Apocalyptic garbage classification system

Chapter 972 Dramatic changes at night

Now Li Yichen didn't know anything about the world, and he only saw this deserted city. Except for plants, he hadn't seen any living creatures, not even mosquitoes and other creatures. The world seemed lifeless.

This is a bit weird for a world. Even if this world is supposed to be based on time rules, it doesn't quite feel right.

Especially now that Li Yichen is just an ordinary person. He only has a shotgun and less than forty bullets in his hand. This is his only weapon, and he doesn't know what level the creatures in this world are. If they are all ordinary, Fortunately, if there is a high-level life, it doesn't need to be too high. If there is a D-level life, Li Yichen will probably be dead.

According to the Grand Speaker, his life is not in danger here. Once he dies, he will be squeezed out of this world and reappear where he entered here. Moreover, this is also one of the two ways to leave here, the other is natural. It’s about solving the puzzle!

That's right, after entering and before solving the puzzle, the only way to get out is death. During the process of solving the puzzle, the Grand Speaker and others are said to have committed suicide countless times. Of course, the feeling of suicide will not be pleasant, but for To become the God of Creation, obviously they don't care about committing suicide a few more times!

While climbing up the stairwell, Li Yichen listened carefully to the movements around him. However, there was a deathly silence in the whole building. There was nothing unusual about it. However, from the stairs or the ground, Li Yichen discovered There are many footprints, handprints on the stair rails and walls that are similar to human palm prints, and they are all new and left no more than 24 hours old.

When Li Yichen came to the rooftop, there was only a little afterglow of the sun left in the sky, and darkness would soon come. Li Yichen searched carefully on the rooftop, but found no useful clues, except for the footprints of the unknown creature. Except for the palm prints, no new traces were found.

After thinking about it, Li Yichen cleaned up the traces he left and left the rooftop. He originally wanted to stay on the rooftop, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up. The main reason was that he had no interest in this world. I know a little bit that although the rooftop is considered safe and any abnormal movement can be detected immediately, it is also easier to expose oneself. What's more, there are also traces of that kind of creature on the rooftop.

Finding a room on the top floor of the building, Li Yichen found a more comfortable position on the edge of the window and hid. Although he doesn't have any powers now, after all, Li Yichen also worked as a hunter for a year. At that time, he was the same He is an ordinary person, but he has survived for a year in the zombie-filled environment of the Trial Land, and he still has the ability to survive.

The last ray of dawn quickly sank into the earth, and darkness enveloped the entire city. There was no moon or stars in this world, so the night was pure black without even a trace of light.

What surprised Li Yichen was that his night vision ability was still there, which seemed a bit inappropriate. If the eyes are one of the organs, so the powers of the eyes are not limited, then why is Li Yichen's insight... All other abilities of the eyes disappear, leaving only the ability of night vision?

But no matter what, at least this is a good thing. Being able to see in the dark is better than not seeing anything at all!

Li Yichen adjusted his posture slightly and looked outside. There was still silence and nothing down there. It seemed that he was the only living creature in the entire city that could move.

Li Yichen couldn't help but feel a sinking feeling in his heart. In fact, there were no living creatures at all. If it was just him, it wouldn't be a bad thing. At least it meant that there was no danger in this city. Li Yichen had also seen it just now. There was enough food and water here. He There is no need to worry about your survival.

But the problem is that he didn't come here to take refuge. If he had encountered such an empty city in the trial land when he was still a hunter, he might have been overjoyed, but for him now, this Definitely not a good thing.

Nothing, so what's his puzzle?

How to untie it?

He always has to encounter something before he can find his own puzzle and find a way to face it.

However, Li Yichen felt a little calmer when he thought about the traces of unknown creatures he had just discovered. Those traces were all new, so he could not be the only one in this city. Just when he thought of this, He suddenly heard a roar coming from below - yes, it was a roar!

The roar was strange. It didn't sound like a human being, but it didn't sound like an animal either. It sounded a bit like a zombie, but the zombie's roar was not that sharp.

Moreover, the roar came from underneath the building, not only under the building where Li Yichen was located, but also from other surrounding buildings.

Soon, Li Yichen saw the owners of these voices. They were a large group of humanoid creatures, similar in appearance and size to humans, but their skin was dark gray and they had sharp fangs. They looked like Much like zombies.

But they are quite fast and very agile, and can even climb quickly on the outer walls of the building!

Seeing these guys, Li Yichen was even more careful and remained motionless. Although he had not yet seen the true strength of these guys, as he was now, the abilities these guys had shown so far were enough to deal with him.

Moreover, the most terrifying thing is the number of these guys. They pour out of various buildings like a tide, come to the streets and run wild, and many of them climb up the walls of the buildings.


Soon, Li Yichen discovered that there were many such creatures who seemed to have discovered something. They gathered on the route he walked into the city, smelling something vigorously...

When Li Yichen first entered the city, he didn't think of hiding his traces. Moreover, judging from the actions of these guys, it seemed that they had very good noses. If this was the case, it shouldn't be a problem to find him.

When he came down from the rooftop, he eliminated the traces he left because he wanted to stay here, but his smell could not be covered up at all!

The guys below seemed to have found the source of the smell, and they began to pour into the building where Li Yichen was located. Not long after, Li Yichen heard noisy sounds coming from the stairs.

Li Yichen immediately jumped up and took off his disguise. Now he was sure that these ugly guys relied on their sense of smell, so his disguise no longer worked. What he wanted to think about now was how to deal with the crisis at hand!

Looking around him, Li Yichen was glad that his night vision ability was still there. Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to see those guys at all and could only hear their voices, so he wouldn't be able to tell that he was exposed.

If that's the case, I'm afraid that now, I will continue to ambush until those guys rush up and tear me into pieces!

The room he is in now is a bit too big and has many windows. It is not suitable for fighting those monsters here, so Li Yichen must change his room!


Li Yichen held the shotgun, opened the door and rushed out. Now he couldn't care about anything else. Anyway, those guys could find him by following the scent he left, so it didn't matter if he made any more noise.

After running along the corridor for about ten meters, Li Yichen turned into a nearby passage, which led to the bathroom. Although this bathroom was not too small, it only had a few ventilation holes and no windows. Compared with the previous one, Better defense! Those monsters could climb, and Li Yichen didn't think the glass on the window could stop them.

However, just as Li Yichen rushed to the bathroom, he suddenly changed his mind, turned right, turned into another corridor, rushed into an open room, and then closed the heavy iron door with force!

Because he had returned to the strength of an ordinary person, Li Yichen also used his original caution. When choosing a place to spend the night, Li Yichen visited several houses around him. If it weren't for lack of time, he would even Check the entire floor and even the next floor to be aware of everything.

The room he entered now should be a place similar to the finance department where valuables are stored. The door was made of heavy metal, and there were metal bars on the outside of the window! And there are only two windows.

I didn't choose this place before because the view here was not good, but now I obviously don't have to think about it. Those monsters have already rushed up, so what else do I need to do with the view? The question now is to survive tonight!

Although he said he didn't understand the world, Li Yichen didn't see a single monster during the day, and after the light completely disappeared, they were just as useful as the tide. So, it was very likely that these guys couldn't appear during the day.

As for whether they couldn't access light or something else, Li Yichen didn't know.

After closing the door, Li Yichen quickly glanced at the room. Of course, his night vision was not as clear as during the day, but it was enough for him to see everything in the room.

This room is divided into two rooms. The outer room is 200 square meters, has two windows, and several metal cabinets along the wall. The cabinet doors are all closed.

Li Yichen looked at the window, came to the window and looked down, and found that there were many monsters climbing up below. Looking at the iron bars outside the window, Li Yichen was a little unsure whether these iron guardrails could stop these guys!

However, Li Yichen has no other choice now. No matter how bad this place is, it is still better than the previous one or the bathroom! At least the iron door is strong enough. If two windows are guarded, it should be okay. The only concern is... he only has less than forty bullets!

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