Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 94 The lone wolf returns to the team

Slowly turning around, Li Yichen came to the door and stood there guarding the door silently, like a sculpture, motionless...

"Thank you!"

After half an hour, the one-eyed dragon slowly stood up, wiped his face heavily with both hands, and after a short recovery, he came behind Li Yichen, let out a sigh of relief, and gently Said lightly.

"I can accept your brothers, but they must abide by the rules of our base! I can guarantee that as long as they do not deliberately seek death, they will be safe before my base is destroyed!"

Li Yichen turned around and said directly without too much politeness:

"But I have a condition: you must die for me once!"

"no problem!"

The one-eyed dragon did not hesitate at all:

"Apart from those children, my only wish is to avenge the tiger shark. You asked me to die for you because of this place, right? As long as I can break through this place and lose my life here, I have no regrets!"

"No! You don't understand what I mean!"

Li Yichen shook his head:

"Actually, in my opinion, you have died once just now, but your death just now was for those eyes, and I need you to regard this death as dying for me. To be precise, I want you to die for me." This is your life after rebirth. I want you to work for me from now until the day your life ends!"

"Can the people in your base accept me?"

The one-eyed dragon couldn't help but be stunned!

"You don't need them to accept it because you only work for me!"

Li Yichen shook his head again:

"You used to be a guardian. Although I have always believed that guardianship is the most terrifying power in the world, because it can make people explode instantly and even exceed their own limits. However, this profession is also a relatively easy one. Profession!"

Looking at the puzzled look in the one-eyed dragon's eyes, Li Yichen explained:

"It's easy because almost everyone has a goal they want to protect, such as parents who protect their children, an army who protects their faith, a lover who protects their beloved, and even a money fan who protects money. They are all themselves. Guardians of faith! When the target they protect is in crisis, they can also break out, just like you protect those children!"

"Now, you don't have to be this guardian. When they arrive at my base, they can choose their own lives. After all, they are almost adults, right? So you need to change your profession, and this profession is better than It’s going to be even harder for the Guardians!”

"what occupation?"

The one-eyed dragon couldn't help but ask.


Li Yichen replied that after listening to the story of the one-eyed dragon, he had an idea in his mind. The Hell Capital base seemed to lack a law enforcement team. With this guy's experience, he seemed to be just right for this role.

Originally, Li Yichen had wanted to form a law enforcement team for a long time. After all, there would be no rule without rules. But the problem was that the guys at Wanshan Base were so tolerant that they were allowed to enforce the law? I'm afraid it won't have any positive effect!

Originally, Li Yichen wanted that douchebag to sit in this position. The guy was a bit stunned and would not be soft-hearted. But the problem was that he was too young and was just an ordinary member of the base before. He had a natural affinity for Wan Shan and other management teams. Psychological disadvantage. Once they are the ones who make a mistake, this kid's strength may be greatly reduced.

And those brothers who have been through life and death with him, can this kid treat them like ordinary survivors? Impossible. The issue of face is a major feature of human society and cannot be circumvented anywhere!

And once this kind of thing is opened once, it will be difficult to block it again! Over time, the rules became useless, so Li Yichen simply set up two extremely serious punishments before - deportation and execution. He meant to strictly stipulate them first, stabilize the base, and then add others after finding a suitable candidate. of.

This is what Cyclops does in Tiger Shark Base. Although the rules of Hell City are definitely different from those of Tiger Shark Base, there is essentially no difference. Moreover, he has been pretending for ten years, so it is not difficult to continue pretending.

Especially since this guy is from the Tiger Shark Base, and no one there knows him. When it comes to punishment... of course there is no face issue, which is why Li Yichen said that he is only responsible for himself.

As for the little guys he brought over, Li Yichen was not worried. One-eyed Long was a smart man and knew that if he really protected them after they made mistakes, not only himself, but also everyone else might be affected, so he Will figure out what to do.

Of course, the one-eyed dragon didn't know that Li Yichen actually had so many thoughts in his mind. Hearing this, he couldn't help but asked in surprise:

"Law enforcer? Same as here?"


Li Yichen nodded:

"Of course, the rules are a little different, but you really want to go back to your old job, and you still have to be a black face that everyone is afraid of, so your popularity in my base will definitely not be very good! You may even not be very popular at all. It won’t be popular!”

"As long as you can fulfill your promise! That's okay with me!"

The One-Eyed Dragon didn't care about this, even now he was used to being afraid of others. If everyone came up to hug him when they saw him, he would feel awkward.

"However! You have to do one thing, and you must do it, and that is justice! This is a quality that law enforcers must possess! No matter who violates the rules of the base, you must punish them strictly in accordance with the rights I have given you. He cannot bring any personal feelings into it. You only have the right to use the rules and have no autonomy! Do you understand what I mean?"

Li Yichen emphasized.

"Don't worry! I can make a robot! A... robot with a fixed program!"

The one-eyed dragon nodded.

"Okay! It's settled then!"

Li Yichen nodded and patted the one-eyed dragon on the shoulder.

When the capital of hell emerges in the apocalypse, there are two legions that are the most feared, even to the point of being frightened.

These two legions are not salvation and the scythe of hell, but the shadow of death that can obliterate all hostile life, and the eternal flame that burns away all sin in the world!

The commanders of these two legions, Xiaohu and Lone Wolf, are Tiger Claws and Wolf Fangs, known as the Capital of Hell!

Especially after experiencing several major turmoils in the Capital of Hell, many people in the base could not name the most powerful person under Li Yichen, but when it came to their loyalty to Li Yichen, everyone would name one. ——Lone Wolf!

It was a lone wolf that was always separated from everyone else and was only loyal to Li Yichen...

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