Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 929 The foundation is completed!

Other congressmen also saw that Councilor Aisa was a little distracted, but they did not pay attention, thinking that Councilor Aisa was still worried about the previous matter. After all, he was originally favored by Speaker Crudy, but he made such a big mistake. His evaluation in Speaker Crudy's heart will definitely drop significantly, which will definitely affect his future!

If you think about it in another person's shoes, I would probably be as devastated as I am, not even as good as Aisa. At least I can still sit here and not find an excuse to escape, which is already pretty good.

Soon, the parliament was over. After all, millions of troops had to be mobilized. The number of troops each faction would send had been discussed. Of course, those MPs also had to mobilize their own soldiers.

Moreover, this war is not only not difficult, but also involves a heavenly realm and secret injections, and even the outside world and the Zerg. It can be said to be a crucial battle, and it is also related to the take-off of the Guyan Federation. A battle.

If you can perform well in this battle, you will definitely leave your name in history! And it will get the attention of the Speaker! So each faction decided to choose elites to fight this time!

With an army of millions of elites, the Gu Yan Federation has not experienced such a war for a long time. In the past, at most, it could only have an army of several thousand people to clear out strange beasts and other things around!

So, after the parliament ended, the entire world became lively. Many members were taking people from their own factions to select warriors, while Representative Aisa silently returned to his residence alone!

People from the same faction as Congressman Aisa knew that he was in a bad mood, so they did not bother him and went directly to choose someone by themselves. However, no one knew that after being silent for a while, Congressman Aisa actually changed his appearance alone. After a moment, he took the pass issued by himself and quietly walked out of Tianyu...

At this time, Li Yichen did not know that the Gu Yan Federation had decided to launch a war against them, but they were not unprepared. People who came out of the apocalypse were not so careless.

Now that Xiaohu has carried the shadow of death, the half kilometer radius of the sky domain has been set as a warning zone. All the shadows of death, except for the secret sentries fixed around the sky domain, have been scattered. We must Master all the troubles within this range!

In fact, for this kind of reconnaissance, Li Yichen could launch a reconnaissance satellite. Although it would not be as detailed as the Shadow of Death, at least any big movements could be detected immediately.

However, Li Yichen still doesn't know the situation around him. He doesn't know if there are high-tech races nearby. The entrance to Tianyu is originally very secret. If a satellite is launched into the sky, it will expose the existence of Tianyu once it is discovered.

Anyway, it was time to clear out the remnants of Tianyu, and there was basically no need for the shadow of death, so Li Yichen simply sent Xiaohu out. Moreover, the lake they were searching on the ground, if there was Tianyu within this range, they could still find it.

As for the foundations in the Tianyu, they have almost been dug. It is estimated that it will be completed in another half day. Although this area is not small, only digging the foundations will not have any impact at all for the survivors who are at best strengtheners. Difficulty, let alone land, even rocky mountains can be easily dug!

What's more, more than 20 million people are digging, that's right! That's more than 20 million. Wan Shan recruited some of the people who were transferred from the earth!

Now the total population of the entire hell city has exceeded 50 million people! Although there are not that many official members, after all, they all belong to the capital of hell now.

And after acquiring this heavenly realm, Wanshan has already regarded those survivors who have not officially "returned to full status" as members of the Hell City!

After managing the base for such a long time, Wan Shan is now quite experienced. After seeing Tianyu, Wanshan knew that the development of this Tianyu basically depends on population in the early stage!

Although Li Yichen has a system that can be directly exchanged for buildings, he cannot produce crops or anything like that. These things still have to be planted by people. You may think that he can exchange them for some machinery for planting, but the early land reclamation still requires a lot of work. of human hands.

Moreover, Tianyu is safe enough, and there is only one entrance and exit. As long as this place is controlled, there is no need to worry about personnel management issues at all!

Therefore, Wanshan now counts everyone. If Li Yichen hadn't said there was no need, he would have gone to the Kingdom of Heaven to recruit people!

When Li Yichen came back at that time, he told him about meeting the city in the Kingdom of Heaven. Wan Shan wanted to recruit people to come over at that time. With the conditions of the capital of hell, those survivors would definitely be able to come over without much hesitation. Coupled with Li Yichen's ability to construct space passages, it can be said that the city of hell can be populated by tens of millions of people in an instant!

However, Li Yichen thought it was better to forget it. The population was actually enough for them, and after entering the Heaven Realm and stabilizing, people could start to multiply. As long as fertility was encouraged, the population of Hell City would be large in less than twenty years. increase!

With their current strength, it is not a problem to live for hundreds of years, so twenty years is just a blink of an eye!

Standing on the castle, Li Yichen looked at the people below. He might have been used to it. Coupled with the unified command of a personal terminal and the drawings on the terminal, the foundation below looked quite pleasing to the eye. It was square and square, similar to the maze. Same, very neat!

"Now all that's left is the outside. Just tidy it up and it'll be fine!"

Wan Shan also looked at the foundation below with a proud face. This was the first time they had excavated such a large-scale foundation, and he organized it. From the design to recruiting manpower to supervising the work until the completion, it was all done by him. He felt very accomplished!

"Xiaoyi! Are you sure you can do such a large-scale construction?"

Wan Shan looked at the foundation below and suddenly asked worriedly. Of course, he now guessed that Li Yichen's ability to summon buildings was definitely not a supernatural power, and because of the emergence of Intelligent Brain, he already had some guesses, but I have never asked Li Yichen.

Everyone has their own secrets. If you don’t want to tell them, it’s best not to get to the bottom of it, otherwise it will easily hurt your feelings. People who are too curious often don’t have any good friends!

(Zombie: Really?


"no problem!"

Li Yichen smiled and said that he had already asked the system mall to prepare the building, and the lower part was based on Wan Shan's drawings. As for the upper part, of course some changes were made, and the system itself did it.

In fact, the system is very good at designing buildings. Because of its powerful computing power, it can take into account more aspects when designing buildings. It can be said that everything is done down to the smallest detail, and nothing is missed!

From the most basic water and electricity routes, to the installation locations of defense and monitoring facilities, as well as the symmetry of the layout and the arrangement of functional facilities, there will be no mistakes!

At least we won't design an overpass like Li Yichen's original world. One left turn requires four turns on the bridge. Crossing the bridge once is almost equivalent to leaving the city once. Such a stupid design is absolutely impossible in the system. Yes, it is completely the optimal combination.

"System! Compare it and see if there are any errors!"

After the foundation was finally completed, Li Yichen specially drove the helicopter around in a large circle, letting the system compare the building he built with the foundation below!

There is no problem with the system. It is based on Wan Shan's drawings. However, the foundation below is excavated manually. Even if there is unified command from the terminal, a slight deviation is inevitable, so Li Yichen has to check it first. , allowing the system to adjust appropriately according to the offset of the foundation below.

After going around in a circle, the system did find some deviations. After modifying the built building, Li Yichen finally landed!

"Lao Wan! I have to take back Zhinao first!"

When they came to Wanshan, Li Yichen said to Wanshan that because the newly built building is centered on the subsystem, the subsystem must be placed here first, and then the building can be replaced and the subsystem can be covered underneath!

"Okay! I've informed you a long time ago, and Xiaomao and the others over there are also ready. All the things that should be exchanged have been exchanged and placed in the warehouse. The only trouble is that after the demons are wiped out, I need you to go back and collect the loot. !”

Wan Shan immediately replied that Li Yichen had told him before that before the capital of hell could be moved to the heaven domain, the intelligence brain of the central base needed to be transferred to the heaven domain first.

Moreover, Li Yichen directly told Wan Shan that he should regard Zhinao as the gateway to heaven!

Wan Shan expressed doubts at the time, because the current shape of Zhi Nao is a circular hall, surrounded by a circle of trading platforms with Zhi Nao. Will those things with screens be very strong?

Then, Li Yichen asked Wan Shan to try it himself. After Wan Shan fired a shot at a screen, he was a little dumbfounded. In the end, he even used his powers, but found that his brain was not damaged at all. Wan Shan was a little doubtful about life at that time. It simply subverted his worldview.

Although those smart brain screens look similar to tablet screens, they are also indestructible! But because it’s a screen, it feels quite weird!

After hearing Wan Shan's words, Li Yichen was about to take back his brain, but suddenly he found a shadow of death walking over and said to him:

"Brother Yi! That Aisa from the Ancient Yan Federation is here again and wants to see you!"


Li Yichen was stunned. Of course he still had an impression of Aisa. After all, he was leading the team, but... why did he come back so soon?

Are you here to trade maps for superpower injections?

"Let them in!"

Li Yichen said casually, but looking at the foundation below, he suddenly stopped the shadow of death:

"Wait a minute! Bring them in later!!"

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