Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 939 The attack failed?

However, just when Bit was about to enter the Heaven Realm, an accident suddenly occurred. Among the teams entering the Heaven Realm, a figure suddenly appeared, and it happened to overlap with a warrior who was about to enter the Heaven Realm. The two of them instantly It shattered into pieces and turned into blood mist all over the sky...


Caught off guard, Bit, who was splashed with blood, was stunned and stopped in his tracks. However, because there was no order from him, even though there was an accident, other warriors continued to rush into the sky.

Looking at the debris on the ground, Bit took a deep breath. He knew that this happened because a person came out of the sky just now, and the space where he appeared happened to overlap with that unlucky warrior. As a result, the two guys who broke through the rules of space were instantly annihilated.

"Is that person from us or from Hell City?"

After being stunned for a moment, Bit suddenly shouted loudly, because the person who came out was instantly shattered, and he couldn't see clearly whether the clothes on him were his own or the enemy.

In addition to the warriors lining up to enter the Heaven Realm, Bit also arranged several circles of warriors around to defend the entrance to the Heaven Realm, because Bit felt that the Hell Capital might have left those little invisible men outside, in order to prevent They cause trouble, so be careful.

However, after hearing Bit's words, these warriors also looked at each other in confusion, because they were mainly on guard against someone approaching the entrance to the heavenly domain, so their attention was naturally focused on the periphery and did not pay attention to the entrance to the heavenly domain at all.

After all, their large army is entering the entrance of Tianyu. How can anyone come out of Tianyu at this time?

In addition, the guy exploded the moment he came out, so no one could see clearly which camp this guy belonged to.

When no one answered, Bit's face was livid. He couldn't be sure of the person's identity, so he couldn't make a decision immediately.

If that person is one of their own, it must mean that there is a problem in Tianyu, because if everything goes well, it is impossible for anyone to come back. This has been agreed a long time ago, and they also know that they will come back. If he did, not only would he very likely die, but he would also drag a comrade on his back. That means Bit was lucky. If that guy had come out five or six seconds later, maybe Bit would have been where he appeared. In that case , now Bit's own share of the flesh and blood of this place.

And if the guy who comes out is from the Hell Capital, it should mean that they have already gained a certain advantage inside. Therefore, the people in the Hell Capital are desperate and will think of taking risks and rushing out.

I have to say that Bit's strength may be good, but his brain doesn't seem to be big enough, because no matter how you think about it, the person who comes out is unlikely to be someone from the capital of hell, because everyone knows that when someone comes out of the space channel, risk There is a high chance of death if you enter, especially when those warriors pass by at such a fast speed. It is basically impossible to catch up with the space on the opposite side that is enough to accommodate you, unless you have mastered it like Li Yichen. Only those who follow the rules of space can fine-tune their position to avoid other people.

Moreover, at this time, the warriors of the Ancient Flame Federation are constantly pouring into the sky. It is obvious that there are a large number of warriors of the Ancient Flame Federation outside. Even if they enter the space channel and are lucky enough not to bump into other people, they will definitely be in a dangerous situation after they go out. Surrounded by enemies, there is still a dead end. Therefore, no matter how critical the situation inside is, the soldiers of Hell Capital will not rush out and would rather fight to death inside.

Bit didn't think about this at all. He just felt that if they had the advantage inside, then the people in Hell Capital might rush into the space channel in a panic.

However, Bit at least thought of one thing, that is... no matter whether this person belongs to the Capital of Hell or the Gu Yan Federation, it all shows one problem, that is, the battle in the Heaven Realm is not as smooth as he imagined.

It's very simple. According to Bit's idea, if everything goes well, they should have almost occupied the castle inside. If not, at least they should have taken down the hall where the space passage is located.

But now, even if the guy who rushed out is from the Capital of Hell, it means that the battle in the hall is still not over. Otherwise, how would the people from the Capital of Hell have the chance to rush to the space passage?

Therefore, Bit began to hesitate. He stood only five meters away from the space channel, looking at the warriors who were still rushing into the sky with uncertain eyes.

He didn't know whether he should give the order to stop entering the Heaven Realm now. If that soldier was really from his side, it meant that the fighting situation inside had become extremely bad, otherwise they would not have thought of escaping.

And if this is the case, the intention of the guy who is escaping is also obvious, and it is definitely to prevent them from continuing to enter the space channel.

But Bit was unwilling to order all the soldiers to stop entering. What if that guy was a soldier from the Capital of Hell?

It is possible that after knowing that they were coming, the Capital of Hell mobilized all its forces and launched a strong block against them at the entrance to the Heaven Realm, so the battle situation inside was not as smooth as it imagined.

If he orders to stop the attack at this time, then the previous strength will be wasted, because once the attack is stopped, the people inside will be given time to breathe, so that they can have time to rebuild their defense!

Moreover, after stopping the attack, they still cannot understand the situation inside. What should they do next?

Continue the attack?

Or wait for the big troops to arrive?

Waiting for the arrival of the large army is naturally the safest way. No matter how powerful the Hell City is, when the large army arrives, they will not be able to resist it. This heaven will definitely be captured by them.

But the problem is that in this way, Bit's credit will be completely lost. Let alone credit, this will even become a stain on him, letting everyone know that Bit is just okay with his own strength, but in terms of leading troops But no talent!

This is tantamount to completely blocking his future, and his status in the Guyan Federation will continue to decline, and he will eventually become an ordinary member of the mysterious powerhouses, and will never be able to obtain the rights he has now.

This is definitely unacceptable to Bit, but if the situation inside is really that bad, continuing to send troops will only increase the casualties. Once the casualties exceed half, then it will not only be a matter of losing some rights. After all, this is Gu Yan. If the federal elite suffered more than 5,000 casualties, the angry Crudy would probably beat him to a pulp!

Therefore, Bit's heart is quite entangled now, and in the process of his entanglement, the soldiers of the Guyan Federation are still marching towards the sky.


After hesitating for a long time, Bit finally reached out and grabbed a warrior who was rushing past him and was about to enter the sky, and shouted loudly.

After hearing Bit's order, all the soldiers stopped immediately. It has to be said that the elites are the elites. Putting strength aside, they did a very good job in terms of orders and prohibitions.

When the accident happened before, no matter it was Bit, other soldiers could definitely think that there was a problem or even a crisis inside. However, before Bit did not speak, all the soldiers seemed to have not seen it and continued to rush into the sky. area.

But now, with Bit's order, the constantly moving army stopped instantly and became as neat as one person.

All the soldiers looked at Bit, waiting for his next order, but Bit did not continue to speak, but just stared at the entrance to the sky.

Several soldiers who had arrived at the entrance to the Sky Domain and were about to enter, but stopped because of Bit's order, were being pushed back by the repulsive force of the space channel. However, because they did not receive new orders, these soldiers did not No movement, just watching Bit quietly.

After waiting for a full minute, there was no movement at the entrance to the sky. Bit couldn't help gritting his teeth. Now, he finally felt that something was wrong!

If the people inside are still fighting and the Gu Yan Federation still has the upper hand, then after the outside troops stop entering, those people inside should at least send one soldier to tell them the situation inside.

But now, a minute has passed, but there is no movement inside. There is only one possibility, that is, their army is at a disadvantage, and they cannot even send a person to rush into the space channel to convey the message.

"This is impossible!"

Bit shook his head and murmured in his mouth that he had gone into the Heavenly Realm of the Capital of Hell, and he had also carefully investigated those people. They were really all D-level or C-level, or even low-class guys. There was nothing at all. Advanced combat power.

With such strength and a castle that was not suitable for defending against outside invasion, the Hell City was able to suppress the soldiers they rushed in and beat them, even unable to escape?

Even if he beat Bit to death, he wouldn’t believe it! !

"Spread out! Surround the entrance to the Heaven Realm!"

After taking a deep breath, Bit suppressed his desire to continue the attack and spoke. The soldiers around him responded immediately and quickly spread out, surrounding the entrance to the sky.

Bit clenched his hands into fists and stared at the entrance to the Heaven Realm with a complicated expression. He now wanted to order the attack to continue, and he was also the first to rush into the Heaven Realm to see what was going on inside.

Anyway, according to the current situation, the future that he originally thought was quite brilliant has become scorched, so it is better to fight it out, rush into the sky, and fight with those hillbillies in the capital of hell. The worst is to die.

But Bit did nothing in the end, and just stood in front of the entrance to the Tianyu, until a soldier came to report that their reinforcements were about to arrive...

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