talk randomly, they are likely to offend both parties. The members of the parliament are all veterans, and of course they will not make this mistake!

So, after Bit finished speaking, the entire parliament hall suddenly fell silent. Everyone looked at Aisa quietly, or looked at the table in front of them, as if there was a mysterious injection suddenly there!

"Bit! What you said is inappropriate!"

After a while, Speaker Crudy finally spoke slowly:

"I believe in the loyalty of Representative Aisa. His previous plan was probably just because he knew about the existence of the Zerg, so he was a little anxious. In fact, after knowing about the Zerg, I also wanted to kill them immediately and eliminate this our biggest threat. !”

"However, the road always has to be walked step by step. If you are too impatient, you will lose your mind and make wrong judgments and decisions, Aisa! Your character... still needs to be tempered!"


After hearing Speaker Crudy's words, Aisa was silent for a moment, and finally sighed secretly in his heart, lowered his head and said:

"Yes! Mr. Speaker! I was indeed a little flustered by the news about the Zerg! I'm sorry! I was reckless!"

He didn't dare to say that what he was really worried about was the humans in the Capital of Hell, because he knew that if he really said it, even Speaker Crudy would be suspicious. In that case, not only would he be kicked out of the parliament, but he would even Implicate your own faction.

"It doesn't matter! You are thinking too complicated!"

Issa’s attitude undoubtedly satisfied Speaker Krudy. He smiled and said:

"Actually, although the Zerg exists, after all, it is just the Zerg from the outside world. Without enough energy, the Zerg is not that scary. And since those humans have been able to stop the Zerg for so long, they will not be broken in the near future!"

"I think that in the human world, there should be other people fighting against the Zerg, so we don't have to worry! Take this world first, and the rest will come later! No matter what happens, you must be calm and don't panic. Panic is It won’t do anything and will only make things worse!”

"Yes! Mr. Speaker! I understand!"

Aisa stood up and bowed respectfully to Speaker Crudy, then turned to the other members and said:

"I'm sorry! I was naive!"

Seeing Congressman Aisa's attitude being so low, and Speaker Krudy obviously not planning to care about this matter, other members certainly wouldn't do anything either, so amidst the polite greetings, this matter was considered a thing of the past.

In the ensuing discussion, Councilor Aisa did not speak again. His heart was always shrouded by a dark cloud, and the ominous premonition became clearer and clearer. He even seemed to see his own heaven being breached!

However, Representative Aisa has not spoken at first. It is impossible to reverse what the Speaker has decided. Even if he knows that there may be a catastrophe, Aisa can't do anything at present.

Before you know it, the battle plan has been made. Originally, Speaker Krudy actually wanted Aisa to lead the troops this time, because Senator Aisa is actually very talented in leading troops. Especially his super sixth sense, which can often predict danger!

However, because of what happened before, Aisa is of course no longer suitable to lead troops, so the important task of leading troops falls on Bit who volunteered!

Bit's request is very simple. He still needs 10,000 elites. As long as there are 100 S-level experts, the rest must be A-level! However, among the one hundred S-class strong men, he wanted a full fifty people who possessed mysteries.

Although this number is small, it is actually quite a lot. You must know that there are less than a thousand people with secret knowledge in the entire Guyan Federation, and some of them are members of parliament and other important figures!

Of course, this kind of person will not be treated as a soldier and go into battle. Before, Aisa brought two councilors. One was because he was from the same faction as him, so they all cheered each other up, while the other was just to collect information, but Not going to fight!

Being able to have fifty powerful men with mysteries already made Bit very satisfied. He directly assured Speaker Crudy that he would take down the fortress in the sky of the capital of hell in the shortest possible time and use it as a They attack the bridgehead of Tianyu!

Bit's 10,000-strong army is just the vanguard. After all, there are tens of millions of people in the Capital of Hell, and they are not so arrogant as to massacre them all with 10,000 soldiers.

Bit's mission is to occupy the fortress at the entrance to the sky, because the fortress is not very big, 10,000 people are enough, and no amount of people can get in!

But as long as Bit successfully enters the Sky Territory with his troops and captures the castle at the entrance, then subsequent troops will continue to enter the Heaven Territory!

Although Speaker Krudy does not plan to send too many troops to attack the Capital of Hell, hundreds of thousands or millions of troops can still be sent. The foundation of the Gu Yan Federation is still much stronger than that of the Capital of Hell. !

Bit led 10,000 elite troops as the vanguard, responsible for capturing the castle, and then an army of one million would follow. Once the castle was captured, these one million troops would rush into the sky and carry out unbridled killing!

In this war, the Gu Yan Federation does not intend to take prisoners. At least those whose strength is too low do not need to stay. They only need to leave a few powerful ones and let them take them into their world. It is enough. In the Tianyu After so many years of recuperation and recuperation, the Gu Yan Federation has no shortage of people!

Because there has been no war for a long time, it is not easy to summon a million-strong army at once, and this army cannot be too far away from Bit and the others. Therefore, the date for dispatching the troops is set for three days later. .

Moreover, a congressman also made a note to ask the 10,000 troops led by Bit to dress up as a trading caravan, because they had just said they were going to trade before, and if they go to trade this time, the people over there should not Be on guard!

In this way, they can take down Tianyu almost without any blood!

This strategy will of course be adopted, so Bit selects an army of ten thousand and disguises the weapons as commodities. According to the plan, the subsequent army of one million will set off one day after they leave!

This is to prevent being discovered by the scouts of the capital of hell. After all, there is no way to hide the movements of a million-strong army. Once discovered, the disguise of the leading troops in front will be useless.

Bit had no problem with this time difference at all. When he was in the sky of the capital of hell, he observed the castle very carefully!

It was a castle made of all metal and was quite strong. As long as they could occupy it, not to mention a day, even a week, as long as the ammunition and supplies were sufficient, he would be confident to hold on!

After everything became a foregone conclusion, everyone in the parliament discussed some details. Some members even started to discuss when to take away the heart of the heaven after successfully taking over the heaven of the capital of hell. It seemed that they had already taken the heart of the heaven. It’s like everyone in the capital has been wiped out!

Some people suggest that you should keep that Heaven Realm for a while, because you want to see where the passage to the world of the people in the capital of hell is. If it is near that Heaven Realm, don't be busy taking away the Heaven Realm from that Heaven Realm. Heart, because compared with the Heart of Heaven, the Secret Injection is more important!

Some people think that after the past, it is better to eliminate the Zerg first and avoid future troubles, then unify the world, and then start to develop the secret injection!

Seeing the lively discussions among the MPs present, Councilor Aisa's heart became heavier and heavier. I don't know why, after the plan was formulated and would not be changed at all, the ominous premonition in his heart was so strong that it made him tremble...

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