Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 93 The Lonely Guardian

"Before listening to your story, I couldn't imagine that you are actually just a nanny hiding in the base to take care of your children!"

Looking at the one-eyed dragon's expression, Li Yichen smiled bitterly and shook his head. At the same time, he also became curious and couldn't help but ask:

"Did you make those four people into human pigs?"

"No! That's too childish!"

The one-eyed dragon shook his head:

"You have tried tying your hands to an iron frame, roasting them slowly over a fire, then shaving off the meat and stuffing it into your mouth for you to eat. After you excrete it, you point at the pile of shit and say: 'Did you see your hands? This is just the beginning, I will turn your whole body into this!'?"

Looking at Li Yichen who couldn't help but twitching at the corner of his mouth, the one-eyed dragon suddenly smiled and said:

"This is just one of the punishments I used on them! There are even more cruel ones, I won't go into details with you. Anyway, it took me three days to completely kill those four people. Death, no one will bother me during this process."

"Because Tiger Shark also came to see him, and he seemed to be very interested in what I was doing. In the end, he just sat on the wall of the inner city and watched me torture the four people, and no one was allowed to disturb me!"

"After that time, everyone in the outer city would walk around when they saw me, and no one would mess with the children. A few days later, Tiger Shark came to chat with me for a while, and finally reached an agreement with me, and I helped him In the future, all those who make mistakes in the Tiger Shark Base will be handed over to me to help Tiger Shark establish his authority. In exchange, he can help me take care of those children and promise that they will not be sent to the base. In the laboratory!"

"Since then, I have become Tiger Shark's younger brother. I am not the only strengthener under him, but Tiger Shark knows how much I value those children and feels that people with weaknesses like me are easier to control, so he becomes more and more Come trust me more and more!"

"And in order to prove my worth, I began to become more and more cruel, and came up with many punishments that made me shudder. In order to fit myself in with the cruel and bloodthirsty character, I even gave myself the name Lone Wolf, and even He even got a special eye patch to cover one of his eyes to make himself look more sinister."

"Later! I became the number one murderer of Tiger Shark's men. Tiger Shark's men feared me even more than Tiger Shark! As you just saw, even if Tiger Shark dies and the base is controlled by the envoy, the fear of me is even greater than that of Tiger Shark! Those guys still don’t dare to attack me!”

"Yeah! That's true, but... I don't think this situation will last long!"

Li Yichen nodded, but then expressed his opinion!

"I know too! That's why I have to help them find a way out! Can your base accept them?"

The one-eyed dragon looked at Li Yichen with a nervous expression on his face:

"I promise, they have no involvement in anything I do. Whether in the base or out, I will never take them with me, I just let them serve as sentries on the outer wall!"

"Just accept them? What about you?"

Li Yichen looked at the one-eyed dragon and asked.


The one-eyed dragon was stunned for a moment, then raised his hands, looked at it carefully, shook his head slightly and sighed:

"I'll forget it. You and Tiger Shark are not the same type of people. My hands are stained with too much blood. Your base will not accept someone like me!"

"Yeah! Let me just say that you always see things very clearly. You are right! My base will not accept cruel and vicious people."

Li Yichen nodded when he heard this, and the one-eyed dragon smiled bitterly, but Li Yichen immediately changed his tone and said:

"But... you are not the cruel and vicious person I say you are!"

The one-eyed dragon was stunned. Isn't he cruel and vicious? Are there still such people in the world?

"That's right! At least you are not as cruel as you think. Deep in your heart, you are still the cowardly coward!"

Li Yichen came to the one-eyed dragon, stared into his eyes and said:

"Just like many people with low self-esteem pretend to be arrogant in front of others, your ferocity is also a disguise! But you are not doing it for your own cowardice, but for the protection in your heart! So you force Become the kind of person you want to be!"


The one-eyed dragon murmured, his eyes a little dazed. After the change, he woke up from his dreams countless times and thought about why he became such a person, but he never found an answer that could convince him.


Li Yichen nodded and looked at the one-eyed dragon seriously:

"It's to protect! To protect those children, or... to protect the pure eyes in your heart, to protect those five words: Thank you! Teacher!!"

The one-eyed dragon's body suddenly stopped, and his confused eyes gradually shone, but he was immediately overwhelmed by the raging tears. He tried to stop this cowardly performance, but his efforts were completely in vain...

He didn't even realize that after hearing the girl say those five words, he put a pair of heavy shackles on himself, and those children who were still alive were put on these shackles. Heavily protected.

For ten years, he has been carrying the burden forward, successfully shaping himself into a bloodthirsty demon king, and those children have been able to spend the most peaceful ten years of their lives under his fierce flames so far.

Perhaps because he felt guilty, although One-Eyed Dragon always felt those eyes watching him somewhere, he was always reluctant to make any response, and refused to think of that girl in his heart. If it weren't for Li Yichen to accept those children, he would have done it before Those words I will never mention to anyone in this life.

It was clear to onlookers that although Li Yichen was young, he had experienced death and walked alone in the apocalypse for more than a year. Therefore, after listening to his story, he understood everything.

After Li Yichen's awakening, the one-eyed dragon finally found the source of his change. When Li Yichen looked at him with respect and a little pity, he suddenly realized that his efforts over the past ten years had finally paid off in this world. Having someone who understands and understands...

The pressure and grievances that had been accumulated for too long poured out at this moment like a dam. The ferocious shell that Cyclops had built alone for ten years instantly shattered. He gritted his teeth, his body trembled violently, and finally endured it. He couldn't help but fall to his knees, clenched his fists, and roared like a wounded beast...

Li Yichen stood upright and looked at the one-eyed dragon quietly. From his roar, which was obviously suppressed, Li Yichen felt some kind of wanton catharsis...

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