This transparent wall is of course made by the intelligence brain - that is, the sub-system, which is also one of the defense systems.

Of course Li Yichen knew that even if he dug a hole and kept the space channel in the air, someone would still be able to rush over. After all, he had seen a lot of supernatural powers, and there were quite a few people in the capital of hell who could do it.

Because the ability to rush is a basic ability of the Zerg generals. Every insect general has it. After killing them, the system will of course be able to get an injection of this ability.

And because of the insect tide at that time, these insect generals and insect soldiers were the most killed creatures in the capital of hell, even more than the number of zombies. After all, the insect tide was endless.

Therefore, this kind of super power injection is not expensive to exchange in the brain. It is not much more expensive than the enhanced enzyme injection. The points of two enhanced enzyme injections are enough to exchange for one sudden power injection.

Therefore, basically all warriors who can learn superpowers will give themselves priority to injecting themselves with a sudden power injection. After all, this sudden power is very useful in battle, although this power injection does not Great stability, not every one will be equipped with absolute defense, but even if it only has a rush, it can be regarded as a trump card that can be used in battle.

For this reason, Li Yichen would of course be on guard against this kind of power, so he set up a transparent defense hall for Zhi Nao. In fact, Bit and others from the Guyan Federation were right in explaining to their soldiers that the original hall still existed. Yes, it’s just that some changes have occurred!

Now, there is still a hall surrounding the exit of the space passage, but it is larger than the original one, and it is completely transparent, and can appear and be released at any time.

If it is one of your own who comes in, then a transparent floor will appear under the space passage, and people can walk on it normally. But like now, if the enemy attacks, then the floor will of course disappear and be replaced by a Semi-circular transparent cover.

This layer of cover also has the property of being indestructible, so the two guys who activated the rush ability directly collided with this cover. Of course, the force generated by the rush acceleration was not something their bodies could withstand, so it became Two piles of minced meat.

Seeing that two people on their side had died inexplicably, and seeing that the situation around them was not right at all, and that there were so many heavily armed soldiers watching eagerly, the elites who rushed in certainly knew that they had fallen into a trap - and they were still It's really a trap, they are in that big pit now.

As a result, the elites carrying long-range weapons immediately began to fight back, but the bullets they fired were completely blocked by the transparent light shield, and they were unable to complete their mission.

Of course, the soldiers of the Hell City would not just watch the excitement, and the firearms in their hands also rang one after another...

The bullets of the Gu Yan Federation cannot pass through the light barrier, but the same cannot be said for the bullets of the Hell Capital soldiers. Otherwise, those soldiers would not waste bullets by shooting casually.

The appearance and disappearance of the light mask are all controlled by the intelligent brain. Therefore, when the bullet inside is shot, the light mask will of course not react at all and directly intercept the bullet. However, when the bullets fired by the soldiers of Hell City, the light mask is still there. When it gets close, it disappears and a round hole appears. After the bullet passes, the round hole will reappear.

If it were controlled by humans, this method would definitely not work. There are so many bullets, denser than raindrops. How could he control them? But in the system, these are not problems at all. In short, Zhinao can completely guarantee that. Not a single bullet inside will be fired, and not a single bullet outside will be intercepted.

With such a defense system that can be said to be completely unsolvable, Li Yichen certainly has enough confidence to face any enemy who dares to invade the Hell City. Moreover, compared with the Trial Continent, the current Hell Capital can be said to be truly powerful. 's impregnable.

Although weapons of mass destruction such as missiles cannot be used now because the enemy will pass through the entrance to the sky when they appear, the defense capabilities of the Hell City are undoubtedly stronger than before, and the places that need to be defended are There is only this small entrance.

To be honest, the reaction of the elites of the Gu Yan Federation was actually very fast. After falling into the pit, they immediately moved to the edge of the pit and gave up the position below the entrance to the Tianyu to avoid being attacked by their comrades who appeared next. If hit, although they are unlikely to be killed, it will always cause some chaos.

Afterwards, these elites began to exchange fire with the soldiers of the Capital of Hell. Some people simply jumped out of the pit, released the secrets of the defense system, and prepared to attack the defense line of the Capital of Hell. However, let’s not talk about the absolute defense shield that comes with the brain. It is impossible for those condescending Hell Capital soldiers to let them go so easily.

Although with the brain's cover, those guys shouldn't be able to break in no matter what, but if they were allowed to figure out their situation, I'm afraid they would consider breaking out of the entrance to the sky.

Now, people from the Gu Yan Federation are still pouring in. If one of them rushes out and sends a warning, the troops behind will definitely not come in again.

Li Yichen planned to take over the Tianyu of the Gu Yan Federation. Of course, he had to take advantage of now to greatly weaken the strength of the Gu Yan Federation. After all, when they went to attack other people's Tianyu, they would not have such convenience. Zhinao used It's great for defense, but not so good for offense.

Moreover, every change of Zhi Nao will consume some of Li Yichen's purification points, including the automatic opening and closing of Zhi Nao's defense cover to allow the bullets of Hell City soldiers to pass through, which will consume a lot of purification points.

The movement of the intellectual brain requires a large number of purification points. Although Li Yichen has never been short of purification points, he cannot squander it wantonly. Otherwise, once the purification points are consumed too much, he will want to exchange them for something. That's difficult.

The material reserves in the mall are quite abundant now. Even this huge building complex has not really strained the system mall. After all, Li Yichen has recycled a lot of cities during this period!

If the resources are no longer enough, he can return to Earth to search for more. There are thousands of cities there!

To be honest, long-range combat is not particularly familiar to the soldiers of Hell City, especially these warriors here now. The warriors who are best at using firearms are all on Xiaomao's side of the trial ground. The warriors here are close combat. The combat is okay, but there really isn't much use of firearms, so the marksmanship isn't that satisfying!

However, fortunately, there are many of them, and they are condescending. In addition, the soldiers who originally cleared the Tianyu have basically been transferred back, so accuracy is not that important. Anyway, those guys are within the scope of the cover, so they can fight If you can't hit your own target, you might be able to hit another one!

Almost as soon as the soldiers of Hell Capital opened fire, the elites of the Guyan Federation below suffered heavy casualties. Although all of them were A-level or even S-level beings, their body's defense capabilities were compromised in the rain of bullets. But it's insignificant.

Even Li Yichen, whose body has been systematically modified, can't really withstand bullets. However, his recovery power is strong, and he really doesn't care about ordinary injuries.

Li Yichen did not join the battle, he just stared down with his bow, and he had no intention of detonating those explosives now. It was not yet time. At least the people of the Guyan Federation were still rushing into the sky, and they had broken through anyway. If I can’t get rid of the cover, I might as well wait a little longer.

Of course, because Li Yichen didn't bury those explosives at all, the soldiers of the Gu Yan Federation could see them. However, even if they knew they were explosives, there was no way to throw them out now. With the cover blocking them, the bullets couldn't be fired. Not to mention throwing things out.

However, at least these explosives let the soldiers of the Ancient Yan Federation know the seriousness of the matter. Even if they have not seen the power of these explosives, they can still understand that once this thing explodes, their chances of surviving are infinitely close. Zero.

Therefore, although there were still soldiers coming out of the space channel and falling into the pit, some soldiers still jumped up, ready to risk their lives and rush into the space channel to spread the information inside.

No more people can enter. This is obviously a trap. Moreover, due to the lack of space, the people in the pit now have no room to escape. The new people who come in will directly hit them, and there are also people in the pit. Getting more and more crowded.

Although there are some elites who desperately rush out of the pit and want to launch an assault, there are fewer and fewer such people now. Except for a few people who have the secret of defense, everyone else is trying to hide in the pit. inside.

The reason is simple. Once you jump out of the pit, you will become the main target of attack. Basically, everyone who jumps out of the pit will be shot into a sieve by the soldiers above.

The soldiers in the capital of hell don’t understand what economy means. Anyway, they have plenty of bullets, so they can fight as hard as they can. If they hit, it’s good, but if they don’t, it’s just practice marksmanship. In their view, this situation cannot be called fighting at all, it can only be called fighting. It's called massacre.

Seeing someone leaping out of the pit and rushing directly towards the entrance to the sky, Li Yichen finally made a move. He opened the sky and a series of arrows flew out, piercing all the warriors who tried to rush into the space passage, without a single one. Can make exceptions.

At this time, Bit outside did not know what was going on inside, and was still urging his soldiers to enter the space channel. Now, all the elite commandos had entered, and those who followed were the remaining soldiers. Bit planned , when these warriors go in more, he will also enter the Heaven Realm. I believe that the castle in the Heaven Realm should be under the control of their Guyan Federation...

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