Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 937 Where is the hall?

It was still in the Far North Continent. Li Yichen had just obtained the system and thought that the system could recycle vehicles and garbage on the street. So after turning on automatic recycling, he swept the entire street clean, and then stood next to a building. When he was in the building, he didn't expect that the system would also reclaim the building, so he fell directly into the foundation of the building...

Later in the Battle of Wucheng, Li Yichen also used the foundations after recycling the building to set up countless traps, and then he wiped out all the zombies, including the ghost pupil!

Thinking about Li Yichen at the beginning, even a ghost pupil almost killed him, but later, the immortal king Archimonde was exiled by him into the turbulence of space. Without the system, it would be impossible for Li Yichen to grow up to To this extent now.

If the system had not appeared, Li Yichen might not be dead now, but at least the Capital of Hell would certainly not have appeared, because without the system, Li Yichen would not have gone to Wucheng at that time, let alone discover the zombie wave.

Without preparation, Wanshan and his team's base would definitely be in danger, and the capital of hell would certainly not be established. Even Li Yichen might fall into that wave of corpses.

After the soldiers gathered, Li Yichen looked at the entrance to the Tianyu and then at the soldiers. He suddenly remembered the Battle of Wucheng, so he had an idea and temporarily changed his mind. He directly asked the system to change the brain and brought it with him. Several people ran over and dug under the entrance to Tianyu, digging out a huge hole.

After digging out the hole, the entrance to the Tianyu became suspended. Because time was limited, the hole Li Yichen and the others dug was not big. It was only a dozen meters deep and about thirty meters in diameter. Compared with Li Yichen's previous The big pit you fall into is much smaller.

However, this pit was not originally intended to kill the attacking soldiers. Not to mention that none of those soldiers were ordinary people. With this level of pit, even before the end of the world [Biquge520 www.biquge520 .xyz] ordinary people may not actually die if they fall.

More than ten meters is quite deep, but the bottom of the pit is full of floating soil, which is not that hard. As long as you don't hit your back, fall head first, and break your neck, it will probably only break a few bones! At most, he will be disabled.

This is true for ordinary people, let alone the soldiers of the Guyan Federation. Those guys have grown up in a place like Tianyu where the rules of heaven and earth are extremely strong. The weakest strength must be B level or even A level or above. How else could he be selected as a soldier?

What Li Yichen wanted was for them to lose control of their bodies the moment they entered the Heaven Realm. The space channel was actually a spatial transformation of objects or creatures, from the source world to the Heaven Realm.

This transformation is unmotivated, unlike when you run out of a passage, your body still carries a certain amount of inertia.

Therefore, the moment everyone comes out of the space channel, there is no place for anyone to borrow strength. Unless he has special powers, he will definitely fall!

Because this big pit has been dug, the space passage is currently suspended in the air. People will fall downwards as soon as they come out. In this process, they will definitely not be able to control their bodies. If at this time, the warriors of the Hell City Shooting at them must be accurate.

Moreover, Li Yichen did not have any arrangements in the pit. Of course, he would not really dig a pit and leave floating soil at the bottom of the pit. At the bottom of the pit, Li Yichen left a lot of high-explosives that were detonated remotely. Anyway, the power of this kind of explosives It is impossible to cause damage to space at all, and there will be no problems with space passage.

As for the brains around the pit... their indestructible properties are also effective against explosives!

This kind of explosive will pose a certain threat to strong men of Archimonde's level. Of course, it will also bring a lot of trouble to those soldiers. Coupled with the surrounding Hell Capital soldiers who are eagerly watching, no matter who wants to rush in , it will definitely not be an easy thing.

In fact, Li Yichen's most important purpose in creating this big hole was to prevent those guys from running back when the situation was bad. Although he also knew that once an attack started over there, all the attacking members in this wave would enter the space channel. Before, no one would easily return because they were afraid of space overlap.

However, if the people who come in find that this place is already heavily fortified and that staying here will definitely lead to death, I am afraid they will take the risk and run back. After all, staying here means death. If they go back, they might be able to escape with luck.

If it were on flat ground, it would be quite easy for people who came in to go back, just turn back, but what about now?

Once you come in, you fall down. How can it be so easy to get up again?

In fact, if the space channel does not have a repulsion mechanism, then the best way to defend is to set up a barrier directly at the exit of the space channel. In this way, anyone entering will directly fold into the space where the barrier is located, and of course they will be dead.

It is a pity that each space channel has a magical repulsion mechanism. No object or life can stay in front of the space channel. It must either move forward or retreat. If it stops, it will soon be emitted by the space channel. The power retreats.

Even the space channel built by Li Yichen was like this. Even his space solidification could not continue to solidify the space around the space channel. At most, it only lasted three seconds, and it also consumed a lot of Li Yichen's space rules.

Therefore, Li Yichen could directly use space powers to close the space channel, but he could not temporarily seal it.

When the people of the Gu Yan Federation approached the space passage, the shadow of death responsible for monitoring them entered the sky and reported their whereabouts to Li Yichen. This shadow of death had been hiding next to the space passage. After the people of the Gu Yan Federation approached, , then entered the space channel.

Although stealth cannot be maintained in the space channel, it will not be exposed before entering the space channel, so the Gu Yan Federation naturally did not discover this shadow of death, especially when he was about two hundred meters away from the space channel. He entered right away, so even the slight fluctuations in the space passage were not noticed by the Gu Yan Federation.

After all, they were observing their surroundings at that time, trying to find the secret sentry in the capital of hell. They did not pay that much attention to the space passage, and among them, only the guy who had been here knew the exact location of the space passage. The others People simply don’t understand.

"Get ready! Our guests are coming in!"

After receiving the report from the shadow of death, Li Yichen immediately stopped digging. With a wave of his hand, everyone flew up and returned to their positions. Li Yichen first placed the remote-controlled high explosives and then teleported back. When I reached the top of the building, I grabbed Tianya and pointed it at the entrance of Tianyu.

They didn't wait long. Soon, the space at the entrance to the Tianyu began to fluctuate. Then, two figures appeared, but immediately, these two guys fell directly.

The ones who came in were of course the elites of the Guyan Federation, and these two elites dared to take the lead, and of course they had some confidence. They both had the secret of defense. Even if there was an ambush here, they could at least hold on for two or three seconds without being killed. !

Moreover, these two elites have already planned. No matter what the situation is over there, as soon as they pass through the space channel, they will immediately activate their secrets. Even if there is no ambush there, it doesn't matter if it is wasted. After all, your own life is the most important thing. important.

But what they didn't expect was that after passing through the space passage, they actually appeared in the air instead of being down to earth. This situation was actually not strange. Some space passage exits were originally in the air.

But the problem is that the entrance to this space passage should not be in the air, because some of them have come in before and told them the situation here in detail, and they have even been familiar with it in the simulated scene for a long time.

Therefore, their original preparations were to find themselves in the hall of a castle after walking out of the space passage!

Many times, people like to prepare in advance. This is certainly true. If you want to do your job well, you must first sharpen your tools. The more prepared you are, the greater your confidence will be. But this kind of preparation must be done on the premise that there are no mistakes. OK!

Therefore, these two guys who originally planned to use the secrets fell into the trap without even having time to use the secrets.

These two guys fell in, not to mention the ones behind them. They rushed out of the space channel and fell directly. After all, this was not a cat and mouse. They could still run a certain distance and fell when they realized that their feet were empty. Go down.

However, there are differences between everyone. Not everyone has had time to use mysteries - that is, superpowers. There are two guys with sudden superpowers. When they found that their feet were empty, they immediately activated their superpowers. , the whole person rushed forward quickly.

However, at this time, they also discovered that the scene here was wrong. Wouldn't it be a hall after telling it?

Is this the hall where you can see the sky when you look up?

And what's going on with those buildings?

Isn't there just a castle in the sky of the capital of hell?

Where did this building come from?

Moreover, despite their haste, the two warriors still saw the heavily armed soldiers on the building and the weapons in their hands facing them...


The hearts of these two guys who used supernatural powers sank. Although they still didn't know the power of the weapons in the hands of those warriors, it was obvious that no matter how weak the power was, the concentrated fire of so many weapons was enough to kill them both. Yes.

The two men's charge did not come with absolute defense, and even if they did, they would still have to face the siege of those people when their charge was over. The only difference was whether they could pull up the two people behind them.

However, the two guys immediately understood that they were thinking too much, because before their rush was over, they hit a transparent wall. The hard wall and the speed of their rush made them Without even screaming, it turned directly into two pools of flesh and blood, stuck to the transparent wall, and then slowly slid down...

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